Working languages:
Polish to English
English to Polish


London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Local time: 03:45 GMT (GMT+0)

Native in: Polish Native in Polish, English Native in English
Feedback from
clients and colleagues

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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, MT post-editing, Transcription, Training, Desktop publishing, Project management, Vendor management, Sales, Operations management
Specializes in:
AccountingAdvertising / Public Relations
Aerospace / Aviation / SpaceAgriculture
Livestock / Animal HusbandryAnthropology
Astronomy & SpaceArt, Arts & Crafts, Painting

Polish to English - Standard rate: 0.02 GBP per word / 5 GBP per hour
English to Polish - Standard rate: 0.02 GBP per word / 5 GBP per hour

All accepted currencies Pounds sterling (gbp)
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Experience Years of experience: 18. Registered at Oct 2013. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat
CV/Resume English (DOC), English (PDF)
Professional practices polishtranslate endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).
Hi everyone


My name is Caroline. I am a director of ATIS company.I am also a freelance independent Polish English translator.I have been working in translation industry for seven years now. ATIS has been founded in July 2013.We are an international company.I am a native Polish speaker.I translate all documents types starting from technical, legal, medical and all types. My charge rates are as follows 0.01 pence per word for general translation and 0.18 pence per word for expert translation. I do unlimited numbers of words per day. ATIS has got 50 polish certified translators. If I do not manage to do all translations I pass it on to my polish team of translators and they carry on. We reserve right to complete all deadlines within
five to seven days. If you have very large project, we will email you with estimated completion date. We are open 24/7 and we provide express translation and standard translation. All payments have to be submitted via paypal. This is the safest way of payment and we advise our clients not to give out their bank details on internet. Please look at our website All payments have to be made via that website.Please click paypal button or just go to your paypal account and click on send money button and send amount of payment you would like. All I can say our polish translator team have real buzz for translations and passion for languages. Why not to contact us for a quote. Our main focus is on English to Polish and Polish to English and American to Polish and Polish to American translation unlimited words per day all document types. This is the work that we do document translation, technical translation, multilingual DTP, website translation and localisation, software localisation,literary translation, legal, expert, general translation and many more. Many of our translators used to work in medical, technical, administrative and accounting jobs. Diversity and flexibility is a key to our success. We have legal team for all legal document translation. Polish legal translators handle all legal document translations and they are fully certified to do so.

Caroline M ATIS office 34 New House 67-68 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8JY
Phone 08443350740 [email protected]

English Polish independent freelance translator &
ATIS Director

Professional Profile

I am a professional independent freelance English to Polish and Polish to English translator. I have been translating since seven years various documents technical, medical, literary, turnkey websites and many others. I have been working for private clients and small businesses and large companies.
In July 2013 I became ATIS translation agency director. I have a real passion for languages. I translate various documents and various assignments. I keep improving my educational background all the time.
Have a look on ATIS website


20.07.2013 TO PRESENT Freelance independent translator English to Polish and Polish to English. I work with international companies across the entire world and translate unlimited numbers of words and projects.

20.07.2013 TO PRESENT ATIS director I run translation agency. and I supervise translators and give them deadlines and assignments. I review their translation projects and discuss with them areas, which needs improvement.


28.02.2011 - 22.03.2013 Customer Advisor for Blue Arrow KnowHow Blue Arrow Limited. I worked as a customer service adviser in busy contact centre and took inbound calls for Currys and PCWorld.

23.06.2008 - 05.02.2011 Home Insurance Sales Advisor HBOS PLC Halifax Lloyds TSB Bank of Scotland and Sainsbury’s. I sold Home Insurance in a busy Halifax Bank contact centre.

12.03.2007 – 01.03.2008 Customer Advisor Ventura now known as Capita I worked as a customer adviser in O2 inbound call centre and handled inbound phone calls from O2 mobile phone tariff customers.

12.06.2006 Translator I translated 1000 words from Polish to American. This was a project how to build a house in Poland. Client was American individual.

08.07.2012 - 05.04.2013, 01.04.2011 - 20.06.2011, 19.05.2009 - 19.06.201, 01.03.2008 –03.03.2009, 24.02.2008 - 12.04.2008, 20.11.2007 - 12.02.2008 03.01.2006 – 05.04.2007,
03.03.2005 – 14.12.2005, 28.06.2004 – 05.04.2005, 27.02.2005 – 07.12.2005, 01.01.2006 –
08.09.2007, 18.11.2007- 05.01.2008 Translator I translated turnkey websites for individuals, my own Swan e-commerce shop and small and medium and large companies.

11.10.2001 – 22.11.2001 Teacher Assistant I taught English in secondary school in Poland

03.06.1999 - 30.09.2000 Tutor teaching English to a private student and preparing him for

Qualifications & Training

22.09.2013 to Present Student I am studying CTP Certified Translation Professional program sponsored by Global Translation Institute to become certified translator and be able to use after my name Certified Translator Professional letters. Managing director Adriana Tassini is a real inspiration for me. I read her book twice a week and improve my translation skills.

04.04.2013 – 28.08.2013 completed preparatory course for Diploma in Translation and has been awarded a certificate by Helena El Masri DPSI Online course provider.

17.10.2006 I have been naturalised as a British citizen and awarded Certificate of Naturalisation as a British Citizen Home Office

01.10.2000 - 14.02.2002 Student Teacher Training College of Foreign Languages NKJO
I studied a course to teach English language in Poland.

01.10.1995 - 02.06.1999 General Certificate of Secondary Education Written English good, Written Polish good, Polish Conversation good German Conversation very good English Conversation very good



Hi Caroline,

Thanks for the call earlier.

You registered for the course on 8/12/13. You are scheduled for the exam on February 1st, 2014.

To schedule to re-take the exam you can follow this link:


Douglas Scott
Member Services
P: 1.503.336.4826
F: 1.480.772.4041
Global Translation Institute
Certified Translation Professional
[email protected]
3300 NW 185th Ave #108
Portland, OR 97229, USA

More Qualifications, More Translation Projects, That is the Power of the CTP.


To Whom It May Concern:
I, the undersigned, Helena El Masri, provider of the DipTrans Online Preparatory Course, hereby confirm that Caroline M has completed the Diploma in Translation Preparatory Course, which started in June 2013 and was completed by August 2013.
This course is included on the list of course providers issued by the Chartered Institute of Linguists and includes translation of 10 texts as well as 10 contact hours with a language dedicated tutor.
Dated this 4th November 2013
Name: Helena El Masri
DPSI Online Preparatory Course
Helena El Masri
20 Kingsland Close
Shoreham by Sea
BN43 6NQ
[email protected]


Wrocław 53-025 - ul. Skarbowców 8a NlP : 896-10-05-066
n(0-71) 339 84 22fax: (0-71) 339 85 51 e-mail : [email protected]|
http : //ułłv. nki o.wroc, pl
Wrocław, dnia 08 kwietnia 2013 r.
Niniejszym zaświadczam, że Pani Dorota Karolina G ur. 18.02.1980r. we
Wrocławiu , córka Jacka w okresie 01,10,2000r. do 14.02,2002r. była słuchaczką trybu
dziennego specjalności języka angielskiego Nauczycielskiego Kolegium Językow Obcych
we wrocławiu.
W trakcie nauki Pani Dorota Karolina G zaliczyła w systemie dziennym przedmioty
zgodnie z poniższym harmonogramem :
1 rok l semestr
przedmiot Ocena
Tygodniowy wymiar
PNJA - Cwiczenia podrecznikowe 4,0 2
PNJA - Pisanie 4,0 2
PNJA - Rozumienie ze słuchu 3,0 2
PNJA - Fonetvka 3,5 2
PNJA - Konwersacie 4,5 2
Gramatvka praktvczna 4,0 2
wstep do iezvkoznawstwa 3,5 2
Literatura bMviska 4,5 2
cvwilizacia brvtviska 4,0 2
cvwilizacia usA 4,0 2
Elementv informatvki 4,0 2
l,dq]dffi&bka n iem ieckieo o 4,0 4
l. l! -:::r,słuchaczy
,,{}1 rok ll semestr
przedmiot Ocena
Tygodniowy wymiar
PNJA - Cwiczenia podręcznikowe 3,5 2
PNJA - Pisanie 3,5 2
PNJA - Rozumienie ze słuchu 4,0 2
PNJA - Fonetvka 3,5 2
PNJA - Konwersacie 4,5 2
Gramatvka praktvczna 4,0 2
Wstęp do ięzvkoznawstwa 3,5 2
Wstęp do metodyki 4,0 2
Literatura brytyiska 4,5 2
cvwilizacia bMviska 4,0 2
cvwilizacia usA 4,5 2
Elementv informatvki 3.5 2
Lektorat iezvka niemieckieoo 4,0 4
inv po Il semestrze :
przedmiot Ocena
Praktyczna nauka ięzvka anqielskieqo 3,5
wstęp do ięzvkoznawstwa 3,5
Cywilizacia brytviska 3,0
Cywilizacja USA 5,0
2 rok ll! semestr
przedmiot Ocena
tygodniowy wymiar
PNJA - Zintegrowane ćwiczenia
ięzykowe 4,0 2
PNJA - Pisanie 5,0 2
PNJA - Fonetyka 3,5 2
PNJA - Konwersacie 4,0 2
Gramatyka praktvczna 4,5 2
Gramatyka opisowa 3,5 2
Teoria metodyki 3,5 2
Metodyka praktyczna 4,5 2"
Warsztaty metodyczne 4,0 2
psvchopedaooqika 3,5 2
Historia wielkiei Brvtanii 3,5 2
Literatura brvtviska 5,0 2
Lektorat ięzvka n iem ieckieq o 4,5 4
Planowany tok nauki w Nauczycielskim Kolegium Językow Obcych obejmuje trzy lata.
Nauczycielskie Kolegium Językow Obcych jest zakładem kształcenia nauczycieli
działĄącym zgodnie z rozporządzeniem Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z 12 sierpnia 1997 r.
(Dz, U. Nr 104 poz. 664 z pożn. zm.).
ano na prośbę zainteresowanej.


Społeczne Liceum Ogólnokształcące
Autorska Szkoła Samorozwoju
ul. Kiełczowska 43, 51-315 Wrocław
Tel./fax: (071) 355-60-50
L. dz.
Wrocław, dnia 04.04.2013r.
Dyrektor Społecznego Liceum Ogólnokształcącego Autorskiej Szkoły Samorozwoju ASSA
zaświadcza, że Dorota Karolina G ur. 18.02.1980r we Wrocławiu uczęszczała do naszej szkoły od
01.10.1995 do 21.01.1998 i od 01.10.1998 do 02.06.1999. W roku 1999 uczennica ukończyła w/ w szkołę
i zdała maturę.


Good afternoon, Caroline

Our records show your dates of working to be 4/2/2011 to 22/3/2013
Your position would have been Flexible Employee Office Customer Service Advisor.

Kind Regards,

Joanne Bradbury MCIPD

Account Manager
Blue Arrow Limited 1st Floor 12 Saltergate Chesterfield S40 1UT
T 01246 272200
F 01246 229226

m 07885 118033
[email protected]


Hayes, Kerry (Contractor - HR Commercial Management, Group Human Resources)
Hi Caroline,
Caroline M – File ID 0430717
Apologies for the delay in sending this email I need some clarification on dates from Group HR which I have now received this.
I can confirm start date of your employment with HBOS part of Lloydsbanking group was 23rd June 2008
Resigination received and end date 05th February 2011
01st Jan 2010 – Salary £13,973.00
01st April 2010 – Salary £14,043.00
15th November 2010 – Salary £17,136.00
Job Title Consultant Grade B
Full Time Employee 1820 Hours per Year
Kind Regards
Kerry Hayes | Team Leader | HR Advice & Guidance
Lloyds Banking Group, NorthgateArinso, One Parklands, Parklands Business Park, Rubery, Birmingham, B45 9PZ | Office: 0121 457 4560 ext 6117
OneHR - HR Advice & Guidance, contact the team on 08456 40 60 80
Lloyds TSB Bank plc. Registered Office: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales, number 2065. Telephone: 020 7626 1500. Bank of Scotland plc. Registered Office: The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ. Registered in Scotland, number 327000. Telephone: 020 7626 1500. Lloyds TSB Scotland plc. Registered Office: Henry Duncan House, 120 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH. Registered in Scotland, number 95237. Telephone: 0131 225 4555. Cheltenham & Gloucester plc. Registered Office: Barnett Way, Gloucester GL4 3RL. Registered in England and Wales, number 2299428. Telephone: 01452 372372.
Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Lloyds TSB Scotland plc, Bank of Scotland plc and Cheltenham & Gloucester plc are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Halifax is a division of Bank of Scotland plc. Cheltenham & Gloucester Savings is a division of Lloyds TSB Bank plc.
HBOS plc. Registered Office: The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ. Registered in Scotland, number 218813. Telephone: 020 7626 1500. Lloyds Banking Group plc. Registered Office: The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ. Registered in Scotland, number 95000. Telephone: 0131 225 4555
This e-mail (including any attachments) is private and confidential and may contain privileged material. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender and delete it (including any attachments) immediately. You must not copy, distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it or any attachments.
Telephone calls may be monitored or recorded.


If you would like to receive another work reference from Ventura now known as Capita you would have to write to them. I worked for them from 22/3/2007 to 2/2/2008 as Customer Advisor in O2 mobile phone company in contact centre.
Here is their address Payroll Number 12252204 ex-Ventura employee Capita Human Resources Solutions 2nd Floor Temple Gate House 115 – 123 High Street Orpington Kent BR6 0LG [email protected] tel 0845330903 or tel 08456440411
Keywords: polish english computers turnkey websites

Profile last updated
Nov 11, 2013

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