Written and synchronous translations from English into Russian and vice-versa.
Major specialization - general medicine, surgery, medical equipment, pharmaceutics.
Other fields - religion, technical, audio-video production.
1990-1993 Written and synchronous translations for Finnish Health Center " Pincetti OY", Riihimaki, Finland (Medicine).
1990-1999 Written and synchronous translations for
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
(Medicine, religion, architecture, construction).
1994-1997 Written and synchronous interpreting
for USA National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health , "Ural-Asbest Project"
(Medicine, Occupational Deseases).
1998, 5-month contract, - 1990-1993 Technical interpreter,
Boeing "SEA LAUNCH" project (Rocket launching platform -
round-the-earth voyage Russia-Norway-Gibraltar-Singapore-USA).
(General engineering, rocket launching technology and equipment, medicine).
Other experiences :
1989-1991 Orthopedic surgeon, Vyborg Central City Hospital and Polyclinic.
1991-1993 General Practitioner, Finnish Health Center "LENFINMED", Saint Petersburg.
1993-1998 Director of the Russian side, Finnish-Russian Joint Venture "MED-ASLER" (Import and hole-sale of the Scandinavian pharmaceutical products), Vyborg.
Since 1999 till present time -- official interpreter for prominent religeous organization, part time -- freelance translator.
Education : 1988 - Graduated from the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene , MD, internship in surgery.
In 2002 -- graduated from the Saint-Petersburg State University, Master degree in English and Finnish languages (Second higher education).
Hobbies and interests : Computer, cars, languages, sport.
Foreign languages : English - perfect, Finnish - confidently. |