Korean to English: Moon Su Kim: "We Must Resolve North Korean Human Rights Issues to Become a Model for World Leadership" Political News Article Translation General field: Other | |
Source text - Korean 김문수 경기도지사는 26일 "북한민주화 문제와 인권문제를 잘 해결해야 대한민국이 세계의 리더십을 발휘할 수 있다"고 강조했다.
김 지사는 이날 오후 탈북난민구출네트워크와 탈북난민북한구원한국교회연합 등이 공동주최한 '탈북난민 북송반대 국제회의'에서 축사를 통해 "대한민국이 만든 물건은 이미 명품이지만 정신적으로 훌륭한 리더십을 갖기 위해서는 이 문제에 대해 정치지도자와 국회의원들이 분발해 큰 성과를 거둬야 한다"며 이같이 말했다.
그는 "(북한) 동포의 인권과 민주주의를 외면하면서 민주화운동을 했다고 말 할 수 있나"고 반문하며 "국회의원 시절 미국 의회에서 북한인권법이 어떻게 만장일치로 통과될 수 있었는지 물었더니 '(북한인권법에) 반대하면 미국 정계에서 매장당하고 정치생명이 끝장난다'는 대답을 들었다"고 소개했다.
황우여 새누리당 대표도 축사에서 "탈북자 문제는 통일과 대한민국의 회복을 위해 아주 중요하고 세계인권문제 측면에서도 가장 중요한 일"이라고 강조했다.
'탈북난민 북한구원 한국교회연합'은 교회의 대북활동을 일원화하기 위해 이날 출범했다. '탈북난민구출네트워크'는 북한인권단체연합회와 북한민주화위원회 등 500여개 시민단체가 모여 지난 3월 결성됐다.
http://news.donga.com/Politics/New/3/00/20120626/47311530/1 | Translation - English On the 26th, Governor Moon Su Kim of Kyeong-Gi province stressed “We must solve the issues of democratization and human rights in North Korea; in this way South Korea can become a model for leadership on a global scale.”
This evening, Governor Kim spoke at the International North Korean Refugee Repatriation Opposition Conference, hosted cooperatively by the North Korean Refugee Rescue Network and the Korean Church Coalition to Save North Korean Refugees. He said that South Korea is already famous for manufacturing goods, but in order to posses the true spirit of exemplary leadership political leaders and assemblymen must press on with these issues to achieve a desirable resolution.
When asked if North Korea could just claim to be moving toward democracy while really turning their back on it and the rights of their countrymen, Governor Kim announced “Though the National Assembly wondered if North Korean human rights laws could be ratified unanimously through the U.S. Congress, they have answered that anyone in the U.S. political world who opposes human rights legislation in North Korea will immediately see the end of his political career."
U-Yeo Hwang, the Saenuri Party representative, said in his speech “Dealing with the issue of North Korean defectors is very important for the recovery of South Korea, but the most important thing is the aspect of global human rights issues.”
The Korean Church Coalition to Save North Korean Refugees was established this day in order to unite churches’ activities concerning North Korea. The North Korean Refugee Rescue Network is an amalgamation formed last March of over 500 civic groups including the North Korean Human Rights Coalition and the Assembly for Democratization of North Korea.
http://news.donga.com/Politics/New/3/00/20120626/47311530/1 |