Chinese to English: 某钻井液产品介绍 product description of a drilling fluid General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng | |
Source text - Chinese 适用于各种钻井液体系,是一种较好的油层保护剂。优良的油溶特性,可满足油井开发后期的钻井需要。粒度在0.5-20µm之间,是优良的油层屏蔽填充粒子。优良的油层屏蔽填充粒子。优良的井壁稳定作用,可提高井壁强度和韧性。有效地降低摩阻及扭矩,起极压润滑作用。不影响钻井液的流变性能,与其它处理剂配伍性良好。无毒,不污染环境。 | Translation - English Adapted to a variety of drilling fluid systems, it is a well-performing protective additive for oil reservoir. With its high solubility in oil, it also fulfills the various needs for the drillings in the later stage of oilfield development. Having a particle size between 0.5-20µm,the product is a well-performing injection particle for the shielding of oil reservoir. (Well-performing injection particles for the shielding of oil reservoir) The product also effectively helps stabilizing the wellbore walls as it could enhance the firmness and toughness of wellbore walls. By drastically lowering down the frictional resistance and torque on the surface, it serves as extreme-pressure lubricant, without affecting the fluidity of drilling fluid. It is highly compatible to other additives, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. |
English to Chinese: A method of producing guanosine using an adenine-requiring microorganism General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Patents | |
This application is a continuation of now abandoned application Ser. No. 389,458, filed June 17, 1982, now abandoned.
This invention relates to a method of producing guanosine using a microorganism.
Guanosine is useful as a starting material in the production of 5'-guanylic acid which, as a seasoning, holds an important position in the food industry. Some methods are known for the production of guanosine by fermentation, for example a method using Bacillus pumilus or Bacillus licheniformis [Japanese Patent Publication(examined) No. 33392/1973] and a method using Bacillus subtilis [Japanese Patent Publication (examined) No.2955/1980]. However, these known methods are not very advantagenous from the industrial viewpoint because the amount of guanosine accumulated in the fermentation broth can reach at most only 8-10 grams per liter.
| Translation - Chinese 鸟嘌呤核苷的生产方法
5'-鸟苷酸是一种广泛应用于食品工业的重要调味品,鸟嘌呤核苷系其生产所用的初始原料之一。目前,已经有几种同样利用微生物发酵作用来生产鸟嘌呤核苷的方法,例如:使用短小芽孢杆菌(Bacillus pumilus)或地衣芽胞杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis)生产鸟嘌呤核苷的方法[日本专利公开(已审核)号:33392/1973]、以及使用枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)的生产方法[日本专利公开(已审核)号:2955/1980]。尽管如此,从工业角度来看,这些已知的方法都不够优良,因为从发酵液中产出并累积的鸟嘌呤核苷数量最多只能达到每升8-10克。
English to Chinese: The OpenGL Programmable Pipeline General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software | |
Source text - English All the built-in identifiers begin with the reserved prefix "gl_" to set them apart. 4.1. The Vertex Processor
The vertex processor executes a vertex shader and replaces the fixed functionality OpenGL per-vertex operations. Specifically, when the vertex processor is executing a vertex shader, the following fixed functionality operations are affected:
• The modelview matrix is not applied to vertex coordinates.
• The projection matrix is not applied to vertex coordinates.
• The texture matrices are not applied to texture coordinates.
• Normals are not transformed to eye coordinates.
• Normals are not rescaled or normalized.
• Normalization of GL_AUTO_NORMAL evaluated normals is not performed.
• Texture coordinates are not generated automatically.
• Per-vertex lighting is not performed.
• Color material computations are not performed.
• Color index lighting is not performed.
• Point size distance attenuation is not performed.
• All of the preceding apply to setting the current raster position.
| Translation - Chinese 所有的内置标示符,都是以保留前缀“gl_”开头,以便区分。
4.1. 顶点处理器程序
顶点处理器执行顶点着色器程序,并且取代了OpenGL固定功能中的各项逐顶点操作。 值得一提的是,当顶点处理器程序执行顶点着色器程序时,以下固定功能操作将会被影响到:
• 模型视角矩阵不被用于顶点坐标上。
• 投影矩阵不被用于顶点坐标上。
• 纹理矩阵不被用于顶点坐标上。
• 法向量不被转化为视点坐标。
• 法向量不被缩放或被规范化。
• 不对由GL_AOTO_NORMAL指令计算出来的法向量执行规范化。
• 不自动生成纹理坐标
• 逐顶点照明不被执行。
• 颜色材料计算不被执行
• 颜色指数照明不被执行。
• 点大小距离衰退不被执行。
• 当设定好光栅位置后,以上所有操作都不可用。
Chinese to English: 多功能光热太阳能系统简介 General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation | |
Source text - Chinese 多功能光热太阳能系统简介
一、 工作原理
| Translation - English Multi-functional Solar Powered Drying and Heating System
Fact Sheet
Are you anxious about the high cost of drying and heating during manufacture? Are you looking for a method that permanently reduces your energy cost? Our company provides you an ultimate solution to the questions above with a unique and proprietary multi-functional solar drying and heating system (Patent No.:201220048691.9)
1. Mechanism
The solar energy is converted into heat energy and stored in a heat-storage medium, before its utilization of generating a blowing hot air for space heating and material drying by the means of heat conversion. The conventional heating and drying system is replaced by cost-free solar powered system, thus significantly reducing the energy cost on manufacture.