English to Spanish: RESULTS OF PRODUCT TESTING | |
Source text - English Test Report Q076A is valid for each.
The data reported in Report Q076A are based upon testing to ANSI S3.19-1974 in
conformance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency labeling requirements. The EPA
specifies the NRR as the measure of hearing protector noise reduction. However, 3M makes
no warranties as to the suitability of the NRR for this purpose. Research suggests that many
users will receive less noise reduction than indicated by the NRR due to variation in earplug
fit, earplug fitting skill and motivation of the user. It is recommended that the NRR be
reduced by 50% to better estimate typical workplace protection.
ANSI is an abbreviation for the American National Standards Institute, a recognized
voluntary consensus standards organization that promulgates standards both on product
performance and test methods. A number of 3M Company’s products have been tested and
certified to meet various ANSI standards as required within the regulation and/or other
customer specifications. With respect the hearing protection, the existing ANSI standards
are method standards and all 3M Company products have been tested in conformance with
those methods. However, there are no ANSI performance standards for hearing protectors,
and thus no “certifications” to ANSI are possible for those products.
Elliott H. Berger
Division Scientist | Translation - Spanish Test Report Q076A is valid for each.
The data reported in Report Q076A are based upon testing to ANSI S3.19-1974 in
conformance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency labeling requirements. The EPA
specifies the NRR as the measure of hearing protector noise reduction. However, 3M makes
no warranties as to the suitability of the NRR for this purpose. Research suggests that many
users will receive less noise reduction than indicated by the NRR due to variation in earplug
fit, earplug fitting skill and motivation of the user. It is recommended that the NRR be
reduced by 50% to better estimate typical workplace protection.
ANSI is an abbreviation for the American National Standards Institute, a recognized
voluntary consensus standards organization that promulgates standards both on product
performance and test methods. A number of 3M Company’s products have been tested and
certified to meet various ANSI standards as required within the regulation and/or other
customer specifications. With respect the hearing protection, the existing ANSI standards
are method standards and all 3M Company products have been tested in conformance with
those methods. However, there are no ANSI performance standards for hearing protectors,
and thus no “certifications” to ANSI are possible for those products.
Elliott H. Berger
Division Scientist |