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English to Romanian: Game Review: Reveries: Sisterly Love
Source text - English Every developing team likes to celebrate big anniversaries and milestones, and what better way to celebrate it than with a brand new game? The developing team under the name ERS G- Studio celebrates their new milestone by creating their fiftieth game. This game is named Reveries: Sisterly Love and it is a story about the power of family love. Get ready for a game that will take you to a magic continent through a secret portal and which will bring you hours of fun. If you get to like this game from reading this review, you can always download and play the demo version of this game absolutely free! And if you want to play unlimitedly, then you can purchase the full version of the game!
Even though the storyline is always an important part of hidden object games, Reveries: Sisterly Love is a game which uses a pretty common and well known tale about twin sisters, one of which is captured by an old witch, so you are not up for a big surprise here. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the plot is boring, and to ensure of this, we will share some interesting details about it: the story follows you and your twin sister, Monica. Unfortunately, you got very ill and your sister sacrificed her beauty and soul to a witch in order to save you. Now that you have become strong once again, you begin a search for your sister and you decide to go into a magical land and defeat the evil witch who captured you sister! It is not going to be an easy task, but the life of your sister depends on you! Surely, even if this story is not that original, it is interesting!
The most important part of this game called Reveries: Sisterly Love is its gameplay! This game is said to be a mixture of hidden object game and a puzzle, with different elements of mystery games. Of course, hidden object scenes are the most numerous during the game, and they are very fun. It is very good that there are different types of hidden object scenes, as this way the player will never get bored. For example, you will be required to find several pairs of the same object, or certain number of toys, or only items that match the silhouette. Apart from that, you will have to solve many different puzzles, which range from the easier ones, like puzzles or matching items, to harder ones, like the one with the weaving machine. For some players this might be too hard, but don’t worry, there are three modes of difficulty which can be changed even during the game. You will also have your diary, which possesses different observations that you wrote down during your quest, and the inventory with items which need to be used. If you cannot solve a puzzle or a hidden object scene, then you can use hints. If the evil witch appears, you must use your amulet to fight her.
However, neither the storyline nor the gameplay are the best part of this game. Believe or not, graphics and music are what makes this game stand out! All the scenes are full of different shapes and colors, but in a nice way, and you will see many fairy tale characters and creatures. The voiceovers are very good and the music fits the ambience.
All things considered, Reveries: Sisterly Love is a very good game which celebrate a milestone very appropriately – with stunning graphics and lovely sound effects, but also with very good gameplay and an intriguing story! Don’t miss this game!
Translation - Romanian Fiecare echipa realizatoare de jocuri adora sa sarbatoreasca aniversari mari si momente importante, si ce alt mod mai bun exista de a sarbatori decat cu un joc nou nout? Echipa realizatoare de jocuri de la ERS G-Studio sarbatoreste acest nou punct din cariera lor creand cel de-al cincisprezecelea joc. Acest joc se intituleaza Reveries: Sisterly Love si este despre puterea dragostei din familie. Pregateste-te pentru un joc care te va duce pe un continent magic printr-un portal secret si care iti va oferi nenumarate ore de distractie. Daca iti va placea acest joc dupa ce vei crea recenzia, poti oricand sa downloadezi si sa joci versiunea demo a jocului absolut gratuit! Iar daca iti doresti sa il joci nelimitat, atunci poti cumpara versiunea completa a jocului!
Cu toate ca intotdeauna povestea reprezinta o parte importanta la jocurile hidden object, Reveries: Sisterly Love este un joc care bfoloseste o poveste destul de cunoscuta si comuna despre doua surori gemene, dintre care una e capturata de o batrana vrajitoare, asa ca nu e nici o mare surpiza. Desigur, acest lucru nu inseamna ca actiunea e plictisitoare, si ca sa te asiguram de acest lucru, iti vom impartasi cateva detalii interesante despre ea: povestea te urmeaza pe tine si pe sora ta Monica. Din pacate tu te imbolnavesti foarte tare iar sora ta si-a sacrificat frumusetea in fata unei vrajitoare pentru a te salva. Acum ca ai devenit din nou puternica, tu ai plecat in cautarea surorii tale si decizi sa mergi pe un taram magic si sa invingi vrajitoarea diabolica care o tine captiva pe sora ta! Nu va fi o sarcina usoara, insa viata surorii tale depinde de tine! desigur, chiar daca povestea nu e originala, este interesanta!
Cea mai importanta parte din acest joc intitulat Reveries: Sisterly Love este gameplay-ul sau! Acest joc reprezinta o combinatie intre stilul hidden object si puzzle, cu diverse elemente de mister. Desigur, scenele hidden object sunt numeroase pe parcursul jocului, si sunt extrem de amuzante. E un lucru foarte bun ca exista diverse feluri de scene hidden object, deoarece astfel jucatorul nu se va plictisi niciodata. De exemplu, ti se va cere sa gasesti diferite parti ale unui obiect, sau un anumit numar de jucarii, sau obiecte care se potrivesc cu silueta. In afara de asta, va trebui sa rezolvi o multime de puzzle-uri, care variaza de la cele usoare, cum ar fi puzzle-uri sau elemente pe care trebuie sa le potrivesti, la cele mai grele, cum ar fi masina de crosetat. Pentru unii jucator acest lucru poate fi prea greu, insa nu-ti fa griji, exista trei moduri de dificultate pe care le poti alterna pe parcursul jocului. De asemenea vei avea jurnalul, in care vei gasi diverse observatii pe care le vei nota pe parcursul calatoriei tale, si elementele din inventar pe care va trebui sa le folosesti. Daca nu poti rezolva un puzzle sau o scena hidden object, atunci poti utiliza indiciile. Daca apare vrajitoarea cea rea, trebuie sa-ti folosesti amuleta ca sa te lupti cu ea.
C toate acestea, nici povestea si nici gameplay-ul nu reprezinta cea mai buna parte din joc. Fie ca ne crezi, fie ca nu, grafica si muzica fac ca acest joc sa iasa in evidenta! Toate scenele sunt pline de diverse forme si culori, insa intr-un mod bun, si vei vedea multe personaje din basme si creaturi. Vocile actante sunt foarte bune si muzica se potriveste cu ambianta.
Per ansamblu, Reveries: Sisterly Love este un joc foarte bun care sarbatoreste un punct important intr-un mod foarte potrivit - cu grafica uimitoare si cu efecte sonore minunate, insa de asemenea si cu un gameplay foarte bun si cu o poveste captivanta! Nu rata acest joc!
Translation education
Master's degree - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Feb 2014.
My name is Mirona Vlad, I am a native romanian and an authorized english translator, proofreader and interpreter. I graduated the Faculty of Letters, romanian-english profile and the MA American Studies at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania.
I am specialized in translating games descriptions and reviews.