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English to Romanian: Article on nutrition General field: Medical
Source text - English Nervous system and fats
The human brain consists of ~ 60% fats. Lipids ingested over time continuously shape the brain, from childhood to old age, influencing essentially learning, memory, attention, concentration.
From this point of view the type of fat we eat is crucial for the health of the nervous system. Recent research shows that too much saturated fat (less than 10% of daily calorie intake and 30 grams for a 2,500 kcal diet) have a profoundly detrimental effect on the brain, inducing memory and learning dysfunction with altered cognitive behavior. In addition, it seems that the harmful effects of saturated fats on the brain are cumulative, and associated with learning disabilities in young people, fast memory loss in adults, the occurrence of neurodegenerative diseases particularly Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Saturated fats interfere with proper functioning of insulin, causing insulin resistance, type 2 pre-diabetes state, and the disruption glucose usage by the brain.
EXCESSIVE consumption of saturated animal fats (fatty meat, whole milk, butter, fatty cheese), fried foods, and excess vegetable oils rich in omega-6 fatty acids (sunflower, corn, safflower oil) and trans fatty acids (margarine, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats), especially during childhood, will have later on devastating effects and will trigger the occurrence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), early degradation of mental faculties (a form of pre-senility), the occurrence of chronic diseases and accelerated aging.
Since the brain is made mostly of fat, their quality directly determines the quality of the structures of the nervous system and its optimal functioning. Therefore a diet devoid of fat is
dangerous (it is recommended that fats represent less than 25-30% of total calories daily for a healthy person).
In terms of quality fats can be divided into two broad categories: health and dangerous for the brain.
Healthy fats
fats from oily fish in cold water ocean areas (wild salmon), cod, tuna, hake, mackerel, sardines, seafood, natural butter - in moderation and raw. You can also use dietary supplements with omega 3, preferably stabilized with natural vitamin E instead of replace synthetic antioxidants BHA, BHT (E 320, 321).
fats from food sources of vegetable origin (green vegetables, nuts, flax seeds, hemp oil, rapeseed oil);
fats from olive oil, rapeseed, peanuts, palm oil (especially red palm oil), argan oil, pine nuts;
Dangerous fats:
saturated animal fats: fat and fatty meat;
hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (margarine), mayonnaise, processed foods, biscuits, snacks, chips, pastries, cakes, fast food;
excess vegetable oils rich in omega-6 fatty acids: corn, safflower, sunflower, processed food.
Translation - Romanian Sistemul nervos şi grăsimile
Creierul uman este alcătuit în proporţie de ~ 60% din lipide. Lipidele ingerate în
decursul vieţii modelează permanent creierul, din copilărie până la bătrânețe, determinând în mod esenţial performanţele de învăţare, memorie, atenţie, concentrare.
Din acest punct de vedere tipul de grăsimi cu care ne hrănim este determinant
pentru sănătatea sistemului nervos. Cercetări recente demonstrează faptul că grăsimile
saturate în exces (mai mult de 10% din aportul caloric zilnic, respectiv 30 g pentru o
dietă de 2500 kcal) au un efect profund dăunător asupra creierului, inducând disfuncţii
ale memoriei şi învăţării cu alterarea comportamentului cognitiv. În plus, se pare că efec-
tele dăunătoare ale grăsimilor saturate asupra creierului sunt cumulative, fiind asociate
cu deficienţe de învăţare la tineri, accelerarea pierderii memoriei la adulţi, apariţia bo-
lilor neurodegenerative Alzheimer şi în special a maladiei Parkinson. Grăsimile saturate
interferă şi cu buna funcţionare a insulinei, determinând rezistenţa la insulină, stare
prediabetică de tip 2, cu perturbarea utilizării glucozei de către creier.
Periculozitatea consumului EXCESIV de grăsimi
animale saturate (carne grasă, lapte integral, unt, brânză grasă), alimente prăjite, dar şi excesul de uleiuri vegetale bogate în acizi graşi omega-6 (floarea-soarelui, porumb, şofrănel) şi acizi graşi trans (margarine, grăsimi hidrogenate şi parţial hidrogenate), mai ales încă din perioadele copilăriei, vor avea mai târziu efecte devastatoare grăbind apariţia bolilor cardiovasculare
(CVD), degradarea timpurie a facultăţilor mentale (o formă de presenilitate), apariţia bolilor cronice şi îmbătrânirea accelerată.
Din moment ce creierul este construit preponderent din grăsimi, calitatea acestora determină direct calitatea structurilor sistemului nervos şi funcţionarea optimă a acestuia. Din această cauză o dietă lipsită în întregime de grăsimi este periculoasă (pentru omul sănătos se recomandă ca grăsimile să reprezinte sub 25 - 30% din aportul caloric total, zilnic).
Din punct de vedere al calităţii, grăsimile pot fi împărţite în două mari categorii: sănătoase şi periculoase pentru creier.
Grăsimi sănătoase
grăsimile din peştele gras din zonele oceanice cu ape reci (somon sălbatic), cod, ton, merluciu, macrou, sardine, fructe de mare, unt natural - cu moderaţie şi în stare crudă. Se pot utiliza şi auplimente alimentare cu omega 3, de preferat stabilizate cu vitamina E naturală în locul antioxidanţilor de sinteză BHA, BHT (E 320, 321).
grăsimile din surse alimentare de origine vegetală (legume verzi, nuci, seminţe de in, ulei de cânepă, ulei de rapiță);
grăsimile din uleiul de măsline, rapiţă, arahide, palmier (mai ales uleiul roşu de palmier), uleiul de Argan, de seminţe de pin;
Grăsimi periculoase
grăsimi animale saturate din: grăsime şi carne grasă;
uleiuri vegetale hidrogenate şi parţial hidrogenate (margarine), maioneze, alimente procesate, biscuiţi, snack-uri, chipsuri, produse de patiserie, cofetărie, fast-food;
excesul de uleiuri vegetale bogate în acizi graşi omega 6 din: porumb, şofrănel, floarea-soarelui, alimente procesate.
English to Swedish: Translation English-Swedish of billing interface General field: Other
Source text - English What is Moneygram?
MoneyGram Money Transfer is a person to person money transfer service that enables you to send or receive money quickly, reliably, conveniently, in a more secured manner, and at attractive rates to recipients in 170 countries worldwide. You don’t need a bank account or credit card and no complicated procedures for sending and receiving money.
How can I pay for the product with MoneyGram?
Step 1
Choose MoneyGram option while placing the order. Be sure to give a valid e-mail address!!!
Step 2
Check your e-mail box. Payment details (Receiver name, Receiver address) will be sent to the e-mail address that you specified as soon as the order is approved.
Step 3
Visit a local MoneyGram agency. Complete the "Send" Money form, including your and your receiver's first and last name (as shown on identification), the city and country to which the money is being sent, and the amount you wish to send.
Give the completed form and the required document(s) showing evidence of your identity to the Agent. Give the Agent the money you want to send plus the transaction fee. After completing your payment you will receive a MoneyGram reference number.
Step 4
Visit our Customer Support Center and fill in the Reference number online form to confirm the sending of your payment.
Step 5
As soon as the payment is received (it takes about 3-4 days) the product is sent out.
Translation - Swedish Vad är Moneygram?
MoneyGram Money Transfer är en person-till-person pengar överföringsservice du kan använda för att skicka eller ta emot pengar snabbt, säkert, bekvämt, på ett säkrare sätt, och till attraktiva priser för mottagarna i 170 länder världen över. Du behöver inte ha ett bankkonto eller kreditkort och det finns inga komplicerade procedurer för att skicka och att ta emot pengar
Hur kan jag betala för produkten genom MoneyGram?
Steg 1
Välj alternativet MoneyGram när du placerar beställningen. Se till att du sätter in en giltig e-postadress!!!
Steg 2
Kontrollera din e-postadress. Betalningsinformation (Mottagarens namn, Mottagarens adress) kommer att skickas till e-postadressen som du angav så snart beställningen är godkänd.
Steg 3
Besök en lokal MoneyGram byrå. Fyll i "Skicka Pengar" formuläret, inklusive din och mottagarens för-och efternamn (som visas på identifiering), stad och land där pengarna skickas, och beloppet du vill skicka.
Ge det ifyllda formuläret och de obligatoriska handling(ar) som visar tecken på din identitet till Agenten. Ge Agenten pengarna du vill skicka plus transaktionsavgiften. Efter din betalning avslutades ska du få ett MoneyGram referensnummer.
Steg 4
Besök vår Customer Support Center och fylla i Referensnummer online formuläret för att bekräfta att du skickat pengarna.
Steg 5
Produkten skickas ut så snart vi fär betalningen (det tar ungefär 3-4 dagar).
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Univeristy for Foreign Languages and Literatures
Years of experience: 22. Registered at May 2012.