As senior Italian native translator I have a vast experience in multiple fields of expertise: scientific, technical, legal, business and software localization.Documents, manuals, reports, data sheets, software, abstracts, web pages.Use of the most advanced technologies to be more cost-effective and respectful of deadlines:WORD - EXCEL - POWERPOINTWORDPERFECT IBM TRANSLATION MANAGER 2.6ADOBE FRAMEMAKER 5.5TRADOS TRANSIT
Biology, Chemestry, MedicineAnniesland College (UK)Philosophy, Theology St. Peter's College (UK)Degree cum laude Political Science University of Florence (Italy)Degree Italian Language and Literature University of Siena (Italy)Business, Finance, Marketing Institut de Gestion (France)Computer science, Internet Cineca Universities (Italy)Engineering Assignement: Representative for Italy of Flanders International Technology Foundation of Bruxelles.
IDT (International Discount Telecommunications) Representative for Italy.
Teaching Experience: University of Siena, Faculty of Law. |