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English to Hindi: Family Letter Translation General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Source text - English Avtar
You might not like what I am about to say but I am going to say it anyway because you need to hear it. You are and have been making bad decisions for a while. I know you take some advice from family and everybody loves you, aunties, uncles, mommy, daddy, sister, and cousins everybody but some advice is not good. Auntie and uncle you live with give worst advise, especially uncle. You are making bad decisions about your relationships and your life. I think that they are kind of holding you back because they did not do so good when they left India. They don't want you to do better than them so they don't encourage you to go to school, do better or get a better job. Negative karma is coming to your uncle if it has not already. I think you know what he do and what say. If not, start paying attention. I don't want to say much about him. I know he is your uncle. I know you love him and I know he loves you but his heart and mind is not where it should be.
When you get advise you don't have to do everything people say. Think about the situation and what you would like to happen and what is right before you just do whatever people say. You are going to be sad, hurting, alone and in a bad position if you do not take the time to think. Think and do what is right. I hear about what goes on over there and some of the things I hear are bad. It makes me sad, angry and embarrassed or kind of ashamed.
I heard about the girl. She didn't do anything to you, someone else said something not her. How can you be mad at her because of what someone else did? How is that fair? Would you like it if people you love got mad at you because of what someone else did or said? That doesn't make sense. We can't control other people, only ourselves. Don't let people poison your mind. Don't let people poison your relationships. If you have a problem with someone you go to that person and talk to them about it, not everybody except that person. That doesn't help the situation. If this girl loves you and treats you well and is a good person, why are you letting people come between you? That is dumb. While everyone else is married or is getting married, you are alone. You are alone because you put someone out of your life who loved you and did not deserve it. Not everyone is fortunate enough to find someone to love them so if you are fortunate enough to have it, don't take it lightly. Appreciate it and hold onto it. Having someone in your life who truly loves you when they don't have to because they're not related to you is very special.
I am not going to say much more because I am not trying to turn you against anyone. Some things are being done and said that are wrong. Talking bad about people is not good. Talking bad about people when it is not true is even worse and I am not just talking about that girl. I am just telling you to take the time to think about things, find out what is going on and do what is right.
Best Wishes
Translation - Hindi अवतार
मै जो आज आपको बताने जा रहा हू वो आपको शायद अच्छा नहीं लगेगा लेकिन मै फिर भी कहूँगा क्योंकि आपका जानना ज़रूरी है।
आप गलत फैसले ले रहे हैं और काफी समय से लिए जा रहे हैं। मै जानता हू कि आप अपने परिवार से कुछ अच्छी सलाह लेते हैं और आपको आंटी,अंकल, माता, पिता, बेहेन, भाई सब आपको प्यार करते हैं लेकिन कुछ सलाह सही नहीं है। आंटी और अंकल जिनके साथ आप रहते हैं, वो आपको सबसे बेकार सलाह देते हैं, खासकर अंकल जी। आप अपनी ज़िन्दगी और रिश्तों को लेकर गलत फैसले ले रहे हैं। मुझे लगता है कि वो आपके लिए रुकावट डाल रहे हैं क्योंकि उन्होंने इंडिया छोड़कर कुछ अच्छा नहीं किया। वो नहीं चाहते कि आप उनसे ज़यादा अच्छा काम करो इसी लिए वो आपको स्कूल जाने, अच्छा करने या अच्छी नौकरी ढूंढ़ने के लिए बढ़ावा नहीं देते। आपके अंकल को बुरे कर्मो का फल मिलने वाला है अगर अभी तक नहीं मिला। मुझे लगता है कि आप जानते हो कि वो क्या करते हैं और क्या कहते हैं। अगर नहीं तो इसपर ध्यान देना शुरू कर दो। मैं उनके बारे में ज़यादा कुछ नहीं कहना चाहता। मै जानता हू कि वो आपके अंकल हैं। मै जानता हूँ कि आप उनको प्यार करते हैं और वो भी आपसे प्यार करते हैं लेकिन उनका दिलो दिमाग वहाँ नहीं है जहां होना चाहिए।
जब आपको सलाह मिलती है तो ज़रूरी नहीं कि आप वो सब कुछ करें जो लोग आपको केह रहे हैं। इस से पहले कि आप वो सब करें जो लोग केह रहे हैं, अपनी परिस्थितियों के बारे में सोचो और आप क्या चाहते हो क्या हो, क्या सही है इस बारे में सोचो। अगर आप सोच विचार के लिए थोडा सा वक़्त नहीं निकाल सकते तो बाद में आप दुखी, निराश, अकेले और बुरी परिस्थितियों में पड़ जायेंगे। सोचो और जो सही है वो करो। मुझे सुनने में आया है कि वहाँ क्या हो रहा है और कुछ चीज़ें तो बहुत ही बुरी हैं जिनके बारे में मै सुन रहा हूँ। ये मुझे उदास, गुस्सा, शर्मसार और एक तरीके से बेइज़ज़त कर देता है।
मैंने लड़की के बारे में सुना। उसने तुम्हारे साथ कुछ नहीं किया, किसी और ने कुछ कहा है लेकिन उसने कुछ नहीं कहा। किसी और की गलती पर तुम उस लड़की पे कैसे गुस्सा हो सकते हो। ये किस प्रकार से न्याय है? क्या तुम्हे अच्छा लगेगा कि किसी और के कुछ कहने या करने से लोग तुम पर गुस्सा हों? इस में कोई विवेक वाली बात नहीं। हम दूसरे लोगों पर काबू नहीं कर सकते, सिर्फ अपने ऊपर कर सकते हैं। लोगों को तुम्हारे मन में ज़हर मत भरने दो। लोगों को तुम्हारे रिश्तों में ज़हर मत भरने दो। अगर तुम्हें किसी से परेशानी है तो सीधा उस शख्स से जा कर बात करो ना कि उस शख्स को छोड़कर बाकी सब से। ये समस्या का हल नहीं है। अगर ये लड़की तुमसे प्यार करती है, तुम्हारे साथ अच्छा व्यवहार करती है और खुद एक अच्छी इंसान है तो फिर क्यूँ लोगों को अपने बीच आने दे रहे हो? यह बेवकूफी है। जहां बाकी सब शादीशुदा हैं या शादी कर रहे हैं, तुम अकेले हो। तुम अकेले हो क्योंकि जो तुमसे प्यार करती है उसे तुमने अपनी ज़िन्दगी से बाहर फैंक दिया है जो अन्याय है। सबकी किस्मत इतनी अच्छी नहीं होती कि उनको कोई प्यार करने वाला मिले और अगर तुम्हारी किस्मत इतनी अच्छी है कि तुम्हे वह मिल गयी है तो तुम उसको इतनी हल्के से मत लो। उसकी कदर करो और पकड़ के रखो। यह बहुत ख़ास बात है कि तुम्हारी ज़िन्दगी में ऐसा कोई हो जो तुमसे बहुत प्यार करे जबकि उसे करने कि ज़रुरत नहीं है क्योंकि उसका तुमसे कोई वास्ता नहीं।
मै इससे ज़यादा तुम्हे कुछ नहीं कहूंगा क्योंकि मै तुम्हे किसी के खिलाफ भड़का नहीं रहा। कुछ चीज़ें की जा रही हैं और कही जा रहीं है जो गलत हैं। लोगों के बारे में बुरा बोलना अच्छी बात नहीं है। लोगों के बारे में बुरा बोलना जबकि वो सच न हो, वो और भी ज़यादा गलत है और मै सिर्फ उस लड़की की बात नहीं कर रहा। मै सिर्फ तुम्हें इतना कह रहा हूँ कि चीज़ों के बारे में सोचने के लिए थोड़ा वक़्त निकालो, पता लगाओ कि क्या हो रहा है और वो करो जो सही है।
ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं
English to Punjabi: Family Letter Translation General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Source text - English You are making a lot of wrong decisions and have been making bad decisions for many years. You are accepting a lot of bad advise. Just because advise comes from your family doesn't mean it's good advise.Family usually has the best intentions but family can still be wrong. Your stubbornness comes from stupidity and probably even the bad advised you get and you're stubborn about the wrong things. You don't seem to recognize when God is trying to bless you. You also don't seem to recognize when you are wrong or like to apologize.That is extremely bad. You can't seem to distinguish the difference between good things and bad things all the time. You let go of the wonderful amazing things in your life and hold onto the bad things. When good things come your way, you don't seem to recognize them. You also don't go after things like you should. Life is not about sitting back and taking the path of least resistance. The path of least resistance a lot of times is the wrong path, that's why it's the easiest. You have to work or fight for things sometimes or else you will lose or miss all the wonderful things life has for you. In life we are presented with many choices, you need to start making the right ones. A little turbulence in life should make us stronger and wiser so don't always be fearful when it comes your way. How you handle adversity is important. It can be nothing more than God testing you to develop your identity, build your morals, strength, courage, endurance, caliber of heart and your capacity to serve. Do you think God would be happy with the way you last handled adversity? I'm going to say no. What you do from this point still matters. It's never to late to correct a wrong. Learn what is means to be not just a man but a good, honest, strong, intelligent, compassionate, moral, humble, pure hearted, kind, considerate, giving, wise man. Learn that you don't have to worry about pleasing other people. Learn that when people say things like it's ok because everyone else does it, they are telling you do something that is wrong. It may be common but it's still wrong. Millions of people do wrong every day. It's ok to be humble but it's not ok to be weak.
When you find someone who is a good person, who loves you and is willing to stick by you, help you, be there for you and protect you don't let her go. Do what ever you can to hold onto her for the rest of this life. Love her, be good to her, protect her, let her know she can always count on you. She will love you when you least deserve it because that is when you will really need it. The body is dead without true love. Don't let people separate you from her or any other good and honest thing in your life because people always try to take the good things from you. You found a true love but stupidity caused you to let her go. Even if you find someone else and you may not, you will never find another like her. Her love was true and was stronger than you realized. She is someone who would have done anything she could for you. You miss her. Don't worry about what anyone else will say. You should go to her gently and lovingly. Stop being foolish and stubborn. That is not the right way to be.
The love of your family is wonderful but the love from a woman who loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life loving you is special because a family has to love you but that woman chooses to love you. She looked looked at you and saw someone special, someone of value, someone who was worthy of being loved. Most people did not see that when they looked at you but she did.
I think you are afraid to do different than what your family says. Remember you're not a child, you're a man. It's ok to make choices for your life that are different than what they say. You want to gain a loving wife and a good life. You don't want to be alone or in bad situations because of their bias, negative opinions. Disagreeing and disrespecting are not the same. You let people put negative thoughts in your mind about her and that is not right. If you loved this woman, you would protect and defend her, not let people speak negative of her and tear her down to you. You have been taking love from this woman but not giving her the love and respect she deserves. You need to return the love you receive. This woman was looking for a husband, were you looking for a wife or were you playing games with her? One who takes but does not give is selfish. Selfish love is not love.
Make better decisions, do what is right and improve your life. Stop letting others hold you back. Stop drinking, stop the porn, be honest, have better morals, make better decisions, no more drugs, control your thoughts and body, be a good man.
English to Hindi: Translation of Website content General field: Marketing Detailed field: Linguistics
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Translation - Hindi हिंदी बोलने वालों के लिए स्काइप द्वारा या लंदन में उच्चारण स्वर घटाने की शिक्षा
उच्चारण स्वर घटौती क्या है?
क्या लोग आपकी बात नहीं समझ पाते?
क्या एक बेहतर इंग्लिश उच्चारण ध्वनि आपके करियर सुधार सकती है?
उच्चारण घटौती, या वक्तृत्व, आपके स्वर और अंग्रेज़ो जैसे लगने में मदद करता है
यह अभ्यास कीर प्रकार काम करते हैं?
ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड स्ट्रीट (सेंट्रल लंदन) पर, स्काइप द्वारा या फिर आपके घर/काम की जगह पर
१-१ ध्वनि घटौती अभ्यास
व्यक्तिगत कोर्स उपलब्ध
आप किस प्रकार मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं?
लूक निकोलसन एक अनुभवी उच्चारण घटौती शिक्षक हैं
काबिल इंग्लिश भाषा शिक्षक जो उच्चारण विशेषज्ञ हैं
३० अलग देशों से संतुष्ट छात्र
अपना अंग्रेज़ी उच्चारण स्वर सुधारिए
अपने हिंदी उच्चारण स्वर से मुक्ति पाइए
सारे अभ्यास अंग्रेज़ी में ही संचालित होंगे
एक अभ्यास बुक कीजिये या फिर एक प्रश्न पूछिए
अंग्रेज़ी में अनूठी उच्चारण गलतियां
अंग्रेज़ी उच्चारण सलाह
आप जो सीखते हैं
अंग्रेज़ी में विशेष ध्वनियों का उच्चारण किस प्रकार किया जाए?
सुर और लय
निधड़क और साफ़-साफ़ कैसे बोला जाए | काम पे पब्लिक स्पीकिंग और प्रस्तुति में मदद
आपकी वाणी मॉस पेशियों का सही इस्तेमाल किस प्रकार किया जाए
लूक अंग्रेज़ी स्वर और उच्चारण में ना सिर्फ एक नायक है बल्कि एक बहुत अच्छा अध्यापक भी है
सफलता के साथ अंग्रेज़ी बोलिए
और जानकारी के लिए अंग्रेज़ी भाषा की वेबसाइट पे जाइए
अतिरिक्त जानकारी
हिंदी बोलने वालों के लिए स्वर घटौती
हिंदी बोलने वालों के लिए ५ अंग्रेज़ी उच्चारण राय जो अपने अंग्रेजी स्वर को सुधारना चाहते हैं
हिंदी बोलने वालों के लिए अंग्रेज़ी उच्चारण
अंग्रेज़ी बोलते समय हिंदी उच्चारण गलतियां
अंग्रेज़ी में हिंदी उच्चारण वाली गलतियां
लंदन में या फिर स्काइप द्वारा अपने उच्चारण स्वर और पब्लिक स्पीकिंग कौशल को सुधारिए
English to Punjabi: Poem Translation General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English The fool calls a friend an enemy and an enemy a friend.
The fool does not like truth.
The fool wants what is not good for him and does not want what is good for him.
The fool says it is alright because everyone else does it.
The fool accepts foolish advise as wisdom.
The fool cannot truly decipher good from bad.
The fool is to prideful or foolish to apologize when he is wrong.
The fool does not always know that he is wrong.
The fool does not realize he had something wonderful until it is gone.
The fool sometimes never realizes that he had something wonderful because he is in fact a fool.
The fool is to lazy or foolish to fight or work hard for what he wants.
The fool always takes the easy way even though the easy way is often not the best way.
The fool cannot stand on his own, he is always dependent on others.
The fool goes along with what others do or say even though they are wrong.
The fool will not stand up for himself or for truth.
The does not think for himself and allows foolish things to be placed in his mind.
The fool thinks wise advise is foolish and does not to listen.
The fool does not recognize something good when he sees it and if he does, he is to foolish to go after it.
The fool sees the world through foolish eyes and gets it wrong until he realizes he is a fool and changes his foolish ways.
Two footprints in the sand turn to one. You look at me and say why did you abandon me? I say, pointing at the single set of footprints, it was then that I carried you. I would never leave you, it is you who abandons me.
All the bad things you do block all the good that should come to you. Stop, look, listen and think. I will always be here for you however, I cannot help you if you do not allow me to. Do not be like those you call good evil and evil good.
Always loving you. Always watching over you. Always wanting to help you. Always wanting to protect you. Always wanting to talk to you. Never forgetting you!
Hi I am a freelance translator with 3 years of experience translating English to Hindi and Punjabi for which I have received 100 per cent positive rating on different websites for the excellent quality and super fast delivery speed of my work. apart from Translation I do transcription and subtitling of videos as well.
I am also an artist in free time I can draw portraits and compositions.
I guarantee you 100 per cent satisfaction of your needs
Keywords: English, Hindi, Punjabi, Panjabi, India, Translation, Translate, Translator, transcription, transcribe. See more.English, Hindi, Punjabi, Panjabi, India, Translation, Translate, Translator, transcription, transcribe, letter, document, software, description, information, website, content. See less.