English to Swahili: Consent Form General field: Other Detailed field: Medical: Health Care | |
Source text - English English Consent Form | Translation - Swahili Swahili Consent Form |
English to Swahili: Consent Form | |
Source text - English Why do you want to talk to me and what does it involve?
You have been selected to participate in a group discussion) due to your experience as members of scheme. We believe you are in a good position to help us best understand how you interact with insurance schemes to ensure you get good services at the health facilities. If you do not want to answer any of the questions you may say so and I will move on to the next question. The discussion will take place in [describe location/setting]. No-one else but the interviewer will be present unless you would like someone else there. Since this will be a group discussion, we encourage you to express your views freely and also listen to other participants’ opinions.
• We wish to record the discussions to assist us later in fully writing up the information. No-one will be identified by name in the recording.
• We also wish to use your quotations in illustrating certain points in our publications- your name or any other aspect that may identify you will not be used.
Are there any risks or disadvantages to me
• The discussions should take approximately 1 hour. You will be provided refreshments for your time.
• We acknowledge that answers about some aspects of your work can be confidential or sensitive.
Are there any advantages to me of taking part?
There are no individual benefits to taking part. However by talking to us, you will contribute to knowledge of financing the health system. This may help other people in Kenya and elsewhere in the future, for example through developing better policies for financing the health care system.
Who will have access to the information I give?
• We will not share individual information about you or other participants with anyone beyond a few people who are closely concerned with the research. All of our documents/ recordings are stored securely in locked cabinets and on password-protected computers.
• The knowledge gained from this research will be shared in summary form, without revealing individuals’ identities, with relevant government agencies as well as other stakeholders in health care financing.
• We ask everybody in the discussion to keep what is said in the group confidential, but it is important to recognize that we cannot stop participants sharing what they have heard.
• The voice recordings will be destroyed once the interview information has been extracted.
What will happen if I refuse to participate?
All participation in research is voluntary. You are free to decide if you want to take part or not. If you do agree you can change your mind at any time without any consequences.
| Translation - Swahili Kwa nini unataka kuzungumza na mimi na ni kuhusu gani?
Umechaguliwa kushiriki katika majadiliano ya kikundi kutokana na uzoefu wako kama mwanachama wa mfuko huo. Tunaamini uko katika nafasi nzuri ya kutusaidia kuelewa vizuri jinsi mnaingiliana na mipango ya bima, kuhakikisha mnapata huduma bora katika vituo vya afya. Kama hutaki kujibu mojawapo ya maswali haya unaweza kusema hivyo nami nitahoji swali linalofuata. Mjadala utafanyika katika [elezea eneo/mazingira]. Hakuna mtu mwingine ila anayekuhoji ndiye atakuwepo isipokuwa kama ungependa kuwa na mtu mwingine. Kwa sababu hii itakuwa ni mjadala wa kikundi , tunakuhimiza kueleza maoni yako kwa uhuru na pia kusikiliza maoni ya washiriki wengine.
• Tungependa kurekodi majadiliano hayo ili itusaidie baadaye katika kuandika habari . Hakuna mtu atakayetambuliwa kwa jina katika kurekodi.
• Tungependa kutumia nukuu yako katika kueleza pointi fulani katika machapisho yetu- jina lako au kipengele nyingine yoyote ambayo inaweza kukutambua hakitatumika.
Je, kuna hatari yoyote au hasara kwangu?
• Majadiliano haya yatachukua takriban saa 1. Utapewa vinywaji kwa muda wako.
• Tunatambua kwamba majibu kuhusu baadhi ya masuala ya kazi yako inaweza kuwa siri au nyeti.
Je, kuna faida yoyote kwangu ya kushiriki?
Hakuna faida ya mtu binafsi kushiriki. Hata hivyo kwa kuzungumza na sisi, utakuwa ukichangia maarifa ya fedha mfumo wa afya. Hii inaweza kusaidia watu wengine katika Kenya na mahali pengine katika siku zijazo, kwa mfano kwa njia ya kuendeleza sera bora ya kifedha kwa ajili ya mfumo wa huduma ya afya.
Nani ataweza kupata habari nitakayotoa?
• Hatutashiriki habari binafsi kukuhusu wewe au washiriki wengine na mtu yeyote zaidi ya watu wachache ambao wanahusiana na utafiti. Rekodi na habari hizi zinahifadhiwa kwenye kabati na tarakilishi zinazohitaji neno siri
• Ujuzi utakaopatikana kutokana na utafiti huu itakuwa pamoja katika mfumo wa muhtasari, bila kutambulisha washiriki, na mashirika ya serikali husika ikiwa ni pamoja na wadau wengine katika kugharimia huduma za afya .
• Tunaomba kila mtu katika majadiliano haya kuweka kilichosemwa katika kundi siri, lakini ni muhimu kutambua kwamba sisi hatuwezi kuzuia washiriki kusema kile walichosikia .
• Rekodi za sauti zitaangamizwa mara tu habari ya mahojiano itakapoondolewa.
Je, ni nini kitakachotokea nikikataa kushiriki?
Kushiriki katika utafiti ni kwa hiari. Uko huru kuamua kama unataka kushiriki au la. Kama utakubali, unaweza kubadili mawazo wakati wowote bila madhara yoyote.