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English to Croatian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour Croatian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour
English to Croatian: 32009R0290 REGULATION (EC) No 290/2009 OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK of 31 March 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 63/2002 (ECB/2001/18) concerning statistics on interest rates applied by monetary financial institutions to deposits and loans vis-à-vis ho
Source text - English REGULATION (EC) No 290/2009 OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK
of 31 March 2009
amending Regulation (EC) No 63/2002 (ECB/2001/18) concerning statistics on interest rates applied by monetary financial institutions to deposits and loans vis-à-vis households and non-financial corporations
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 2533/98 of 23 November 1998 concerning the collection of statistical information by the European Central Bank (1), and in particular to Article 5(1) and Article 6(4) thereof,
Since the entry into force of Regulation (EC) No 63/2002 of the European Central Bank of 20 December 2001 concerning statistics on interest rates applied by monetary financial institutions to deposits and loans vis-à-vis households and non-financial corporations (ECB/2001/18) (2) a number of improvements in respect of the reporting scheme for new loans to households and non-financial corporations have been identified. The existing reporting requirements should therefore be amended.
The inclusion of a general breakdown of new loans, separately identifying the interest rates applied to and the volumes of those that are secured with collateral and/or guarantees should help to obtain more harmonised data at euro area level and facilitate comparisons across countries.
The inclusion of a breakdown by size of new loans to non-financial corporations should provide further insights into the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises.
The inclusion of a breakdown by initial period of interest rate fixation for new loans should provide more homogeneous information on interest rates by increasing the number of period of fixation categories and therefore increasing the homogeneity of each category.
The separate reporting of interest rates charged on credit card debt (also referred to as credit card credit) will allow the monitoring of these interest rates and ensure the common treatment of this instrument in all euro area countries.
The additional category of new loans to sole proprietors within ‘loans for other purposes to households’ will provide further information on the financing of unincorporated businesses and help in interpreting the general developments in loans to households.
The additional reporting of new loans to non-financial corporations according to maturity should make it easier to distinguish rates applied to short and long-term financing.
Clarification, redefinition and a more direct link to Regulation (EC) No 25/2009 of the European Central Bank of 19 December 2008 concerning the balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions sector (recast) (ECB/2008/32) (3) is necessary in respect of revolving loans and overdrafts.
It is also necessary to adopt clearer rules in respect of stratification and selection of reporting agents by the national central banks (NCBs) and to specify the right of the Governing Council to check such procedures,
Translation - Croatian UREDBA (EZ) br. 290/2009 EUROPSKE SREDIŠNJE BANKE
od 31. ožujka 2009.
o izmjeni Uredbe (EZ) br. 63/2002 (ESB/2001/18) o statistici kamatnih stopa koje monetarne financijske institucije primjenjuju na depozite i kredite kućanstava i nefinancijskih društava
uzimajući u obzir Uredbu Vijeća (EZ) br. 2533/98 od 23.studenoga 1998. o prikupljanju statističkih podataka od strane Europske središnje banke (1), a posebno njezin članak 5. stavak 1. i članak 6. stavak 4.,
budući da:
Od stupanja na snagu Uredbe (EZ) br. 63/2002 Europske središnje banke od 20. prosinca 2001. o statistici kamatnih stopa koje monetarne financijske institucije primjenjuju na depozite i kredite kućanstava i nefinancijskih društava (ESB/2001/18) (2) utvrđen je niz poboljšanja povezanih s izvještajnom shemom za nove kredite kućanstava i nefinancijskih društava. Stoga bi trebalo izmijeniti postojeće izvještajne zahtjeve.
Uvođenje sveobuhvatne raščlambe novih kredita, utvrđujući posebno primijenjene kamatne stope i obujam onih kredita osiguranih kolateralom i/ili jamstvom, trebao bi pomoći prikupljanju ujednačenih podataka na cijelom europodručju i olakšati usporedbe među državama.
Uvođenje raščlambe novih kredita nefinancijskih društava prema iznosima trebalo bi omogućiti bolji uvid u financiranje malih i srednjih poduzeća.
Uvođenje raščlambe novih kredita prema početnom razdoblju fiksiranja kamatne stope trebalo bi osigurati homogenost informacija o kamatnim stopama povećanjem broja razdoblja kategorija fiksiranja, povećavajući time homogenost svake kategorije.
Odvojeno izvješćivanje o kamatnim stopama koje se naplaćuju na dugovanja po kreditnim karticama (također poznata kao krediti po kreditnim karticama)omogućit će nadzor kamatnih stopa i osigurati ujednačen tretman predmetnog instrumenta u svim državama europodručja.
Dodatna kategorija novih kredita trgovcima pojedincima u okviru „kredita kućanstvima za ostalepotrebe” osiguratće dodatne informacije o financiranju društava bez pravne osobnosti i pomoćipri tumačenju općenitih kretanja kredita kućanstvima.
Dodatno izvješćivanje o novim kreditima nefinancijskim društvima premadospijeću trebalo bi olakšati razlikovanje stopa koje se primjenjuju nakratkoročno i dugoročno financiranje.
Neophodna su pojašnjenja, redefiniranje i izravnija poveznica s Uredbom(EZ) br. 25/2009 Europske središnje banke od 19.prosinca 2008. o bilanci sektora monetarnih financijskihinstitucija (preinačeno) (ESB/2008/32) (3), s obzirom na revolving kredite i prekoračenja po transakcijskimračunima.
Također je potrebno donijeti jasnija pravila povezana sa stratifikacijom iodabirom izvještajnih jedinica koje obavljaju nacionalne središnje banke(NSB) te utvrditi pravo Upravnog vijeća na provjeru takvih postupaka,
English to Croatian: Steps in Drafting a Policy Analysis Shadow Report General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English Step 1 Form an alliance
The aim of this step is to create a group of organizations and individuals that will support the creation of the report as well as help distribute and promote the report itself when it will be ready.
Carrying out a policy analysis and writing a shadow report are complex, time-consuming tasks.
They require access to information and data, and to data collection methods.
They require analytical skills as well as writing skills.
In short, this is not something that can be done by just one person.
In addition, the report is being made for a certain purpose (see below, step 8) and to achieve this goal the report usually needs to reach a variety of target groups.
That means, that carrying out the analysis and writing of the report is only part of the work involved.
People and organizations are going to be needed to help disseminate and promote the report and its recommendations.
For this reason, shadow reports are usually prepared by (informal or formal) networks or alliances of organizations and individuals who then are also engaged in getting the report the attention needed to achieve the set goals.
Obviously, a network or alliance increases the pool of skills, expertise and time available to create the report.
And it also widens the possibilities for external dissemination of the report, thus increasing the attention your recommendations will receive.
This does not necessarily mean that all members of such network or alliance need to be very actively involved in all the steps of data collection, analyzing, writing and dissemination.
A network member can have its value even if it is engaged only in spreading information or disseminating questionnaires.
For that matter, some network members can be valuable just having their name endorsing the recommendations.
The important thing in forming a valuable network or alliance is to seek out those that are somehow involved in the selected topic, policy or law and to identify what they can bring to the work to be done.
Translation - Croatian Korak 1. Udruživanje
Ovaj korak ima za cilj stvoriti skupinu organizacija i pojedinaca koji će biti podrška u pisanju izvješća, kao i pomoć u razmjeni i promicanju samog izvješća jednom kada bude spremno.
Analiza politike i pisanje izvješća u sjeni složeni su zadaci koji zahtijevaju dosta vremena.
Zahtijevaju pristup informacijama i podacima te metodama prikupljanja podataka.
Zahtijevaju analitičke vještine kao i vještine pisanja.
Ukratko, to ne može raditi samo jedna osoba.
Isto tako, izvješće se piše s određenom svrhom (pogledati niže, korak 8.) te da bi se taj cilj postigao, izvješće mora doći do niza različitih ciljnih skupina.
To znači da analiza i sastavljanje izvješća čine samo dio potrebnog posla.
Za širenje i promicanje izvješća i njegovih preporuka potrebni su ljudi i organizacije.
Iz tog razloga, izvješća u sjeni obično pripremaju (neformalne i formalne) mreže ili udruženja organizacija ili pojedinaca koji također rade na tome da izvješće dobije potrebnu pozornost kako bi se postigli zadani ciljevi.
Očito je da mreža ili udruženje povećava udružene resurse vještina, stručnosti i raspoloživog vremena za pisanje izvješća.
K tome proširuje i mogućnosti za vanjsko širenje izvješća, te se time povećava pozornost koju dobivaju Vaše preporuke.
To ne znači nužno da svi članovi takve mreže ili udruženja trebaju aktivno sudjelovati u svim koracima prikupljanja podataka, analiziranja, pisanja ili širenja.
Član mreže može biti od značaja i ako je uključen samo u širenje informacija ili razmjenu upitnika.
U tom smislu, neki članovi mreže mogu biti od značaja i ako se samo njihovo ime povezuje s podrškom takvim preporukama.
Ono što je važno pri stvaranju korisne mreže ili udruženja je pronaći osobe koje su na neki način uključene u odabranu temu, politiku ili zakon te utvrditi čime one mogu doprinijeti izvršenju zadatka.
Translation education
Master's degree - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Jan 2015.
Native Croatian freelance translator based in Zagreb, with more than 15 years of experience in written translation. Education:
MA in English Language and Literature from the University of Zagreb, Croatia
MBA in European Management from the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Berlin, Germany
Lived and studied in Montreal, Canada for two years, in an English-speaking environment, gained excellent English skills.
Specialized in translating in the following areas:
• Business - general
• Marketing / Advertising (fashion, food retail, home appliances)
• Legal texts - various
• EU legislation - focus on - EU Institutions, Free Movement of Goods, Economic and Monetary Union, Customs Union, Internal Market, EU Budget and Funding, Rural Development and Competition Policy;
Experience with translating in the areas of:
• IT - general
• Technical - general
• Medical - Pharmaceuticals, Neuroscience
• Botany / Horticulture
Translated and/or proofread:
> 1,500,000 words of EU acquis and secondary legislation
> 150,000 words of agreements, contracts and different legal documents,
> 150,000 words of user manuals, websites, articles, presentations, learning materials, subtitles, case studies and other types of texts and documents.
I work with SDL Trados 2014 with an average daily output of 2,000 words and more when deadlines require so.
When providing translation, editing and proofreading services I treat all of the work received with confidentiality, integrity and impartiality, while striving to maintain a high degree of professionalism, which includes respecting deadlines and other possible client needs.
Experience with translation projects so far includes the following:
Business / Marketing / Financial
- general business documents, reports, brochures, press releases, websites, corporate news & articles, mortgage insurance, catalogs, warranties, CVs, diplomas, certificates, reports, letters of recommendation, marketing campaigns, advertising campaigns, audit reports, insurance, real estate, annual financial reports, marketing surveys, questionnaires, presentations etc.
- EU legislation - regulations, directives, decisions, communications, recommendations, opinions, reports, contracts, treaties, agreements, amendments etc.
- tender documentation, service agreements, lease and sublease agreements, supply agreements, certificates of incorporation, promissory notes, certificates, marriage certificates, certificate of residence, contracts, court & ministry decisions, regulations, location and building permits, insurance policies, terms and conditions, terms of use, statements of claim, non-disclosure agreements, location agreements, framework agreements, works contracts, purchase orders, purchasing conditions, codes of conduct, statutes, judgments, extradition requests, extrajudicial settlements, employment agreements, joint venture/consortium agreements, lawsuits, industrial designs, calls for proposals, project applications, etc.
Technical / Engineering:
- technical descriptions, user manuals, machine descriptions, safety measures, homologations/type approvals of various vehicles and other machinery etc.
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Keywords: English to Croatian translation, English to Croatian translations, English to Croatian translator, English to Croatian translators, Croatian, croatian, English to Croatian translation services, English to Croatian editor, English to Croatian proofreader, EU translations to Croatian. See more.English to Croatian translation, English to Croatian translations, English to Croatian translator, English to Croatian translators, Croatian, croatian, English to Croatian translation services, English to Croatian editor, English to Croatian proofreader, EU translations to Croatian, EN-HR, Croatian to English translator, Croatian technical translations, Croatian IT translations, Croatian marketing translations, Croatian business translations, Croatian legal translations, technical translations, translation, editing, proofreading, revision, experienced translator, MA English Language and Literature, sworn interpreter for English, certified court interpreter for English, SDL Trados, business, economy, finance, law, marketing, market research, advertising, engineering, IT, localization, botany, horticulture, medical, user manuals, instructions, website translation, prijevod, prijevodi, prevođenje, hitni prijevod, prijevod s engleskoga na hrvatski, prijevod s hrvatskoga na engleski, prevoditelj, sudski tumač, sudski tumač za engleski jezik, engleski prijevod, prijevod na engleski. See less.