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Translation - English It requires intensively controlling 60 sets of server equipement and 10 sets of serial interface in the departmental IT workhouse.Details of realisation and connection methods as below: high-class ditigal switch equipements for all servers,2 DSR8035 realizing 8 users whole-domain control 60 servers in workhouse,the additional 8 ports for emergency and expanding.DSR8035 with VM function,allows remotely installation of softwares in order to transfer files,patch for Apps and OS and diagnosis tests.The KVM ports of 60 servers in workhouse should be connected to DSR8035 by specified switch cable DSRIQ,DSR8035 connects to Ethernet with Ethernet port(RJ45) by general CAT5.
10 serial interfaces converted to RJ45 ports by switch plug, connect to CCM1650 in-port by CAT5,CCM1650 Ethernet port(RJ45) connect to Ethernet by CAT5.
All servers and serial interfaces verified by 2 Spoke server can be intensively controlled and in the charge of DSView3 console. Both Spoke Verification servers auto-sync by transferring data and loading balancably.Controller in supervisor room can intensively manage all servers connected to system with web browsers(e.g IE)provided by various terminals,via TCP/IP,as be identified through primary central uni-verification server in the host room.By doing this,we upgrade to omni-intensive,safely systematic and remotely control management from single technical,common systematic and local region management.
Chinese to English: TGV and aeronaustic General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - Chinese 未来欧洲的高速列车将持续快速地发展,因为每个运营商都希望能在与其他对手的竞争中脱颖而出。我们意识到运营商们都在采取观望政策,他们彼此观望,在列车的载客量和时速之间徘徊、在如何以最少服务却达到顶级乘坐体验之间犹豫不决。在这种境况之下,阿尔斯通交通运输的目标是提前预判到客户的潜在需求以开创未来市场。”
Bernard Gonnet先生坦言:“我们非常赞赏和推崇航空业的运作模式及其私有化经验。”众多的转变正在证明这句话:阿尔斯通交通运输采取了类似于空客A380的运作方式,破天荒地向市场推出了完全由公司出资制造的、非客户订单列车——P gase,即AGVTM超高速列车的001号样车。从意大利NTV公司订购了25列AGVTM超高速列车就足以证明该列车符合了主要铁路私营运营商的所有要求!不仅如此,如同航空业一样,阿尔斯通交通运输也首次为P gase列车生产线配备了一个由30人组成的列车设计部门,他们将负责现场解决客户提出的各种个性化的设计要求。
Translation - English Future European TGV(high speed train,法语’高速列车’) will coutinuously forward,the reason is every service provider is expecting outstanding amoung their industrial competitors.
We are aware that the TGV providers are looking on policies,looking on each other, wandering between capacity and speed,hesitating between minimal service but top boarding experience.In this case,Alstom’s transportation aim is to precast the potential
needs of customers to create future market.
The logic of Aeronaustic
Mr.Bernard Gonnet admits:“We admire and recommande the running mode and privatization experience of aeronaustic.”Numerous conversions have proven his statement : transportation of Alstom adopts running mode similar to A380,very firstly in history presents completely own-fund and manufactured,no-customised TGV to market—the P gase,the so called AGVTM,known as super-speed train 001 sample. NTV of Italy purchases 25 AGVTM super-speed trains proves it meets the entire requirements of private railway providers ! Moreover,same as aeronaustic,Alstom transportation firstly arranges a department consisted of 30 crews for the P gase workshop,which will responsible for resolving various customized design needs at spot.
English to Chinese: grace rendez-vous with HR Helene General field: Art/Literary
Source text - English Grace rendez-vous avec Helene.
“HR lovely day”arrives in Hangzhou gracely,privilegely customised for it’s precious VIP Rendez-vous.More than 30 customers will be invited to experience the honorable service and luxury feels provided by HR Helene in 2 days.
11,June,Redison Restaurant,Hangzhou,descending white curtain in Liuyunge Hall,decorated elegantly petite luxe by the golden ‘HR’ logo.White ikebana,moth orchid from Thailand,elegant products arrayed above the crystals,HR logo carved chocolate cookies and cakes……each of details brights the sight of guests. In 4 rooms that decorated luxely and gracely,skin doctors,nutrition experts and professional cosmetists share the commune focused topics separately with their VIP guests,1 to 1,
and make the customized plans of skin care,nutrious cuisine and personal cosmetics for their valuable guests’own.
One of the guests represents her experience:”I acknowledged HR Helene as a famous brand,her top scientifics and fashion flavor makes me love her”.”I’ve never experienced such respected service—1 to 1,absolutely personal,whatmore I learned professional tips that stay my body and skin healthy.The most unusually,the whole activity is almost no-commercial enables,that really makes grace and loose”.
It’s the end of grace,however there still stay some guests in the “cabinet” and hall,most of them are expecting the next time’s “Lovely day”.
English to Chinese: dissimilation labor research-Marx
Source text - English Marx and Engels considered labor-capital relations as the basis of Capitalism society, and systematically stated their economic opions by taking this as beginning.Marx presented dissimilation labor theory in his first economic works .By analysing dissimilation labor,he revealed the opposition between labors and capitals in Capital society.In 60's 19th century,Marx firstly presented the theory Labor was subject to capital,which dymatically analysed labor-capital relation.Marx considered,in the beginning of Capitalism,labor was formally subject to capital,but was practicely subject to capital when capical developped.
Translation - Chinese 马克思、恩格斯把劳资关系看成是资本主义社会的基础,并以此为开端系统地阐述自己的经济学观点。马克思在他的第一部经济学著作《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中提出了异化劳动理论。通过对异化劳动的分析,揭露了资本主义社会中工人阶级同资产阶级的对立。19世纪60年代初,马克思首次系统地提出了劳动从属于资本的理论,对资本主义劳资关系作了动态的分析。马克思认为,在资本主义发展的初期是劳动对资本的形式从属,而在资本主义成熟时期则是劳动对资本的实际从属。
English to Chinese: internet customer behavior research
Source text - English This paper analyses the initial effects and relationships between consumer attitudes and Internet-based e-shopping. We were able to sample Internet B2C ecommerce at the time of its active introduction into Singapore, where in addition ceteris paribus conditions followed from the tendency for logistics, communications, and payment costs over the Internet to remain small and constant. Our aim was to obtain a theoretically and empirically grounded initial reference position, against which later research can examine and interpret the role played by changes in the variables representing consumer preferences and shifts in these preferences: in particular, our findings can usefully be compared with results showing the subsequent success or failure of Internet-based B2C e-commerce. Moreover, through appropriate interpretation of parametric change in the regression analysis, we can explore the consequences of possible (future) changes in Internet transaction costs, especially with respect to payment, logistics-delivery, communications, and asymmetric information.
Translation - Chinese 这篇文章研究了消费者态度与网上购物之间最初的影响以及二者之间的关系。我们在B2C(公司到客户)电子商务开展得如火如荼的新加坡深入调查取样,在其他条件均相同的情况下,这儿还能发现基于网络的微小且持续的物流、通讯、消费的新趋势。我们的目的是获得既从理论上又能从实际经验上得以支撑的原始的参照点,以使后来的研究能够检验并解释由代表消费者偏好的变量和这些偏好所带来的改变所扮演的角色:特别是,我们的发现能有效地与结果作对比,向人们展现随之而来基于互联网的电子商务是成功还是失败。此外,通过对回归分析中参数改变的适当说明,我们能够开发出有用的成果:(未来)网络交易成本可能的变化,特别是涉及到支付、物流配送、通信和不对称信息。
English to Chinese: Baosteel Group actively collecting Handan Steel's warrants
Source text - English Baosteel Group actively collecting Handan Steel's warrants
According to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Baosteel Group (and its subsidiaries)
has become Handan Steel's largest free-floating shareholder and the largest call
warrant holder.
Handan Steel Group's stake would drop to below 20% if warrants
are all executed at maturity.
Given this situation, we think it possible Baosteel
Group could consider acquisition of Handan Steel.
Low EV/t and trading P/BV are acquisition catalysts
Most Chinese steelmakers trade at about 1x P/BV, with some still below book.
Most of their EV/t are lower than the replacement cost of Rmb4,000-5,000/t
(integrated capacity to CRC).
Thus, we expect the M&A to accelerate among
Chinese makers, as foreign makers are not allowed to take over Chinese peers.
full-listing would also facilitate M&A.
Positive in the long term
Baosteel the listed company would not likely become involved into the possible
acquisition, in our view.
Handan Steel (6mt capacity) is located in Hebei Province
and has abundant iron-ore reserves.
If the acquisition materialised, the Baosteel
Group would benefit from:
(1) capacity growth; (2) penetration into the
fragmented North China market.
More growth potential
Given the parent as sector consolidator, Baosteel is positioned for more acquisition
growth potential.
We maintain our Buy 2 rating with a price target of Rmb6.9
(1.6x 2006E P/BV).
Translation - Chinese 宝钢集团积极回购邯郸钢铁认股权
Source text - English Order Simulator: This component is responsible for generating the orders. The orders can be picked up either from a specified order file or can be generated on-the-fly. The latter mechanism is currently being developed so that it writes to an order file. It assumes that specified security ids, user ids, price and quantity ranges, and order to trade ratios are specified. Likewise, it assumes that percentage of orders per security and per user are specified. Based on the specifications it will generate an order with the security and user ids randomly generated as per the distribution specified. The price and quantity generated will be random within the range specified. If this option is not chosen, then an input order file will have to be provided where each order line will contain information about the tuple at the minimum. Currently, only limit orders are supported. Order injection rate is controlled separately by the injector component.
Translation - Chinese 订单模拟器:此模块负责生成订单。订单既能从指定的“订单文件”读取,也能联机生成。后者(指联机)机制是最近开发以使其能写入一个“订单文件”。这能确保特定的安全id、用户名、价格和数量区间,交易成交比率符合设定的条件。同样地,它也能确保每个安全id和用户的订单的比例符合条件。基于设定的条件,它能按照由指定的分销命令随机生成的安全id和用户名生成订单。价格和数量会在事先设定好的区间内随机生成。如果此选项未被选定,将要求(用户)在一个包括有基于最小值的的订单框中提交一个订单。目前,只支持数量有限的订单。下单定额由“下单模块”单独控制。
English to Chinese: Schwarzkopf Professional’s Essential
Source text - English Schwarzkopf Professional’s Essential Looks is a total creative package that takes catwalk inspiration and turns it into a perfect summary of seasonal trends. The result is a collection of contemporary yet commercial looks that make up to the minute wearable hair available to all salon clients.
This potent forecasting tool is created by a team of industry insiders. It delivers all the global insights you need to keep pace with the trends and create fashion forward looks of your own.
After a summer of ladylike looks and loveliness, it’s now time to toughen up. The Fusion Collection sees a return to gritty glamour and for the very first time fuses four fashion focussed looks with four softer interpretations. These are commercial versions of the hardcore originals and bring a new dimension to the collection. It’s Essential Looks very own diffusion line and a recognition that one trend can mean many things to different people.
Translation - Chinese “施华寇专业级精华靓妆”是融合了舞台灵感并致力于将其转化成潮流领导的,极具创意的一款美发套装。时至今日,其已成为那些要求迅速扮靓、时尚现代且又不失商务礼仪,要求苛刻且又适用于沙龙级客户的指定产品。
Translation - English Transaction
Retailers must find more flexible and exciting ways for customers to transact online and across channels. In the physical channel, we see more in-store kiosks, which provide customers with the convenience of ordering products that may not be carried in the store, are out-of-stock or require customization. Key enablers deployed by retailers in the Transaction phase include loyalty programs that easily translate across the various channels, customizable gift cards, the ability to transact within a social network and from a mobile phone, self-service in-store checkout, and even using a mobile device to record purchases within the store.
A key capability for multi-channel retailers is channel and delivery flexibility – delivering to wherever best suits the customer. While developing this capability is a challenge, the benefits can be significant. Delivery services such as “click-and-collect” provide convenience for customers and incremental sales for retailers from additional store visits. Leading retailers offer home delivery, collection from store or a convenient pick-up point. Some provide the capability to specify the day of delivery including next-day delivery, or even a specified time slot. Other enablers may include delivery tracking and proactive recovery of failed delivery.
Chinese to English: orientation of electric quality disturbances signal research General field: Science
Source text - Chinese 本文将基于似然比的假设检验方法运用于对电能质量扰动信号的定位。首先将电能质量扰动信号求取一阶及二阶导数,得到的二阶导数信号具有基本上以零线为中心波动,幅值较小,而在扰动发生及终止时刻出现波动幅值较大的突变点的特征。以一个宽度为3的窗口在其二阶导数信号上滑动,以基于似然比假设检验方法推导得到的似然比门限值对滑窗内信号是否属于突变点进行判决。对于判决得到的的突变点,若其采样点位置连续,认为由同一电能质量扰动突变点引起。在其电能扰动信号的一阶导数中寻找这些连续采样点中绝对值最大点作为扰动发生或终止的位置。仿真结果表明,此方法可以对有明显突变点的电压暂降、电压暂升、电压中断、谐波等扰动信号进行定位,定位结果较为准确。
Translation - English This article presents the orientation of electric quality disturbances signal based on likelihood ratio.Firstly,value the first-derivative and second derivative by dereferencing electric quality,the latter signal value has properties of narrow amplitude fluctuating around zero line,and wide amplitude discontinuity while fluctuation happens and ends.To determine if the signal from the window is a discontinuity or not, with a width 3 window sliding alone
the second derivative value,based on the likelihood threshold value derivated by likelihood hypothesis analyzing method.The discontinuity
by determined,if the sites of sampling points are consecutive,considered
occurred by monoelectric quality.Find out and define disturbance location
and end location from the max absolute values amoung consecutive sampling
points by filtering from the first derivatives of electric quality disturbances signals.Simulation result shows,this method can accurately
locate disturbance signals of temporary voltage descends and rises,interruption and harmonic waves with obvious discontinuity properties.
English to Chinese: Nelson Mandela's body begins final journey General field: Other
Source text - English The aircraft carrying Nelson Mandela's body has landed in Eastern Cape province as his coffin is transported to his ancestral home village ahead of the state funeral for South Africa's first black president on Sunday.
The South African air force plane landed at Mthata airport on Saturday afternoon. Earlier, during a solemn ceremony at Waterkloof air base in Pretoria that was broadcast live on South African television, President Jacob Zuma praised Mandela for bringing discipline and vision to the long and difficult struggle against apartheid.
"Go well tata, you have played your part," Zuma said in his eulogy, using the Xhosa word for father. "We will always remember you."
The homage was the most overtly political event of the mourning period since Mandela's death on 5 December at the age of 95. ANC leaders and allied trade unions hailed Mandela as a determined "soldier" and revolutionary. Zuma led the assembled mourners, who included Mandela's widow Graca Machel and his former wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, in revolutionary song after his speech.
Mandela's coffin, drapped in the South African flag, was accompanied by a military honour guard as it was transferred onto a military plane for transport to the village of Qunu.
The state funeral will combine military pomp and the traditional rites of Mandela's Thembu clan. It will be attended by family members, national leaders and foreign guests including Prince Charles and the US civil rights activist Reverend Jessie Jackson.
The ANC ceremony on Saturday came after nine days of mourning and memorials held in Johannesburg and Pretoria.
This included three days of lying in state at the Union Buildings in Pretoria from Wednesday to Friday. More than 100,000 people queued for hours to say a last personal goodbye
One of Mandela's grandchildren, Mandla, thanked those who had come to pay their respects to the Nobel peace laureate.
"I have witnessed his army, I have witnessed his people, I have witnessed ordinary South Africans who walked this long walk to freedom with him, and I can assure the African National Congress today that the future of this country looks bright."
Representatives from leftwing parties such as Angola's MPLA and Ireland's Sinn Féin attended Saturday's homage.
Zuma, whose rule has faced widespread criticism, addressed the leadership issue in his speech.
"The question is, can we produce as ANC other Madibas?" he asked, using Mandela's Xhosa name.
"We need more Madibas so that our country can prosper. Yes we are free, but the challenges of inequality remain."
Sunday's funeral at Qunu, planned as a more intimate event than the stadium memorial held on Tuesday and attended by a host of world leaders, will bring together members of Mandela's family and clan and a smaller group of dignitaries.
They include African and Caribbean leaders, the Iranian vice-president Mohammad Shariatmadari, Lesotho's King Letsie III and the former French prime ministers Lionel Jospin and Alain Juppé.
Mandela's coffin will be taken in military procession from Mthatha in Eastern Cape to Qunu, a journey of around 30 miles, allowing locals a chance to say goodbye to their most famous son
Translation - Chinese 载有曼德拉遗体的飞机降落在东凯普省,与此同时,他的灵柩已于这个国家在星期天为她的第一任黑人总统举行的国葬之前运抵他祖先居住的村庄。
English to Chinese: SOMATOM Perspective technique General field: Science
Source text - English Widen your clinical portfolio
The SOMATOM Perspective offers a wide range of features that help make even challenging exams clinical routine.
Routine high-speed imaging
Detection of small fractures or bleeding in an acute care scenario is a challenge in CT imaging. Thanks to the combination of the unique Siemens SureView concept and a 38.4 mm detector width, trade-offs between scan speed and image quality are no longer necessary - and long scan ranges at sub-millimeter collimation are no longer difficult. Thus, SureView's spiral image reconstruction algorithm facilitates challenging and long scans in clinical routine.
Dedication to low dose
In addition to excellent image quality, the SOMATOM Perspective offers an impressive spectrum of dose reduction features. The UFC Detector, for example, lowers radiation dose thanks to its short afterglow and fast decay behavior. CARE Dose4D? adapts tube current to patient size in realtime for dose-efficient scanning. The SOMATOM Perspective also comes with CARE Dose4D pediatric modulation curves for scanning children.
The constraint here can be that there is not enough ceiling height to install a drop ceiling for use as an air return plenum. This is normally an essential condition for ducted hot aisle containment or ducted rack solutions.
Air distribution type
It’s normally difficult to change the air distribution type in an existing data center, and yet the air distribution type will be also critical in determining the level of investment and complexity involved in deploying a particular containment method. For example, it will be easy and cost effective to deploy hot air containment for data centers with targeted return and flooded supply, while it’s easy and cost effective to deploy cold air containment for data centers with targeted supply and flooded return.
Row-cooled hot aisle containment system (Row-cooled HACS)
This containment solution applies to data centers with existing row-based cooling units but could also serve as a solution for data centers with perimeter cooling units. For data centers with existing in-row cooling units, containment is achieved by simply adding ceiling panels over the aisle. For data centers with existing perimeter cooling units, this containment solution adds cooling units in between racks or over hot aisles. This method should be used when high density racks are added in a low density data center, and when all racks are in some form of hot aisle containment.
English to Chinese: action stress in structure General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English An action is anything that gives rise to stress in a structure.
The term load or direct action refers to concentrated or distributed forces resulting from the weight of the structure and its contents, or pressure due to wind, water, or earth.
An indirect action or imposed deformation is a movement or deformation, which does not result from applied loads, but which causes stresses in a structure.
Examples are uneven support settlements of continuous beams, and shrinkage of concrete if it is not free to shorten.
Because the stresses due to imposed deformations do not resist an applied load, they are generally self-equilibrating.
Consider, for example, a prism of concrete with a reinforcing bar along its axis.
As the concrete shrinks, its shortening is resisted by the reinforcement.
Translation - Chinese 所谓的作用力是指在结构上产生压力的任何事件(或物体)。
Chinese to English: Isolation restrictation General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - Chinese 所谓封闭,是指利用自然地貌(如山体、河沟等)和采取一定工程设施(如筑围墙、设围栏等)警戒设卡,使施工区域外面人员只能在指定出入口处(如道口、洞口、厂门口等),经检查允许方可入内的一项安全防护措施。封闭的目的是排除外界因素对施工区域内生产、生活正常秩序的干扰,保障施工安全。长期以来,许多单位对施工中一些关键区域(如水轮发电机组安装区、变电所等)和危险区域(如放炮区、滑坡险情区、拌和楼拆除作业区等)一直采取封闭措施。对坝区“红线”内整个区域实施封闭,目前国内已有二滩、长江三峡工程的经验。对施工坝区的全部还是其中某些部位采取封闭,宜在施工组织设计阶段分析论证清楚,并按实际需要而定。对施工中的一些关键区域和危险区域则应实施封闭。
Translation - English The so-called"isolation",means setting alert Checkingpoint or blockspot by existed natural landforms(e.g mountain,river or ravine)and engineering infrastructure,to restrict outside staffs to pass through only from spesified passeges(e.g roadcrossing,cave mouth,entrance of plants)when verified.The purpose of "isolation" is to preventing manufacturing and nomal life from being distrubing,so as to supply safety to engineering.Since a long time,many engineering units usually set "isolation" restriction at important aera(e.g hydroelectric generator assembly aera,transformer substation) and some dangerous aera.Isolating the "red-line" from the entire dam,is already experienced by Ertan and Changjiang three Gorges engineering.Whether set entire isolation or partly isolation,prefers to clearly analysing and designing at engineering sections,and determined by praticely demands.For important and dangerous aera should set "isolation" restriction.
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