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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Science (general)
Mathematics & Statistics
Also works in:
Computers: Software
Electronics / Elect Eng
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Russian: High-Resolution Studies of Domain Switching Behavior in Nanostructured Ferroelectric Polymers General field: Science Detailed field: Physics
Source text - English On the molecular level, ferroelectric polarization in PVDF-
TrFE arises from alignment of molecular dipoles formed by
positive hydrogen ions and negative fluorine ions.19 The all-trans
(β-phase) molecular conformation results in the dipoles being
oriented perpendicular to the chain axis and polarization reversal
is associated with rotation of these dipoles about the molecular
chain. In the crystalline β-phase, molecules tend to pack parallel
to each other forming a quasi-hexagonal orthorhombic structure
with lattice spacing of approximately 0.5 nm along the polar axis.
Polarization reversal studies by means of macroscopic dielectric
measurements and, most recently, by local probe techniques
revealed a rather complex switching behavior that could not
be fully explained neither by KAI nor by nucleation limited
models implying a strong dependence of the switching potential
on defect structure
Translation - Russian На молекулярном уровне сегнетоэлектрическая поляризация в сополимере поливинилиденфториде с трифторэтиленом возникает благодаря выстраиванию молекулярных диполей, образованных положительно заряженными ионами водорода и отрицательно заряженными ионами фтора. Транс молекулярная конформация (бета фаза) приводит к ориентации диполей перпендикулярно оси цепи, а переключение поляризации связано с вращением этих диполей вокруг молекулярной цепи. В кристаллической бета фазе молекулы стремятся выстроиться параллельно друг другу, формируя квази-гексагональную орторомбическую структуру с параметром решетки примерно 0.5 нанометра вдоль полярной оси. Изучение переключения поляризации с помощью макроскопических диэлектрических измерений и более новых локальных зондовых методов выявило, что переключение носит достаточно сложный характер и не может быть полностью объяснено ни теорией KAI, ни моделями, ограниченными зародышеобразованием, полагая, что способность переключения сильно зависит от структуры дефектов.
Years of experience: 39. Registered at Nov 2013.
I am experienced physicist with the experience of over 15 years. Why not astrophysicist? Well, my experienced university friend once convinced me not to choose cosmic rays as a specialization. Thus, I became a specialist in ferroelectric Langmuir films. 2D world of Langmuir films is about as interesting as 3D world of outer space. Typing, programming as well as translating for modern human being is like water for fish, so I have to dive in.
My research interests:
-- Ferroelectric films
-- Langmuir films
-- Heterogeneous films and composites
-- Polymers for organic electronics: photovoltaic devices, Light Emitting Diodes, Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors, piezo- pyro- and ferroelectric transducers, ferroelectric memory.
My experimental works have been published in different referred scientific journals. Journal of Applied Physics, Ferroelectrics, Physics of the Solid State are among them.
I have to mention a great experience of working with my colleagues and teaching students in Universities of United States and Europe.