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My pen name is Joe M Lara and I am a freelance English-Malay/Malay-English translator. I am certified by the Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books (ITBM).
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Malay to English: INTERNAL AUDIT DISCLOSURE ABC General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Jabatan Audit Dalaman (IAD) bertanggungjawab menjalankan fungsi audit dalaman di ABC. Sebagai sebuah jabatan bebas, IAD melaporkan terus kepada BAEC (Jawatankuasa Lembaga Audit dan Pemeriksaan) dan dari segi pentadbiran terus kepada Ketua Eksekutif (CE). Selaras dengan tanggungjawabnya untuk melindungi aset dan kepentingan Bank, IAD ditubuhkan untuk menyokong Lembaga Pengarah melalui BAEC dan melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya untuk mengekalkan satu sistem kawalan dalaman yang baik. Kuasa, skop dan tanggungjawab IAD dikawal oleh Piagam Audit yang disemak dan diluluskan oleh BAEC.
Misi IAD adalah untuk memberikan sekat dan imbangan, untuk menjalankan penaksiran bebas dan perundingan bagi memastikan kejayaan Bank, melalui yang berikut:
• Untuk menyediakan penilaian bebas, fungsi yang memberikan kepastian secara objektif dan berperanan untuk memberikan khidmat nasihat tentang amalan terbaik bagi menambah nilai dan menambah baik operasi Bank ke tahap yang lebih tinggi;
• Untuk membantu Bank mencapai objektifnya dengan menilai dan meningkatkan keberkesanan sistem pengurusan risiko, kawalan dalaman dan proses tadbir urusnya;
• Untuk membentuk pasukan Audit yang profesional dan cekap dengan melaksanakan pendekatan dan teknologi audit terbaik.
Peranan dan tanggungjawab IAD:
• Menjalankan semakan berkala ke atas semua jabatan, bahagian dan cawangan termasuk bidang, sistem dan khidmat luaran yang berisiko tinggi;
• Menyemak dasar, garis panduan dan manual prosedur;
• Menyemak dan menilai produk baharu/perkhidmatan/pelaksanaan automasi;
• Mengesahkan pelan ujian sistem, keputusan ujian, sebelum pelaksanaan “sebenar”;
• Menyediakan proses peningkatan dan cadangan;
• Menyelaraskan semakan dan pengesanan ke atas tindakan pembetulan – Dalaman dan Luaran (BNM, Juruaudit Negara, Juruaudit Luar);
• Menjalankan siasatan;
• Menyediakan latihan untuk unit audit dan perniagaan tentang kesedaran kawalan & penipuan;
• Menjalankan pengauditan yang berterusan;
• Memberikan Khidmat Perundingan.
IAD memberikan kepastian dan nasihat bebas dan secara objektif tentang amalan terbaik yang akan meningkatkan dan menambahkan nilai kepada Bank. IAD menggunakan pendekatan sistematik dan berdisiplin untuk menilai kecukupan dan keberkesanan proses tadbir urus, pengurusan risiko, kewangan, operasi dan pematuhan. IAD menyelaraskan aktivitinya dengan strategi/pelan perniagaan/objektif Bank dan kaedah berdasarkan risiko untuk memastikan kawalan berkaitan yang menangani risiko sentiasa dikenal pasti dan disemak semula.
Pada 2011, IAD telah membuat sebanyak 240 kunjungan yang terdiri daripada 115 kunjungan tentang Operasi dan Audit Pengurusan, iaitu Ibu Pejabat (9), Cawangan Utama (108), Khidmat Luaran (1), Anak Syarikat (4), Cawangan Peringkat Zon (65), Cawangan Mini (32) dan Proses Adhoc/Berisiko Tinggi (1); dan 125 kunjungan tentang Audit Teknologi Maklumat, iaitu Ibu Pejabat (2), Proses Berisiko Tinggi (6), Audit Aplikasi (3), Cawangan Utama (4) dan Audit Khas (5).
Laporan audit dalaman yang dikeluarkan memberikan penilaian bebas dan secara objektif tentang perkara berikut:
• Kewujudan, keberkesanan dan kecukupan sistem kawalan dalaman untuk menguruskan operasi dan melindungi aset dan kepentingan Bank;
• Kecukupan dan keberkesanan operasi pengurusan risiko, fungsi tadbir urus dan pematuhan untuk menguruskan dan menjangkakan risiko yang berpotensi terhadap proses perniagaan utama.
Laporan audit dalaman yang dihasilkan daripada tugasan itu diserahkan kepada pihak pengurusan untuk mendapatkan maklum balas mereka, tindakan pembetulan dan peruntukan tarikh akhir bagi melengkapkan tindakan pencegahan dan pembetulan yang berkaitan. Ini adalah untuk memastikan IAD akan bertanggungjawab melaksanakan tindakan pencegahan dan pembetulan tentang isu/kelemahan yang dilaporkan. Kemudian, laporan itu dibentangkan kepada BAEC untuk dipertimbangkan pada setiap suku tahun (sekurang-kurangnya).
The Internal Audit Department (IAD) is responsible to carry out the internal audit functions of ABC. As an independent department, the IAD reports directly to the BAEC (Board of Audit and Examination Committee) and administratively to the Chief Executive (CE). In view of its responsibility to protect the Bank’s assets and interests, the IAD was formed to support the Board of Directors via the BAEC and execute its responsibilities to establish a good internal control system. The power, scope and responsibility of the IAD are regulated by the Audit Charter which is reviewed and approved by the BAEC.
The IAD’s mission is to provide check and balance, to carry out independent assessment and consultation in order to ensure the Bank’s success, through the following:
• To provide independent evaluation, objective assurance function and to assume the role of advisory services provider on best practices in order to add value and improve the Bank’s operations to a higher level;
• To assist the Bank in achieving its objectives by evaluating and increasing the efficiency of the risk management system, internal controls and the governance process;
• To form a professional and expert Audit team by implementing the best audit approach and technology.
Roles and Responsibilities of the IAD:
• Carry out scheduled reviews on all departments, divisions and branches including high risk areas, systems and outsourcings;
• Review the policies, guidelines and procedures’ manuals;
• Review and evaluate new products/services/automatic executions;
• Verify system test plans, test results, before “go live” implementation;
• Provide escalation and recommendation process;
• Coordinate review and tracking on corrective actions – Internal and External (BNM, Auditor General, External Auditor);
• Conduct investigations;
• Provide training for the audit and business unit on regulatory awareness & fraud;
• Conduct continuous audits;
• Provide Consultation Services;
The IAD provides assurance and independent advice objectively on the best practices that will increase and add value to the Bank. The IAD utilizes a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate the adequacy and efficiency of the governance process, risk management, finance, operations and compliance. The IAD coordinates its activities with the Bank’s strategies/business plans/objectives and risk-based methods to ensure the relevant controls that deal with risks are identified and re-reviewed.
In 2011, the IAD has conducted 240 visits comprising 115 visits on Operations and Audit Management, which are Head Office (9), Main Branch (108), Outsourcing (1), Subsidiary (4), Zon Level Branch (65), Mini Branch (32) and Ad Hoc/High Risk Process (1); and 125 visits on Information Technology Audit, which are Head Office (2), High Risk Process (6), Application Audit (3), Main Branch (4) and Special Audit (5).
The internal audit report issued provides independent and objective reviews on the following matters:
• The existence, efficiency and adequacy of the internal control system to manage the operations and protect the Bank’s assets and interests;
• The adequacy and effectiveness of the risk management operations, governance and compliance functions to manage and anticipate the potential risks on the main business processes.
The internal audit report generated from the task is submitted to the management for their feedback, corrective actions and provision of the final date to complement the relevant preventive and corrective actions. This is to ensure that the IAD will be responsible to execute the preventive and corrective actions on the reported issues/weaknesses. Thereafter, the report is tabled to the BAEC for consideration every quarter (at the minimum).
Translation education
Other - Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Mar 2016.
My pen name is Joe M Lara and I am a freelance English-Malay/Malay-English translator. I am certified by the Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books (ITBM). I am a Malay native speaker and proficient in English. My exposure to the two languages is not only from academic study and socializing; in my working life I have been exposed to analyzing English documents for reporting purposes in Malay, replying to official inquiries (which are in Malay), analyzing and adopting Malay language regulatory framework for internal strategy papers in English, and other professional and work related exposures.
I had my first degree in Accounting (Hons) from the Northern University of Malaysia (Universiti Utara Malaysia) in 1998. With more than a decade of experience in Tazation with a regulator, I pursued my Masters of Business Administration (MBA) specializing in Finance at the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) on a part-time basis and graduated in 2013. I followed through my career with a large Malaysian conglomerate dealing in the Palm Oil, and Property sectors. Throughout my career path, I have more than 18 years of experience ranging from corporate audit, tax audit and compliance, tax strategies, tax laws and regulations, and business dealings with business associates, clients, vendors and the authorities. During these phases, I have significantly gathered much experience, giving me a strong insight and an appreciation of the professional terms and linguistic peculiarities of the various industries. I am also a member of the Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (CTIM) and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants.