English to Chinese: 荷兰银行 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics | |
Source text - English ABN Amro (now Royal Bank of Scotland) agreed to forfeit $500 million to the United States in connection with a conspiracy to defraud the U.S., to violate the International Emergency Powers Act and the Trading With the Enemy Act as well as violations of the Bank Secrecy Act.
The bank waived indictment, agreed to the filing of information and has accepted and acknowledge responsibility for its conduct. As part of a deferred prosecution agreement, ABN AMRO agreed to forfeit $500 million.
Agencies involved – Dec 2005 – OFAC, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, NY State Banking Department, FinCEN, and De Nederlandsche Bank
May 2010 – Department of Justice, U.S. Attorneys Office, Washington D.C.; Asset and Money Laundering Section; IRS Criminal Investigation Washington Field Division and the FBI’s Washington field Office
“If global banks and businesses wish to conduct financial transactions in America, they are welcome to do so as long as they abide by our laws that govern those transactions” Victor S.O. Song, Chief, IRS Criminal Investigation
“ABN AMRO facilitated the movement of illegal money through the U.S. financial system by stripping information from transactions and turning a blind eye to its compliance obligations,” said Assistant Attorney General Breuer. “It is essential that financial institutions both large and small properly monitor the origins of funds flowing into our financial system. When financial institutions fail to do so, and, even worse, manipulate information in order to profit from prohibited transactions, they will be held accountable.”
“Over the course of a decade, ABN AMRO assisted sanctioned countries and entities in evading U.S. laws by facilitating hundreds of millions of U.S. dollar transactions,” said U.S. Attorney Machen. “We will continue to use all resources at our disposal to hold those who knowingly and intentionally seek to circumvent U.S. sanctions and banking laws accountable for their actions.”
| Translation - Chinese 荷兰银行(现在的苏格兰皇家银行)图谋诈骗美国、违反《国际紧急经济权力法》和《敌国贸易法》,并且该银行已经违反了《银行保密法》,同意向美国缴纳5亿美元的罚款。
English to Chinese: 经济危机 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general) | |
Source text - English 2009 年是在金融发展史上留下深刻印记的一年。这一年,全球金融业在应对历史罕见的危机中艰难跋涉,全球金融业正在发生深刻影响未来发展趋势的变化。工行在这场特大金融危机中,受益于中国政府和监管部门积极应对危机的强有力政策措施,受益于中国银行业始终服务于实体经济的基本商业模式,也受益于本行一贯坚持的稳健经营方针和持续多年转型发展奠定的坚实基础,不仅幸运地避免了金融危机的直接冲击,而且成功化危为机获得了历史性的发展,成为全球市值、盈利、客户存款第一的上市银行。
2009 年,本行在拨备覆盖率大幅提高至164.41%的情况下实现净利润1,293.50 亿元,较上年增长16.4%;每股收益0.39 元,加权平均净资产收益率为20.14%,分别较上年增长18.2%和提高0.75 个百分点,均创历史新高;成本收入比为32.87%,保持在合理水平;不良贷款余额和不良贷款率连续第十个年头保持双下降,不良率降至1.54%;资本充足率和核心资本充足率分别为12.36%和9.90%,在业务快速发展过程中仍保持了较好的资本充足水平。
| Translation - Chinese Year 2009 witnesses an impressive mark in the history of financial development. Trudging difficultly in coping with this unprecedented crisis in history, the global financial industry is experiencing changes that will markedly impact the tendency of future development. In this extraordinary financial crisis, ICBC not only fortunately exempts itself from the direct impacts of this crisis, but also successfully turns the crisis into an opportunity for epoch-making development, becoming a listed bank with leading market values, profits and customer's deposits in the world. These can be attributed to the forceful policy actions taken by the Chinese government and supervision departments in actively dealing with this crisis, the basic business mode that China’s banks adhere to serve the entity economy, the prudent management policies that are persistent in the industry as well as the solid foundation laid by years of transformation development.
In 2009, under the circumstance that its provision coverage is increased in large measure to 164.41%, the bank achieves retained profits of 129.35 billion yuan, an increase of 16.4% over last year; the EPS is 0.39 yuan, and the ROE is 20.14%, achieving record high with an increase of 18.2% and improvement of 0.75 percentage point respectively over last year; the cost-to-income ratio keeps a reasonable level of 32.87%; non-performing loan balance and non-performing loan ratio both keep decreasing in a row of ten years with the latter lowering to 1.54%; capital adequacy ratio and core capital adequacy ratio are 12.36% and 9.90% respectively, demonstrating sound capital adequacy standards in the course of rapid business development.