Spanish to English: translator license General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Agriculture | |
Source text - Spanish one of the most dangerous crop plague in corn plantations is yellow mold, which by far, has been insuficiently treated by corn growers in South America. However great efforts are being developed by crop scientists aiming at the final turndown of this unwanted plant desease | Translation - English Uno de las peligrosas plagas de los sembrios de maiz es el hongo amarillo, que por ahora ha sido tratado insuficientemente por los maizeros en Sudamerica. Sinembargo se realizan grandes esfuerzos por cientificos agricolas dirigidos al
combate final de esta indeseable enfermedad vegetal
Spanish to English: Metodos estadisticos y bioquimicos en ingestigacon del consumo de yuca General field: Science Detailed field: Medical: Health Care | |
Source text - Spanish Mucho de la informacion en esta monografia muestra resultados de los estudios epidemiologicos
e investigacion bioquimica de la funcion tyroidal, metabolismo del SCN, y suplementos alimentarios de yodo,HCN y proteinas.Las comparaciones y relaciones entre resultados en diferentes grupos de pacientes, han sido revisados por varios metodos estadisticos. | Translation - English Much of the information in this monograph report results from epidemiological investigaations of thyroid function, SCN ( thiocyanate) metabolism and dietary supplies of iodine,CNH
(cyanure) and proteins. The comparison and the relationsships between the results, in different groups of patients have been assessed by several statistical methods. |