Member since Mar '22 Working languages:
German to Italian
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Rate vendor Manage list Guido Mandarino Technical translator and editor Torino, Piemonte, Italy
Local time : 10:09 CET (GMT+1)
Native in : Italian
Feedback from clients and colleagues on Willingness to Work Again No feedback collected
Freelance translator and/or interpreter This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing Specializes in: Agriculture Energy / Power Generation Engineering (general) Internet, e-Commerce Management Law (general) Mechanics / Mech Engineering Medical: Pharmaceuticals Automotive / Cars & Trucks Advertising / Public Relations
Also works in: Automation & Robotics Business/Commerce (general) Economics Journalism Linguistics Media / Multimedia Medical (general) Paper / Paper Manufacturing Patents Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Years of experience: 35. Registered at Apr 2017. Became a member: Mar 2022. N/A N/A N/A Across, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio English (PDF)
German into Italian
[excellent knowledge of English and French]
Services offered
translation, revision, quality assurance, terminology management
Free lance translator since 1989. Technical translator since 1994
Quality assurance
Project coordination
Terminology management
Tech-engineering / Law-patents / Marketing / Advertising / Agriculture / Automotive (cars & trucks) / Energy /power generation / engineering (general) / internet - law (general) / management / mechanics
Kind of documents
Workshop manuals, owner manuals, user manuals, press releases, catalogues, web sites, web portals, technical manuals, contracts, bylaws, Specifications
CAT tools
SDL Studio 2015, 2014, 2011
Trados 8.0
Transit NXT Freelance Pro 4.0 SP 9
Transit NXT Professional 4.0 SP 8
MemoQ 7.8.157
All jobs are perfomed according to ISO 17100 rules as far as translation and revision are concerned
Education Fordham University
6 months in NYC for a study on Jürgen Habermas in the USA
Università degli Studi di Torino
Philosophy, 110/110
I graduated with a study on the concept of nature and reflection in T.W. Adorno
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Université Paris-Sorbonne
6 months where I studied the relation between Jürgen Habermas and Michel Foucault
28-year long experience in technical translation
AlgoritmoAssociates srl
Founder and Quality Controller
Pentenero srl
Technical Translator
Mercedes-Benz - Sprachedienst
Technical Translator
Freelance Translator
Editors and newspapers
1989 – 1995
Keywords: Istruzioni d’uso, manuali tecnici, documentazione d’officina e di diagnosi, contratti, capitolati d’oneri, cataloghi, brochure, siti web, portali web, training. See more . Istruzioni d’uso, manuali tecnici, documentazione d’officina e di diagnosi, contratti, capitolati d’oneri, cataloghi, brochure, siti web, portali web, training, webinar, documentazione marketing, press releases, workshop manuals, owner manuals, user manuals, press releases, catalogues, web sites, web portals, technical manuals, contracts, bylaws, specifications, Betriebsanleitungen, Handbücher, Werkstattliteratur, Vertragswesen, Lastenhefte, Kataloge, Broschüren, Marketingunterlagen, Webportale, Webinar, Pressemappen, freelance, traduzione, translation, Übersetzung, Korrektur, review, revisione, tecnologia, technology, Technologie, controllo qualità, Qualitätssicherung, quality assurance, terminologia, Terminologie, terminology, Engineering, machine utensili, Werkzeugmaschinen, machine tools, CNC, energia, energy, Energie, oil & gas, energy, power plants, gas turbines, compressors, steam turbines, solar energy, photovoltaics, hydraulic turbines, wind turbines, Kombikraftwerkplant, Gasturbinen, Windturbinen, Turbinen, Kraftwerke, Ventilen, Kompressoren, centrali, centrali elettriche, turbine, turbine eoliche, turbine a gas, impianti di cogenerazione, compressori, valvole, edilizia, Bauwesen, ingegneria, engineering, manufacturing, Bearbeitung, lavorazione, metalli, Metalle, presse, press, Pressen, Bearbeitungszentren, centri di lavorazione, machining centres, Borhmaschinen, Drehmaschinen, perforatrici, torni, drilling machines, Sägemaschinen, seghe, saws, Blechbearbeitungsmaschinen, macchine lavorazione lamiera, materiali da costruzioni, grandi lavori, Tiefbau, Hochbau, building materials, Baustoffe, construction, agricoltura, agriculture, Landwirtschaft, Landmaschinentechnik; landwirtschaftliche Maschinen, Ackerschlepper, Mähdrescher, Rundballenpressen, Quaderballenpressen, Trommelmähwerke, Scheibenmähwerke, Traktoren, Soja-Schneidwerke, Wirbelschwader, Maisgebiße, Maispflückvorsätze, Maispflücker, Einzugsschnecken, Feldhäcksler, Futtererntemaschinen, agricultural machinery; agrimotors; farm tractors, combines, balers, round balers, rotary swathers, maize headers, corn headers, cornheads, forage harvesters, macchine agricole, mietitrebbia, rotopresse, falciatrici a tamburo, falciatrici a dischi, trattori, piattaforma di taglio da soia, andanatori rotativi, trinciaforaggi da campo, autovetture, Personewagen, automotive, cars, PKW, autocarri, trucks, Lastkraftwagen, Lastwagen, autobus, Autobusse, LKW, veicoli commerciali, commercial vehicles, Van, Transporter, veicoli speciali, industrial vehicles, Fahrzeugbau, special vehicles, sistemi di diagnosi, Diagnosesysteme, vehicle diagnostic tools, motori marini, marine engines, sistemi di navigazione, car navigation systems, Sonderfahrzeuge, veicoli aeroportuali, Flughafenfahrzeuge, allestitori, Aufbauhersteller, veicoli su rotaia, Schienefahrzeuge, rolling stock, treni, ferrovie, tram, railway, trains, Bahn Eisenbahn, Strassenfahrzeuge, macchine movimento terra, earth moving machines, Erdbewegungsmaschinen, bagger, telehandlers, escavatori cingolati, raupenbagger, carrelli elevatori, trilaterali, carrelli retrattili, sollevatori, Gabelstapler, Hubstapler, Schubgabelstapler, Stapler, Hubwagen, motori industriali, Industriemotoren, industrial engines, forklift trucks, telehandlers, crawled excavators, packaging, cambio, cambio di velocità, cambio automatico, cambio manuale, gearbox, Schaltgetriebe, Automatikgetriebe, tecnologie oncologiche, oncology technology, farmacopea, pharmacopeia, attrezzature e materiali per protesi dentistiche, equipment and material for dental prosthesis, equipaggiamenti medico-diagnostici, medical-diagnostic equipments, siti web, Webseiten, web sites, normative UE, EU-Richtlinien, Commissione Europea, European Commission, Europäische Kommission, patents, brevetti. See less . Profile last updated Oct 14, 2022