As a Mandarin Translator, I have the required skills and ability to work in challenging work environment to fit into this position. My knowledge of the Mandarin language will definitely be an asset for you.
I have sound knowledge and understanding of the ideas and concepts between different languages and have the ability to interpret them in the appropriate manner. I have excellent written skills with sound understanding of grammar. Apart from this, I have experience and have been exposed by being able to stay in Taiwan (1988-2000) for 12 years and currently working in the call center industry as an IT Help Desk (basic computer troubleshooting and market catered to China and Taiwan users).
I do not have certificates and neither am I a graduate of any related course to being a translator but with my years of experience I definitely am an asset to you.
I am currently located in the Philippines and employed but I am still looking for part time job opportunity as a translator for documents or transcriptions. My working hours now here are Monday to Friday (9am-6pm) so I am available after regular office hours and full time during weekends.
I would love the opportunity to make a contribution to your team. |