Spanish to English: A Perfect Christmas General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature | |
Source text - Spanish Claudio estaba encantado con el reparto. De entre todas las cosas que había que preparar para el nacimiento de Jesús, a él le había tocado "El altavoz". Y no era un altavoz cualquiera, era el altavoz a través del cuál se oirían las voces de los ángeles y del mismo Dios directamente desde el Cielo hasta la Tierra. Para ser un angelito normal había tenido mucha suerte, porque la mayoría de cosas importantes se les habían encargado a los impresionantes y magníficos arcángeles y otros ángeles de mayor nivel. Pero como todos sabían que Claudio, además de ser un angelito encantador, era un loco de la tecnología, pensaron que sería el más adecuado para inventar un aparato tan complejo. | Translation - English Claudio was really happy with the way the work had been allocated. Of everything that needed preparing for the birth of Jesus, he had been given ‘the speaker’. But it wasn’t just any speaker: it was the speaker through which the voices of the angels and God himself would be heard on Earth from Heaven.
Claudio was just an ordinary angel but had been very lucky because the bulk of the important tasks had been given to the most impressive and brilliant archangels and to other more senior angels. As everyone already knew, he was more than just a charming angel: he was also a whiz with technology, which is why they thought he would be ideal to create such a complicated device. |
Spanish to English: Would somebody move that watermelon! General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature | |
Source text - Spanish En la Gran Bañera del Bosque vivían cientos de pequeños insectos y bichitos. Era una simple bañera abandonada, pero resultaba un lugar perfecto para vivir, donde solo había que tener cuidado con el desagüe de la bañera para que no quedara obstruido y una lluvia inoportuna los hiciera morir ahogados. Por eso los forzudos escarabajos eran los encargados de vigilar el desagüe.
Pero una mañana, el desagüe amaneció taponado por una enorme sandía ¡Qué tragedia! Era una fruta tan grande que ni el escarabajo más grande, ni los cinco escarabajos más grandes, ni siquiera todos los escarabajos juntos, pudieron apartarla de allí. | Translation - English Once upon a time there was a giant bathtub that had been dumped in the middle of the forest. It was the perfect home for all types of little insects. They had to be careful of just one thing while living there: to ensure the plughole remained free from obstruction because otherwise they might all drown if rain fell suddenly. The burly beetles were put in charge of keeping an eye on the plughole to make sure that it was never blocked.
However, one day disaster struck. The plughole was blocked by something huge, something gigantic – a watermelon! The watermelon was so big that not even the biggest beetle, not even the five biggest, could shift it. In fact, it was so big that not even all of the beetles working together could move the watermelon from the plughole! |
Spanish to English: Press release General field: Other Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation | |
Source text - Spanish La nueva jugadora reconoce sentirse “muy bien con mi fichaje. Quería continuar mi carrera en el baloncesto y ésta será una gran oportunidad para mí”. Los objetivos que se plantea Woodward pasan por “tener una temporada exitosa con el equipo y aportar todo lo que pueda para hacer un buen año”. Aportación que se centrará en “energía y trabajo duro para el equipo. Creo que mi disposición en el rebote y a la hora de anotar ayudarán mucho esta temporada”, concluye la ya ex-jugadora de la Universidad de Wyoming. | Translation - English Last season she competed in thirty games with the Cowgirls (each one in the starting five), averaging 14.9 points and 7.6 rebounds each game as well as 42% field goals, 39% three-pointers and 76% free throws.
The new player admits feeling “very happy to be signed. I wanted to carry on my basketball career, so this opportunity is great for me”. Woodward’s goal is to “have a successful season with the team and bring all I can to the game to make it a good year”.
The ex- University of Wyoming player concludes that her contribution will focus on “energy and hard work in the team. I believe my aptitude for rebounds and scoring will be helpful this season”.