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English to Chinese: literary translation(文学翻译) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English V-J Day, 1945, Times Square struck a powerful chord in 1945 and continued to play well with future onlookers years and even decades later. The photo grabs the viewer’s attention and, like the pictured sailor, never seems to let go. All the photo’s features compete for the eye’s focus. The sailor’s massive right hand cups the woman’s waist and holds on tightly. She sways her left hip out lazily. His left arm supports her upper torso, which might otherwise collapse toward Times Square’s pavement.
Translation - Chinese 1945年,美国对日战争胜利的那天,纽约时代广场奏响了凯歌,旋律绵延不绝,很多年后一直回荡。如今,那照片依旧引人注目,魅力经久不息,正像水兵与护士定格在那里,从来未曾离开。照片里的所有内容都是值得细看沉思的。水兵壮实的右臂紧紧搂住护士的腰,护士的下摆无力地扭向左边,上身却挂在英雄的左臂上,仿佛一松手便要瘫软在地。
English to Chinese: Art/Literary General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English V-J Day, 1945, Times Square marks the starting line of a sprint toward a more prosperous standard of living and an inventive ideal family life. One can assume the sailor and nurse will go on to purchase a split-level home, live in suburbia, drive big cars, watch television shows, and produce children—lots of children. Life will be good. No one foresees the Korean or Vietnam conflicts, the civil rights struggles, Watergate, terrorist attacks, or today’s concerns of “America’s decline.” Nothing distracts us from the bliss. In fact, in that moment, everybody longs to be an American. And on this glorious day, at that precious moment, regardless of their birth nation, everyone waves the Red, White, and Blue. Though most photographs fade with the passing years, the black-and-white photo of a sailor and nurse kissing on V-J Day sharpens and raises its voice. Taken in the planet’s most popular meeting place and printed in the magazine known around the world for its captivating photographs, the image reminds us of a time when we felt better as a nation and as individuals than we ever had before and we ever have since. Like a fond memory, no one wants to turn away. And for more than sixty-five years, almost no one did.
Translation - Chinese 1945年,抗日战争胜利日,新的黎明正喷薄而来,纽约时代广场见证了这样的一幕:大家都盼着拥有一个安定的家庭,日子越来越好,国家繁荣昌盛。人们可以想象后来水兵与护士走到一起,组建起一个简单的家,住在郊区,开着汽车,还能看电视,当然还有生孩子——生七八个吧。生活就该这样才对。没人想到后来会出现韩战、越战、民权运动、水门事件、“911”以及如今对美国衰落的担忧。但这丝毫未能影响这张照片带给我们的极乐。至少在那一瞬间,你我都希望生为那样的美国人。在那样的庆典里,在那珍贵的历史瞬间,当所有人挥着星条旗、忘了自己生身母国的时候,即便历史的大浪终将淘去绝大部分影像,这张拍于当时的黑白照,照片上热吻的水兵与护士,永远都不会被后世遗忘。拍摄于全球最著名的聚会场所,发表在因优秀的摄像作品而远近闻名的杂志上,这张照片让人真切地感受到民族、国家和个人的归属感,这样的感受以前不曾有过,往后也不会再有,它定格在那里,成为永恒的记忆。直到65年后的今天,人们还是不愿忘记它。
Chinese to English: 文学翻译(literary transaction) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Chinese 写微博看似容易,可如何驾驭好这区区140个字,不矫情、不偏见,让每一条都言之有物,见人、见事、见情、见智,不仅有来龙去脉,还要有观点、有态度,实在不是一件容易的事。而采用“微博体”,个中原因,不仅是因为越来越多的人开始习惯这种更方便浏览、转发和扩散的“段子阅读”,更是因为这种体裁更加能够见微知著,更有利于发掘和呈现有关西藏的点点滴滴,并且通过大量有血有肉的细节,拼接出一个有喜乐有忧愁有希望也面临挑战的西藏。书里的故事也许无法充当正面传播西藏的绝佳素材,却散发着原汁原味、真实的西藏乡土气息。一个真实的西藏是更美的西藏,而这种美丽,蕴含于大量的、鲜活的、一手的细节中,蕴含于大量的、深入的、中肯的言论中,也蕴含于大量的、有趣的、独到的小故事中。
Translation - English Microblogging, superficially effortless, yet full of floundering, whereby the microblogger constructs his or her thoughts and attitudes sincerely and factually upon a post of at most 140 words covering characters, stories, feelings and wisdom, is desirable for the delineation of a real-life Tibet. Allowing of quick browse, reblogging and spread, it prevails among an increasing number of people preferring a light reading. Besides, it suffices to unfold with a strong body of vivid and true-to-life details before the reader’s eyes a slice of Tibetan life which is saturated with both happiness and sorrows, both hopes and challenges. The fragments in the book may not make a perfect vehicle of officially recommending Tibet, but still smell of the local flavor of an authentic Tibet characterized by more glamour which can be experienced in the abundance of first-hand details, penetrating comments and intriguing stories.
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Mar 2014.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, ChatGPT, DeepL, Google Translator Toolkit, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Translation Center, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio
I'm a bilingual translator with 10 years of experience in translating between Chinese and English. My expertise covers a wide range of topics, including online literature, games, manga, subtitles, finance, and social science. I have a deep understanding of both languages and cultures, and I am able to accurately convey the meaning and nuances of the source material into the target language. I am also highly organized and detail-oriented, which allows me to work quickly and efficiently.