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Indonesian to English: Letter on Tax Return General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Accounting
Source text - Indonesian Dengan Hormat,
Terlampir kami kirimkan hasil Penyusunan SPT Tahunan Badan Tahun2017. Mohon dapat dipelajari terlebih dahulu untuk selanjutnya dapat dilakukan revisi atau perubahan yang dianggap perlu sebelum dilaporkan ke kantor pajak.
Mohon dapat diperhatikan kembali hal-hal sebagai berikut :
1. Penyusunan SPT Tahunandisusunberdasarkan data dan informasi yang kami peroleh dari WajibPajak dan/ataukaryawan yang di tunjukuntukitu;
2. Proses penyusunan SPT yang dimaksuddalampoin 1 sepenuhnyatelahdidiskusikandenganWajibPajak dan/ataukaryawan yang ditunjuk untuk itu, mulai dari proses penyusunanawal, koreksi-koreksi (adjusment) dan perubahan-perubahansampaidengan proses finalisasilaporan;
3. Bahwaseluruhpenghasilan dan biaya-biayauntukmendapatkanpenghasilanWajibPajakbaik yang berupapenghasilan dari : (a) usaha, (b) penghasilanlainnya yang meliputididalamnyadeviden, royalty, bunga, sewa (termasukpenghasilan dari persewaantanah/bangunan), komisi, dll yang dapatmeningkatkankekayaannetoWajibPajakbaik yang sudah di potongmaupun yang belumdipotongpajakolehpihakke III, (c) biaya-biaya yang meliputihargapokokpenjulan, biayaoperasional dan biaya-biayalainnyatelahdibukukandenganbenar dan sesuaidenganStandarAkuntansiKeuangan (SAK) yang berlaku;
4. BahwaseluruhasetWajibPajak yang meliputi: (a) asettidakbergerak (sepertitanah, bangunan, gedungkantor, gudang, ruko, rumahtinggal, dll), (b) asetbergerak (seperti mobil, motor, peralatan, kas dan setara kas, emas, surat-suratberhargatermasukobligasi dan penyertaansaham di perusahaanterbuka dan atauperusahaanlain, deposito, kas dan setara kas, dll), (c) asetberupakepemilikan/penyertaansaham di perusahaan PT/CV/Fa, (d) asetberupapiutang yang meliputipiutangkepadapihak III, piutangkepadapemilik/pemegangsaham, dll, (e) asetlainnya yang tidakberwujud yang meliputihakmerkdagang, dll telahdibukukandenganbenar dan sesuaidenganStandarAkuntansiKeuangan yang berlaku;
5. Bahwaseluruhkewajiban/hutangWajibPajak yang meliputi: (a) hutangusaha, (b) hutangbank, (c) hutangkepadapihak III, (d) hutangkepadapemegangsaham, (e) hutanglainnyatelahdibukukandenganbenar dan sesuaidenganStandarAkuntansiKeuangan yang berlaku ;
6. Dengandemikianlaporankeuangan (sekurangkurangnyaterdiri dari Neraca, LaporanLaba Rugi, DaftarAktiva dan catatanataslaporankeuangan) telahdisusunsesuaidenganStandarAkuntansiKeuangan yang berlaku dan semuatransaksikeuangantelahdibukukan dan didukungdengandokumentransaksi yang absah.
Demikian kami sampaikan, sekiranyasemua data dan laporansudahlengkap, mohonkesediaannyauntukmenandatanganikonfirmasisuratini dan menandatanganiSPTnyauntukdapat kami laporkanpada KPP bersangkutan.
Namundemikianjikamasih ada data ataudokumenatauinformasi yang belumdiberikankepada kami sesuaidengankeadaan yang sebenarnyasepertitersebutdiatas, mohondapatdiinformasikansecepatnyauntuksegeradilakukanperbaikan.
Demikiansuratkonfirmasi dan penyampaianlaporan SPT. Atasperhatian dan kerjasamanyadisampaikanbanyakterimakasih.
Hormat kami,
Managing Partner
PT. ……
Translation - English Dear Sir,
We attach the Preparation Result of Annual Tax Return (SPT) of Entity Year 2017. Would you please learn first and further be able to conduct revision and changes considered necessary before reporting to the tax office.
Please pay attention for the following matters:
1. Preparation of the Annual Tax Return (SPT) is prepared based on the data and information obtained from the Taxpayer and/or employees appointed for such matter;
2. The process of Preparation of SPT as referred to in point 1 has been fully discussed with the Taxpayer and/or employee concerned, starting from the process of initial preparation, corrections (adjustments) and changes up to the finalization process of the report;
3. That all income and expenses in order to get the Taxpayers' income either in the form of income from: (a) business, (b) other income, which includes dividends, royalties, interest, lease (including income from leasing of land/ buildings), commissions, etc. that is able to increase the net assets the Taxpayers either that have been deducted by tax or not by the Third Party, (c) costs that cover basic price of sale, operational costs and other costs have been recorded properly and in accordance with the applicable Financial Accounting Standards (SAK);
4. That all assets of the Taxpayer include: (a) immovable assets (such as land, buildings, office buildings, warehouses, shop houses, residences, etc.), (b) movable assets (such as cars, motorcycles, equipment, cash and similar cash, gold, securities including bonds and shares participation in public companies and or other companies, deposits, cash and similar cash, etc.), (c) assets in the form of ownership/shares participation in PT/CV/Fa companies, ( d) assets in the form of receivables which include receivables to the Third party, receivable to the owners/shareholders, etc., (e) other intangible assets comprising of trademark right, etc. have been recorded properly and in accordance with the applicable Financial Accounting Standards;
5. That all obligations/debts of the Taxpayer include: (a) business debt, (b) bank debt, (c) debt to the Third party, (d) debt to the shareholders, (e) other debts have been recorded properly and in accordance with the applicable Financial Accounting Standards;
6. Therefore, the financial statements (consisting of at least the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, List of Assets and notes to financial statements) have been prepared in accordance with the applicable Financial Accounting Standards and all financial transactions have been recorded and supported by valid transaction documents.
That is all, if all data and reports have already been complete, would you please sign the confirmation of this letter and to sign its SPT in order we are able to report it to the KPP concerned.
However, if there are still any data or documentation or information, which have not been provided to us referring to the real condition mentioned above, please inform us soon in order to make the improvement immediately.
That is the letter of confirmation and submission of SPT. Thank you very much for your attention and cooperation.
Best regards,
Managing Partner
Approved by,
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - IKIP JAKARTA
Years of experience: 29. Registered at Oct 2015.
Indonesian to English (Pusat Penerjemahan Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Buday)
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
I am 50 years old. Graduated from English Department of IKIP Jakarta in 1995. I have been 20 years as a translator. The Certified Translator from Pusat Penerjemah Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia on June 16, 2003 in the field of Law. Please contact me if you need any help for translating document. Mobile 081905134108/08161170181 Office 021-8474006.