English to Chinese: Hogs of War General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports | |
Source text - English Years ago, back in the early, formative years of PlayStation, some strange, socially maladjusted programmer decided that a game where tiny hermaphrodites blow seven shades of you know what out of each other with a vast array of fiendish and brutal weaponry (not to mention the odd exploding sheep) would be a good idea; and do you know he was right, it was a great idea and so Worms was born.
Some time later, Worms Armageddon arrived on the battlefield with a loud and excited cry of "Incoming!" but when the smoke cleared, the sequel had delivered nothing really new, unless you count the free eyestrain given gratis with every effort to decipher the ludicrously difficult to see weapon selection screen. While "If it ain't broke don't fix it" may be a motto helpful in everyday life, In the gaming world a more appropriate one might be "keep moving or die".
Enter Hogs Of War, in a barrage of risible and unforgivable puns chiefly revolving around the words 'bacon' and 'ham'. "It's just like Worms except with pigs" cries every headline, and so it is, though with important differences. Whereas in the Worms titles the player controlled the movements and machinations of a platoon of cute, if accident-prone invertebrates, in Hogs Of War, as you may imagine, the troops are of a profoundly more porcine variety.
Choosing from piggy platoons with distinctly dodgy names like Garlic Grunts, Sushi-Shine and my personal favourite Sow-A-Krauts, you can march all over the hills and dales, mountains and lakes of Saustralasia wreaking all manner of destruction and laying waste to you opponents.
| Translation - Chinese 几年前,在PlayStation形成早期,一些特立独行,不善言辞的程序员认为,开发一款小型雌雄同体虫类使用各类残暴性和玩乐性的武器(尤其是奇怪的绵羊炸弹)互相轰杀至渣的游戏是一个好主意。事实证明他们是对的。这是个极佳的主意,《百战天虫》这款游戏就这样诞生了。
一段时间后,《百战天虫之末日浩劫》声势浩大地入侵战场,然而,当硝烟散去,续集没有带来任何新意,仅是玩家疲倦地破译荒诞难度的武器选择界面。虽然谚语:“东西没坏就别修" 在日常生活中大有裨益, 但在游戏世界,人们更信奉“前进或消亡”。
进入《战地猪影》, 你会发现围绕“培根”和“火腿”展开的搞笑滑稽,无可救药的双关语弹幕。每个标题都呐喊着: “和《百战天虫》类似,只不过这里是猪“,虽然该款游戏的确大有不同。 在《百战天虫》中,玩家可以控制可爱角色或者说是惹是生非的无脊椎动物的移动和用计, 而在《战地猪影》, 你可随心所欲,猪种多多,选择多多。
English to Chinese: Literature Detailed field: Poetry & Literature | |
Source text - English 对他的这位四哥雍正,胤禵是太了解了。他们明争暗斗了这么多年,谁心里没有一本账啊。四阿哥胤祯,一向是个刚愎自用、猜忌心又特别强的人。不管你是谁,只要犯到了他的手上,他不把你整得七死八活是绝不放过的。眼下四哥当上了皇帝,自己却成了臣子,胤禵心里就是再不服气,碰上了这改朝换代的节骨眼上,又能怎么着呢?所以,他在从西边回来的这一路上,就只好拿这些侍卫们撒气。其中碰钉子最多,挨训挨得最多的,就是钱蕴斗和蔡怀玺两个人。他们俩是奉了“圣命”的人,不找他们的碴儿又去找谁呢? | Translation - Chinese As to his brother Yung-cheng, Yin-t’i knew him like the palm of his own hand. Their fight over the crown had never ceased for a minute in all these years. They knew each other like a book. Yin-chen had always been an over conceited and suspicious person. Anyone who got in his way would not be let off easily without serious suffering. Now that Yin-t’i’s brother became the emperor, while he became only a subject. As hard as it was for Yin-t’i to suppress his indignation, nothing could be done at this critical moment of regime switch. So the only thing he could do was to take it all out on these imperial bodyguards on their way back from the west. Among these unfortunate bodyguards, Ch'ienYun-tou and Ts’aiHuai-hsi suffered the most. They were the ones acting under the orders from the emperor—who would be better punching bags than them? |
English to Chinese: Story | |
Source text - English Flory had been fifteen years in Burma, and in Burma one learns not to set oneself up against public opinion. But his trouble was older than that. It had begun in his mother’s womb, when chance put the blue birthmark on his cheek. He thought of some of the early effects of his birthmark. His first arrival at school, aged nine; the stares and, after a few days, shouts of the other boys; the nickname Blueface, which lasted until the school poet (now, Flory remembered, a critic who wrote rather good articles in the Nation) came out with the couplet:
New-tick Flory does look rum, Got a face like a monkey’s bum,
whereupon the nickname was changed to Monkey-bum.
| Translation - Chinese 弗洛里来缅甸十五年了,在这里,必须学会避免跟大家唱反调。但他这个毛病早就有了,自打娘胎里就有了,自打老天爷让他脸上长了个青黑色胎记起就有了。他回想起了小时候胎记给自己带来的遭遇。他九岁,第一天上学,大家都盯着他看,几天后,就有男孩子们朝他大喊大叫了,给他起了个外号叫“黑青天”,直到学校有个会写诗的学生(弗洛里记起了,此人现在是一个评论家,给《国家》杂志写了不少好文章)写了首诗: