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English to Portuguese: Mobile Game /Creative Translation General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English EVENT 1
Darking Mad
The Halloween Carnival is underway and all of XXXX is having a great time - too bad King Zophar and his loyal canine companion Sparky have decided to crash the party! Fed up with the lack of space in the underworld, King Zophar wants more land to expand his ghoulish domain.
As the King of the Underworld, he’s used to getting what he wants. The fact that he’s undead doesn’t help either, since the dark of night is only making him stronger.
Unfortunately for King Zophar, an eternity ruling the underworld has made him very sensitive to light. Gather Lanterns to donate to King Zophar. They will blind him and weaken him for raiding! But, watch out for Sparky. He won’t let you fetch them so easily.
Naughty & Ice
The holidays are back in XXXX, and everyone is feeling the holiday cheer! Well, everyone except for Elfie! Years of toiling away in the gift factory making presents for everyone else has left her unhappy and bitter.
She’s decided to exact her revenge by teaming up with her fellow unhappy coworker, Gingerbread, and stealing all the presents and joy from XXXX!
Elfie’s frozen heart makes her impervious to any damage. Donate Hot Chocolate to Elfie to thaw her heart and weaken her for raiding. Then attack with your troop to put an end to the holiday menace!
Trial By Fire
By opening passage to the Darklands, the Rangers have incurred the wrath of LUMINOUS, immortal justice of “Good” and “Evil.” Now, Luminous has vowed to save Camp from the darkness… by DESTROYING it completely!
The flames of Luminous' heavenly garb burn righteous and true!, preventing even the worthiest Mortals from getting too close… or at least, without paying the ETERNAL PRICE…
Fortunately, there's a chink in the archangel's armor. Donate these Puja to douse Luminous' fire and get close enough to attack! But beware his FLAMING PEGASUS, for she too will trample any wicked Rangers who stand in her way!
Into the Shadowlands
After being sealed for thousands of years the gate to the Shadowlands has accidentally been opened by Ranger adventurers. Now a powerful Void Dragon is readying itself to escape the Shadowlands and take over Camp!
The power emanating from the Void Dragon is so massive the land around him is suffering from some strange poisoning and preventing even the most battle-hardened players from getting near him for prolonged periods without risking being poisoned by his darkness.
Fortunately, a small creature also from the portal seems to feed on this power! Donate these Glowleaf to absorb the power and get close enough to attack! But beware the Voidling who'll try to stop you as well since it also thrives in the Shadows!
Translation - Portuguese EVENTO 1
Loucura Obscura
A Festa de Halloween está a caminho e todos do XXXX estão se divertindo — pena que o Rei Zofar e seu fiel companheiro canino Sparky decidiram acabar com a festa! Farto da falta de espaço no submundo, o Rei Zofar quer mais terra para expandir seu domínio carniçal.
Como Rei do Submundo, ele está acostumado a conseguir o que quer. O fato de ser morto-vivo também não ajuda, já que a escuridão da noite só o faz ficar mais forte.
Infelizmente para o Rei Zofar, passar uma eternidade regendo o submundo o deixou muito sensível à luz. Reúna Lanternas para entregar para o Rei Zofar, elas vão cegá-lo e enfraquecê-lo para ser caçado! Mas cuidado com o Sparky. Ele não vai deixar você reuni-las tão facilmente.
Insubordinados Gelados
As festas de fim de ano estão de volta ao XXXX, e todos estão aproveitando o clima natalino! Bem, todos menos a Elfie! Anos de labuta na fábrica de brinquedos fazendo presentes para os outros fez com que ela ficasse amarga e infeliz.
Ela decidiu fazer vingança se unindo com seu colega também insatisfeito, Biscoito de Gengibre, e roubando todos os presentes e alegrias do XXXX!
O coração congelado da Elfie faz com que qualquer dano seja impenetrável. Entregue Chocolate Quente para a Elfie para derreter seu coração e enfraquecê-la para a caçada. Depois ataque com a sua tropa para colocar um fim à ameaça do Natal!
Teste por Fogo
Ao abrir a passagem para as Terras Sombrias, os Guardiões provocaram a ira do LUMINOSO, juiz imortal do “Bem” e do “Mal”. Agora, o Luminoso jurou salvar o Acampamento das trevas… DESTRUINDO-O completamente!
As chamas das vestes celestiais do Luminoso queimam bravamente, impedindo que os Mortais mais dignos se aproximem… ou pelo menos sem pagar o PREÇO ETERNO…
Felizmente, há uma rachadura na armadura do arcanjo. Entregue esses Pujas para extinguir o fogo do Luminoso e se aproximar o suficiente para atacar! Mas cuidado com sua PÉGASO FLAMEJANTE, ela também vai esmagar qualquer Guardião perverso que ficar no caminho dela!
Nas Terras Sombrias
Após estar selado por milhares de anos, os portões para as Terras Sombrias foram acidentalmente abertos por Guardiões aventureiros. Agora um poderoso Dragão-Breu está se preparando para escapar das Terras Sombrias e dominar o Acampamento!
O poder do Dragão-Breu é tão massivo que a terra ao seu redor está sofrendo com um estranho envenenamento, impedindo que até os jogadores mais fortes se aproximem dele por muito tempo, pois correm o risco de ser envenenados pela sua escuridão.
Felizmente, uma pequena criatura também do portal parece se alimentar do seu poder! Entregue esses Brifolhas para absorver o poder e se aproximar o suficiente para atacar! Mas cuidado com o Mini-Breu, ele também vai tentar te deter, já que ele também prospera nas Sombras!
English to Portuguese: Mobile Game / Creative Translation General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English MONSTER DESCRIPTIONS
1. From a distance, large colonies of this monster appear as fireflies. It is only up close that their true terror is revealed.
2. These monsters go into hibernate for eons by encasing themselves in magma… until they are awakened by foolish miners and rangers.
3. These monsters live below the roosts of Segmentasi and Crystallions, slowly tarnishing and donning their discarded coats as armor.
4. This monster's crystal armor makes it a powerful adversary in battle…but makes flying very difficult.
5. Living under your couch, he is fiercely protective of his hoard of loose change.
6. He bombards his enemies from above. Watch out for projectiles other than arrows!
7. His fluffy good nature hides a sinister power.
8. Not the most cute and cuddly teddy bear out there.
Translation - Portuguese DESCRIÇÕES DE MONSTROS
1. De longe, grandes colônias deste monstro parecem vagalumes. É só de perto que seu verdadeiro terror é revelado.
2. Estes monstros revestem-se em magma e hibernam durante eras… até serem despertados por mineiros e guardiões tolos.
3. Estes monstros vivem perto dos abrigos de Segmêntasos e Diamontes, vestindo lentamente suas pelagens descartadas como armadura.
4. A armadura de cristal deste monstro o torna um adversário poderoso em batalha… mas atrapalha a voar.
5. Ele vive debaixo do seu sofá e é superprotetor em relação à sua coleção de moedas perdidas.
6. Ele bombardeia seus inimigos a partir de cima. Cuidado com projéteis, esqueça as flechas!
7. Sua personalidade fofa e felpuda esconde um poder sinistro.
8. Não é o urso de pelúcia mais fofo e convidativo que há por aí.
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Jan 2015.
I’ve been working as a professional translator since 2013. Born in Brazil, based in Portugal. Able to translate from English to Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal).
🌟"Barbara answered the proposal with a very concrete offer; she has flawless communication and execution. Delivered a perfect job, on time. Best freelancer I've worked with." — Franco Falaschi, Iron Cloud
🌟"A pleasure working with Bárbara. Very professional and even alerted us to a mistake in the original text we sent for translation. Will definitely be working with her again." — Julian Clarke-Jervoise, Fresh Insight Associates
Main services offered:
Translations from English to Portuguese
Editing and proofreading of Portuguese content
Assessment of Portuguese translation tests
Localization from pt-PT to pt-BR and vice versa
Main projects in my areas of expertise:
🎮Games: I have worked either as a translator or proofreader in several mobile games projects with both indie developers & big and small agencies. Genres include city-building, mystery, tower defense, match-3, RPG, MMORPG, platform, digital collectible card, and casual games.
Examples: Taonga: the Island Farm & Island Aventure (proofreader), ProtoCorgi, Beast Quest Ultimate Heroes, Fairy Kingdom, Farmdale, etc.
📈 Marketing & Advertising: Most projects I have worked on are protected by NDA, but I have an extensive background with Fortune 500 companies across different industries. Examples include ridesharing, food delivery, hotel & hospitality, personal care, and technology.
I have translated and proofread marketing campaigns, press releases, corporate presentations, promotional material, websites, mobile apps, blog posts, etc.
💼 Business: Among some business documents I have translated and/or proofread are training materials, business plans, terms and conditions, policy documents, etc.
If you are looking for a high-quality, fast, and efficient translation, feel free to contact me directly and I will be glad to assist you! 🤝