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English to Spanish: Translation of Operators Manual for Furnace Camera System General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English The main component of the auto retract assembly is the pneumatic cylinder. A solenoid
(direction control valve) inside pneumatic control box controls the air direction to extend or
withdraw the piston rod of cylinder. The piston rod is connected directly with the lens and
camera assembly. This motion brings the camera lens in and out of the furnace.
Translation - Spanish El principal componente de la unidad de auto-retracción es el cilindro neumático. Un solenoide (válvula de regulación de orientación) dentro de la unidad de control neumático controla la dirección del aire para extender o retraer el vástago del pistón del cilindro. El vástago está unido directamente al mecanismo de cámara y objetivo. Este movimiento hace que el objetivo de la cámara salga y entre en el horno.
Spanish to English: Translation of a Website on Hydraulics and Pneumatics General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - Spanish Aquí podrás encontrar una amplia gama de productos en nuestras distintas categorias: Filtración industrial, electróvalvulas y conectores M&M para todo tipo de fluidos (aire, gas, agua, etc..), neumática CKD, enchufes rápidos TST para todo tipo de aplicaciones industriales (agua, aceite, aire, etc..), racores y latiguillos junto con todo tipo de marcas de hidraúlica ( Bosch Rexroth, Denison, Parker, etc), así como material FIPA indicado para procesos de inyección (resistencias, termopares, corte de plástico etc..) y robótica.
Translation - English Here you will find a wide range of products in different categories: Industrial filtering, electric valves, M&M connectors for all types of fluids (air, gas, water, etc…), CKD pneumatics, TST connectors for all sorts of industrial uses (water, oil, air, etc…), tube fittings and flexible pressure hoses, a whole range of hydraulics makes (Bosch Rexroth, Denison, Parker, etc…) as well as all the necessary FIPA products for plastic injection moulding (resistors, thermo pairs, plastic cutting, etc…) and robotics.
English to Spanish: Course on Electricity and Magnetism General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English Another example is the relay , an electrically-controlled switch. If a switch contact mechanism is built so that it can be actuated (opened and closed) by the application of a magnetic field, and an electromagnet coil is placed in the near vicinity to produce that requisite field, it will be possible to open and close the switch by the application of a current through the coil. In effect, this gives us a device that enables elelctricity to control electricity:
Translation - Spanish Otro ejemplo es el relé , un interruptor controlado eléctricamente. Supongamos que el mecanismo de contacto de un interruptor se construye de tal manera que se pueda cambiar (abrir y cerrar) con la aplicación de un campo magnético. Si colocamos una bobina cerca de ese interruptor para que produzca el campo necesario, será posible abrir y cerrar el interruptor aplicando una corriente a través de la bobina. Habremos conseguido un dispositivo que controla electricidad con electricidad.
Spanish to English: Music and Religion General field: Social Sciences
Source text - Spanish Música y religión han sido dos conceptos estrechamente relacionados a lo largo de la historia humana. Grandes y pequeñas religiones tienen actitudes y prácticas musicales más o menos bien establecidas, y su estudio ha quedado ampliamente reflejado en innumerables trabajos de investigación. Gracias a ellos se dispone de un extenso conocimiento de la música de religiones cristianas, de religiones orientales, de religiones antiguas (de sociedades o culturas ya desaparecidas), de las llamadas religiones de pueblos o sociedades "primitivos" e, incluso, de algunos nuevos movimientos religiosos o de la nueva "espiritualidad" surgidos más recientemente, desde mediados y finales del s.XX
Translation - English Music and religion have been two closely related concepts throughout human history. Large and small religions have musical attitudes and practices more or less well established, and its study has been amply reflected in numerous research studies. Thanks to them we have extensive knowledge of the music of Christian religions, Eastern religions, ancient religions (of extinct societies or cultures), so-called “primitive” people or society religions and even that of some new religious movements or new "spirituality" movements emerged more recently, during the second half of the 20th century.
English to Spanish: Translation of data sheet for a new scanner General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers (general)
Source text - English Powerful Technology
The ***** can scan documents
to 9 preset, yet completely configurable,
destinations using *****
technology. This enables your documents to be
scanned with the correct settings for resolution,
color, cropping, file format and then delivered
to virtually any application, folder or device – all
at the touch of a button. ***** technology
is not only a great productivity gain, but it
greatly reduces amount of time it takes to learn
how to operate the scanner and increases your
return on investment.
Translation - Spanish Tecnología avanzada
El ***** puede enviar los documentos escaneados a 9 destinos diferentes usando la tecnología *****. Estos 9 destinos vienen preseleccionados pero son completamente configurables. Esta tecnología permite escanear un documento bajo los parámetros deseados de resolución, color, recortado o formato de archivo para después enviarlo a prácticamente cualquier aplicación, carpeta o dispositivo con tan solo apretar un botón. La tecnología ***** supone un avance en la productividad a la vez que reduce el tiempo necesario en aprender a utilizar el escáner y aumenta los beneficios de la inversión realizada.
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Dec 2012.
English to Spanish (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) English to Catalan (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) Spanish to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), verified) Catalan to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations))
As a self-employed freelance worker I have learned to develop consistent methods and organise my own work and time while meeting tight deadlines. Used to speaking in public before big audiences, I have developed and polished up professional speaking skills as well as accuracy in conveying the right message and ideas. As an engineer and an expert in communication and teaching, I value consistency and quality above all which, coupled with excellent computer skills, gives my work a high standard of professionalism.
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