Japanese to English: 四半期決算短信からの抜粋 / Excerpt from Quarterly Earnings Summary General field: Bus/Financial | |
Source text - Japanese (1)経営成績に関する説明
平成29年3月末における一般世帯のスマ ートフォン普及率は67.4%まで 拡大し、平成29年のスマートフォン広告 市場は、前年比22.2%増の4,542億円と順調な成長が見込まれます。
特に動画広告市場(PC含む)の急成長が 予想され、平成29年は前年比58.1%増の 800億円に拡大し、平成30年には1,000億円を突破、平成33年には2,000億円に達 すると予測されております。
このような環境のもと、当社グループは、引き続きスマートフォン市場の成長を取り込み、当第3四半期連結累計期間における売上高は225,048百万円(前年同期比21.6%増)、営業利益は32,569百万円(前年同期比20.7%増)、経常利益は31,800百万円(前年同期比16.6%増)、親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益は12,294百万円(前年同期比0.1%増)となりました。 | Translation - English (1) Discussion of Operating Results
The penetration rate for smartphones in general households reached 67.4% at the end of March 2017, and growth in the smartphone advertising market is expected to remain strong throughout the year, increasing 22.2% over the previous year to ¥454.2 billion.
The video advertising market in particular (including computers) is forecast to grow rapidly, increasing 58.1% in 2017 over the preceding year to ¥80 billion, and is expected to top ¥100 billion in 2018 and reach ¥200 billion in 2021.
The Group has continued to work toward achieving growth in the smartphone market under the market conditions outlined above, posting sales of ¥225.048 billion for the cumulative consolidated third quarter under review (an increase of 21.6% over the previous year), operating income of ¥32.569 billion (an increase of 20.7%), ordinary income of ¥31.8 billion (an increase of 16.6%) and quarterly net income attributable to the shareholders of the parent company of ¥12.294 billion (an increase of 0.1%). |
Japanese to English: アナリスト・レポートからの抜粋 / Analyst Report Excerpt General field: Bus/Financial | |
Source text - Japanese 四半期会計期間でみると、第2四半期の売上高が第1四半期に比べて伸長しているものの、同社の売上高は第2四半期、第3四半期に偏る傾向があり、ほぼ想定通りといえる。
| Translation - English From a quarterly perspective, sales at the Company tend to favor the second and third quarters and were were largely in line with forecasts, despite sales from the second quarter increasing over the first quarter.
As mentioned earlier, however, the company has reined in research and development costs, and as a result, operating profit margin has improved and operating income has exceeded forecasts. Moreover, ordinary income received a boost from the ¥142 million in foreign exchange gains posted by the company.
Results for the cumulative second quarter have topped initial expectations, leading the company to revise its earnings forecast for the current fiscal year. The company has left its sales forecast unchanged but has raised its estimates for operating income to ¥100 million, ordinary income to ¥200 million, and net income to ¥150 million. The increases are limited to the same levels as those from the cumulative second quarter, both in terms of amount and range. Although we expect profits to increase further due to the current strength of the yen, more time will be needed before lower procurement costs are reflected in earnings. There is also the possibility that the company may incur a valuation loss on inventories acquired when the yen was weaker should the yen rise sharply. Special attention will need to be paid to exchange rate fluctuations. |