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Catalan to English: Junts som més forts - raons per ser soci General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - Catalan Junts som més forts - raons per ser soci
Representem i defensem les pimes i els autònoms en més de 300 meses de representació institucional, dels diferents organismes de l’administració local, autonòmica, estatal i europea, per contribuir a crear un marc més favorable a aquest col•lectiu.
Creiem en els sectors d’activitat productiva del país i els ajudem a través d’una estructura sectorial pròpia que vetlla i defensa els seus interessos.
Tenim una xarxa de 14 seus i delegacions per tot Catalunya, per estar més a prop del soci, conèixer i defensar les pimes en el seu territori, i permetre un accés ràpid als nostres recursos i serveis.
Col•laborem i desenvolupem projectes i activitats per afavorir la innovació i l’emprenedoria i per estar al costat dels projectes empresarials en el seu creixement i la seva consolidació. Tot això ho fem de la mà de les administracions locals per ajudar a millorar el desenvolupament econòmic dels diferents territoris.
Organitzem jornades, fòrums i actes de petit i gran format amb continguts d’interès per a la pime i els autònoms.
Tenim una xarxa d’assessors financers experts per tot Catalunya, que ofereixen una diagnosi gratuïta de l’estat de les finances de l’empresa.
Som líders en recerca i obtenció de finançament, a través de diverses fonts privades i públiques, per a les pimes de Catalunya: entitats financeres, subvencions, préstecs participatius, préstecs bonificats, capital risc, àngels inversors (business angels), inversors privats…
Fem mediació amb els bancs per ajudar les empreses a negociar i millorar les seves condicions de finançament.
Oferim un pla de revalorització i reflotament de l’empresa per preveure i importar un seguit de mesures per assolir el creixement estable.
Informem i assessorem sobre subvencions per a la internacionalització.
Donem cobertura integral en l’àmbit civil, fem negociacions extrajudicials i redactem acords i contractes mercantils. També portem processos judicials: civils i mercantils. Gestionem i fem el seguiment d’impagats, concursos de creditors, constitucions de societats i patents i marques.
Translation - English Together we are stronger - reasons to become a member
We represent and defend SMEs and self-employed workers on more than 300 institutional representational boards within the different public administration bodies at local, regional, national and European levels, contributing to the creation of a more favorable framework for this collective.
We believe in this country’s industries and help them with sector-specific structures that look after and defend their interests.
We have a network of 14 head offices and delegations throughout Catalonia so that we can be closer to our members, get to know and defend SMEs in their own territory and provide them with quick access to our resources and services.
We develop and collaborate on projects and activities that promote innovation and entrepreneurialism, and we accompany business projects in their growth and consolidation. We do this with the aid of local administration to foster economic development across the different territories.
We organize small and large-scale events, forums and conferences on topics of interest to SMEs and self-employed workers.
We have a network of expert financial advisors throughout Catalonia, who can provide a free diagnosis on the state of a company’s finances.
We are leaders in searching for and obtaining financing for SMEs in Catalonia, from a variety of sources, both public and private: financial institutions, subsidies, participation loans, bonus loans, risk capital, business angels, private investors.
We act as mediators between banks and businesses to help with negotiations and improve financing conditions.
We offer plans for revaluation and for bringing companies back to life, in order to make a business forecast and implement specific measures for achieving stable growth.
We provide information and orientation on subsidies for internationalization.
We provide comprehensive coverage in the area of civil law, handle out-of-court negotiations and draw up labor agreements and contracts. In addition, we handle legal processes of a civil and commercial nature. We manage and follow-up on unpaid bills, creditor contests, constitutions for limited companies, patents, trademarks and brand names.
Spanish to English: Las Fallas de Valencia General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Spanish Las Fallas de Valencia
España es un país bien conocido por sus fiestas únicas y peculiares, entre las que destaca sin duda la de las Fallas, una fiesta con un gran arraigo en la ciudad de Valencia, que se celebra del 15 al 19 de marzo.
Su origen se remonta a la antigua tradición de los carpinteros de Valencia, que en vísperas del día de San José, patrón de los carpinteros, quemaban frente a sus talleres, en las calles y plazas públicas, los trastos viejos que ya no les servían, haciendo limpieza de los talleres al finalizar el invierno. Por ese motivo el día de la Cremà (momento en el que arden los monumentos falleros) siempre coincide con el día 19, Festividad de San José.
Actualmente, Las Fallas se han convertido en un atractivo turístico muy importante, estando catalogadas como fiesta de Interés Turístico internacional. Así que, lo que empezó como un día de fiesta dedicado al patrón de los carpinteros, se ha transformado en cinco días festivos, una celebración multifacética que tiene como gran protagonista el fuego. Valencia, una ciudad tranquila con una población de menos de un millón de personas, llega a los tres millones durante esos días.
La primera información que se tiene sobre las Fallas data de 1740. Por aquel entonces, algunas de las miles de hogueras que se encendían en las calles de Valencia se denominaron fallas (literalmente significa “las llamas” en valenciano). Eran monumentos satíricos y burlescos en los que se exponían a la vergüenza pública y se quemaban simbólicamente personas y situaciones de la calle o barrio donde se erigía la falla. Además, los niños iban de casa en casa pidiendo "una estoreta velleta" (una alfombra vieja), que se convirtió en un canto popular para recoger todo tipo de muebles y utensilios viejos para quemarlos junto a las fallas.
Posteriormente, con la creación de los premios a las mejores fallas, la vertiente artística asumió mayor relevancia. Así nació la profesión del Artista Fallero y se constituyó el Gremio Artesano de Artistas Falleros, que es desde entonces la entidad encargada de enseñar el antiguo oficio de creación de estas auténticas obras de arte.
A los monumentos falleros que crean estos artesanos, se les conoce como “ninots”. Son enormes estatuas de cartón piedra, madera, papel maché y escayola, que frecuentemente representan escenas donde se hace burla de los políticos corruptos y de los personajes famosos del país. Hacer los ninots puede costar un año de intenso trabajo y más de 60.000 €.
Los ninots permanecen en las calles hasta el 19 de marzo, día de la Cremà. Cuando las luces de las calles se apagan, la multitud empieza a corear, y se prende fuego a los ninots a las 12 de la noche exactamente. Cada año, uno de los ninots es salvado de la destrucción por el voto popular; es el ninot indultado, que se exhibirá en el Museo del Ninot con los favoritos de los años anteriores.
Además de la quema de los ninots, hay muchas otras actividades durante la fiesta. Las calles se visten de gala, hay concursos de paella, magníficas cabalgatas por la ciudad y los cohetes espontáneos estallan por todas partes. Pero sin duda la gran estrella es la mascletà que diariamente, a las dos del mediodía, tiene lugar en la Plaza del Ayuntamiento. La mascletà es un disparo pirotécnico que conforma una composición sonora muy rítmica, una traca que hace literalmente temblar el suelo durante unos minutos.
Si le gustan los grandes espectáculos pirotécnicos, Las Fallas es una fiesta que no se puede perder. Valencia es en esos días una ciudad alegre y animosa, donde gente venida de todo el mundo llega para oler la pólvora y disfrutar del arte de los ninots y de los fuegos de artificio.
Translation - English The Fallas of Valencia
Spain is a country well known for its unique and peculiar festivals, and one that undoubtedly stands out is the Fallas, an event with deep roots in the city of Valencia, and which is celebrated from the 15th to the 19th of March.
Its origins can be traced to an old tradition in Valencia in which carpenters, doing a thorough “spring” cleaning, would burn their old, unneeded material in front of their workshops, in the streets and in public squares. They would do this on the eve of Saint Joseph, patron saint of carpenters. For this reason, the Cremà (the day the Fallas constructions are set on fire) is always celebrated on March 19th, the feast of Saint Joseph.
Nowadays, the Fallas are a major tourist attraction, and have been declared a festival of international tourist interest. What began as one day dedicated to the patron saint of carpenters has become a five-day, multifaceted celebration revolving around fire. Valencia is a normally quiet city whose population of less than a million expands to 3 million during the festivities.
The first records of the Fallas date back to 1740. At that time, some of the thousands of bonfires ignited throughout the streets of Valencia were referred to as fallas (literally “flames” in the Valencian language). They were burlesque and satirical monuments in which people or situations related to the street or neighborhood where the falla was constructed were shamefully exposed to the public and symbolically burned. In addition, children would go from house to house asking for “una estoreta velleta” (an old rug), which became a popular chant for collecting all types of old utensils and furniture to burn alongside the fallas.
Later on, with the creation of prizes for the best fallas, the festival took a more artistic turn. A new profession –Fallero artist– was born. The Fallero Artists’ union was also established, and since then has been in charge of passing down the tradition of the trade, teaching the craft behind the creation of these authentic works of art.
The fallas monuments created by these artisans are known as “ninots.” They are enormous statues made of papier-mâché, wood and plaster-of-Paris, which are often parodies of corrupt politicians or famous national figures. It can take up to a year of intense work to make a ninot and can cost in excess of €60,000.
The ninots are on display in the streets until the 19th of March, the day of the Cremà. When the lights go out, the crowd begins to chant and the ninots are set on fire at exactly midnight. Every year, one of the ninots is saved from destruction by popular vote; this is the pardoned ninot, which will then be exhibited in the Ninot Museum along with the other favorites from previous years.
In addition to the burning of the ninots, there are many other activities during the festival. The streets are all decked out for the festivities; there are paella competitions, magnificent parades throughout the city and spontaneous bursts of fireworks all over the place. However, the highlight of it all is the mascletà, which takes place daily in City Hall square at 2pm. The mascletà is a rhythmic pyrotechnic performance which creates a sonorous but thunderous composition – an explosion that literally makes the ground tremble for a few minutes.
If you like grand pyrotechnic displays, the Fallas is a festival you don’t want to miss. During the celebrations a lively and cheerful atmosphere pervades Valencia, where people from all over the world come to “smell the gunpowder” and enjoy the artistic spectacle of the ninots and the fireworks.
Years of experience: 27. Registered at Sep 2012.
I studied Theater, English and Music at university, and have been working as a musician, English teacher and translator for about 20 years.
I grew up in New York City in a bilingual environment (English-Spanish) and tried my hand at translating while working as a freelance legal proofreader. I realized I had a knack for it and liked it so I continued! I then moved to Barcelona, Spain, where I've been living for 20 years and working as a freelancer in all three above-mentioned areas.
I've translated and proofread websites, books, presentations, restaurant menus, advertising material, reports and online courses in the areas of marketing, alternative health, pharma, meteorology, gardening/landscaping, transportation/shipping, interior design, water and public utilities, and tourism.
I've also done work as a consecutive interpreter in the areas of fashion and the performing arts.
Finally, as an English teacher and musician, one of my specialty areas is helping singers whose native language is not English with English diction for recordings and live performances, and through my contacts in this field I've had the opportunity to do some voice-over work, for a television commercial, for an English language learning project and for audio tourist guides.