English to Somali: SSI General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Human Resources | |
Source text - English As a result, you may need to give copies of the power of attorney document to people and institutions that Abdiqani interacts with - like Seattle Children’s Hospital, other medical providers, his school, and the welfare agency (DSHS and DDA).
If you have difficulty with other people not accepting or honoring WA's power of attorney, please contact me and we can discuss whether filing for guardianship in court is appropriate.
| Translation - Somali Sidaas awgeed, waxaad siin kartaa nuqulada dukumiintiyada awooda qareenka dadka iyo xarumaha Abdiqani laxariira – sida Seattle Children’s Hospital, adeeg bixiyaasha kale ee caafimaadka, dugsiga uu dhigto, iyo wakaalada fayadhawrka (DSHS iyo DDA).
Hadaad dhibaato kuqabto dadka kale oo diidan awooda WA ee naftiisa kumaaraynaayo, fadlan ilasoo xariir markaasna waan kadoodi karnaa hadii codsiga in wakil laga noqdo wiilka ay tahay waxa saxda ah ee lasamayn karo.
English to Somali: Child Care General field: Medical Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy | |
Source text - English This means that we at the Northwest Justice Project will not perform any further work on this case.
We are committed to providing high quality legal help.
If you think you were incorrectly denied help or you are not satisfied with the quality of the legal help you received, you have the right to file a grievance (complaint).
You can get a complaint form and a copy of the grievance procedure by calling this office.
| Translation - Somali Tani waxay kadhigantahay hadaadan nahay haayada Northwest Justice Project (Mashruuca Cadaalada Northwest) inaanaan shaqo danbe kulahayn kiiskaan.
Waxaan utaaganahay inaan caawimaad sharci oo tayo sare leh bixino.
Hadaad isleedahay in siqaldan laguugu diiday caawimaada ama aadan kuqanacsanayn tayada taageerada lagu siiyay, waxaad xq uleedahay inaad cabasho gudbiso (tabasho).
Waxaad foomka cabashada kazoo qaadan kartaa kadibna koobi kala bixi kartaa hab-raaca cabasho gudbinta adoo wacaaya xafiiskaan.