Romanian to English: Document suport pentru panelul Semnatura electronica si identificarea electronica General field: Law/Patents | |
Source text - Romanian Directiva 1999/93/CE privind un cadru comunitar pentru semnaturile electronice a fost adoptata de catre Parlamentul European si de Consiliu in decembrie 1999.
Scopul directivei este de a facilita utilizarea semnaturilor electronice si sa contribuie la recunoasterea lor legala. Aceasta stabileste un cadru juridic armonizat pentru semnatura electronica si pentru furnizorii de servicii de certificare in cadrul pietei interne. Scopul este de a face semnaturile electronice mai usor de utilizat si a le ajuta sa devina recunoscute din punct de vedere legal in cadrul statelor membre.
Din 1999, Comisia Europeana a intreprins mai multe actiuni care au completat si dezvoltat directiva mentionata, stabilind un cadru de reglementare in acelasi timp cu facilitarea rezolvarii problemelor rezultate din transpunerea si punerea in aplicare a directivei.
Cu toate acestea, o analiza juridica si tehnica a utilizarii in practica a semnaturii electronice arata o lipsa de incredere a cetatenilor sau mediului de afaceri atunci când interactioneaza electronic, factor care impiedica dezvoltarea economiei on-line la nivelul UE.
In plus, lipsa unui cadru juridic comun care sa determine/angajeze fiecare stat membru sa recunoasca si sa accepte instrumentele de identificare electronica (eID) emise in alte state membre pentru accesarea serviciilor on-line, pe de o parte, si insuficienta interoperabilitate transfrontaliera a eID-urilor nationale, pe de alta parte, constituie obstacole care impiedica cetatenii si intreprinderile sa beneficieze pe deplin de piata unica digitala. | Translation - English The Directive 1999/93/EC on a Community framework for electronic signatures was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in December 1999.
The purpose of the Directive is to facilitate the use of electronic signatures and to contribute to their legal recognition. It establishes a harmonised a legal framework for eSignature and for certification-services providers in the internal market. The aim is to make electronic signatures easier to use and help them become legally recognised within the Member States.
Since 1999, the European Commission has developed several actions that have completed and developed the mentioned Directive and its purpose, setting a regulatory framework while helping to solve the problems resulting from the transposition and implementation of the Directive.
However, a legal and technical analysis of the practical usage of e-signatures shows a lack of confidence of citizens or business when interacting electronically, a factor that holds back the development of the EU’s online economy.
Furthermore, the lack of a common legal basis engaging each Member State to recognise and accept eIDs issued in other Member States to access online services and the insufficient cross-border interoperability of national eIDs lead to barriers which hinders citizens and businesses to fully benefit from the digital single market.