Gergana Petkova
Passion for languages, passion for life.

Local time: 18:54 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian
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Hello. :) I am a 20 years old girl who is very passionate about learning and perfecting new languages. My mother tongue is Bulgarian, my habitual language German and I'm a digital native in English. :P

I want to work as a translator and interpreter in the three languages I already speak fluently. I want to also travel to learn new languages, such as Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic and others, I'd like to live in the countries where they speak them for about 4/5/6 years, while intensively learning the languages and teaching English if there's interest. :P I am also interested in Korean and Chinese. And French. And Spanish. And Vietnamese.... you get the idea. :P

Another hobby of mine beside languages is photography. :)

I created this account mainly to learn new things about the different work fields that have to do with languages and find advice and information as to what would be the best choice for me when it comes to higher education and my path to my future work life. :)

Profile last updated
Jun 1, 2016