University of North Carolina -- Chapel Hill, 08/2013-present, pursuing Master's of Science in Information Science
College of William and Mary, graduated 05/2012, BA in German Studies, Italian 201, 202
Vassar College, summer exchange program in Münster, Germany, 05/2008-07/2008
Piedmont Virginia Community College, 09/2006-12/2006, dean’s list
Virginia Commonwealth University, 09/2004-05/2006, majoring in music, dean’s list
Tandem Friends School, graduated 05/2004
Seawell Award for Excellence in Music, June 2004 from Tandem Friends School
Arthur C. Greene Rising Star Youth Incentive Award (for musical achievement) from Piedmont Council of the Arts, 2003
Summa Cum Laude, National Latin Exam, April 2000
President of American Civil Liberties Union’s College of William and Mary undergraduate chapter, 05/2007-12/2008
Coordinator of Amnesty International, College of William and Mary Group, 04/2008-12/2008
Secretary of Libertarian Students, William and Mary chapter, 01/2008-12/2008
President of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, William and Mary chapter, 08/2008-12/2008
Amara: 08/2013-present (team member: transcribing, synchronizing, and reviewing video subtitles)
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition: 09/2009-present (volunteer: speaker booking, research)
International Rescue Committee: 03/2009-01/2010, 07/2012-08/2013 (volunteer: English tutoring)
University of Virginia libraries: 05/2006- 08/2006, 05/2012-06/2013 (volunteer: cataloging, shelving, etc.)
The Nature Conservancy, Virginia Chapter: 02/2009 - 06/2009 (volunteer: digitizing documents)