English to Chinese: Update | |
Source text - English Dear Members,
Attached is the updated events schedule for 1st quarter 2014.
Please note that pink t-shirts is the attire for all the events except for the regular activities like choir, line dancing, craft and karaoke.
If you know of any member who does not have an email address, please share this information with them so that they too will be updated and will be able to participate in these activities.
Should you require any further information about the events in the attached schedule, please call
We look forward to your participation in these events. | Translation - Chinese 各位会员
我们期待你们的加入 |
English to Chinese: President Message | |
Source text - English Dear friends, "The last quarter of 2013, we were BUSY. We had agreed we would move to our own home by the end of December or, by the first week of January 2014. Each committee had to plan their own room: what colour to paint the wall, what furniture to keep, what to buy. On top of it all was the over-riding cry of COST! Keep the cost down! Who can sponsor paint? Who can help with tiles! And the list goes on...
Our Man in Charge of the building committee kept his cool. He drew plan after plan for the ladies. He had discussions with the architect, talked with the contractor, then discussed with the ladies. It went round and round. And Miki kept his cool. Our girls had to pack and pack and pack. And, clean and clear. One member said she never mopped and cleaned so much at home. We never knew we were such hoarders.
The last week of December, many spent long hours in the centre. We had to. We were offered free transportation. Mr Goh is lending us two lorries on 4th January. It was a busy time. It was an exciting time. Our dream of having our own home is coming true. Happy NEW year to all, and thank you. | Translation - Chinese 亲爱的朋友, "2013年年尾,我们非常忙碌. 我们答应于12月尾之前或者2014年1月的第一个星期搬进新家. 每个筹委需要设计自己的房间: 墙壁需漆上什么颜色需要什么家具, 需要购买的物品等等. 但在这一切都需要成本! 需要把成本调到最低! 谁能赞助油漆? 瓷砖又有谁能帮忙!我们的单就这样一直增加…….
我们的建设委员会主席一直保持着冷静. 设计图画了又画. 又要跟建筑师,承包商讨论, 过后又回来跟大伙儿讨论. 这个情况一直重复着. 但是Miki一直保持着冷静的态度。 我们的会员也没有一刻闲着,忙着整理和收拾. 其中一个会员也说,他的家从来没有在家做那么多的清理工作. 我们从来都不知道原来我们囤积了那么多的东西.
12月的最后一个星期,我们都花了好长的时间在会所. 这也是必须的. 庆幸有人为我们提供了交通以应付搬运工作. Mr Goh 将于1月4日接我们两辆罗里。虽然很忙但是确很期待。 我们希望拥有一个家的梦,终于成真了. 祝大家新年快乐, |