English to Spanish: ARBITRATION CLAUSE | |
Source text - English All the disagreements or controversies arising from the execution or interpretation of this Policy and of other documents or Endorsements that are part of the Contract of Insurance, including those who could be referred to his nullity or invalidity, will be solved by means of arbitration in conformity with the Chilean Law. The arbitration will be carried out in conformity with the Statute and the Regulations of the Center of Conciliation and National and International Arbitration of the Chamber of Trade of Santiago, to which the parts surrender in unconditional form, declaring to know them and to accept them in their integrity. | Translation - Spanish Todos los desacuerdos o controversias que surjan de la ejecución o interpretación de esta Póliza y de otros documentos o endosos que forman parte del Contrato de Seguro, incluyendo aquellos que podrían referirse a su nulidad o invalidez, se resolverán mediante arbitraje en conformidad con la Ley chilena. El arbitraje se llevará a cabo en conformidad con el Estatuto y el Reglamento del Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje Nacional e Internacional de la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago, a la que se entregan las partes en forma incondicional, declarando conocerlas y aceptarlas íntegramente. |