English to Serbian: English text - Serbian | |
Source text - English English Text
At the age of 43, he made the decision to jump out of a plane.
The idea scared the shit out of him but the reward of finally feeling like a real man was worth it. So all geared up away he flew — the plane’s door open during the whole flight.
Trying hard to be calm in front of anyone he approached the door once they were above the clouds.
Don’t think you, coward! Just jump! What’s the worst that could happen? Living like this is far worse than the shoot not opening, he thought.
So he jumped and fell towards the Earth at 120 mph.
He felt at peace as he fell. Scary thoughts did not cross his mind as one might think. Just peace.
When he hit the ground and stood up tears filled his eyes.
He will never be a real man.
That ship sailed long ago.
| Translation - Serbian Prevedeni tekst
Kada je navršio 43 godine, odlučio je da skoči iz aviona.
Ta ideja ga je užasno plašila, ali nagrada da će se konačno osećati kao pravi muškarac bila je vredna toga. I tako pripremljen poleteo je – vrata aviona bila su otvorena tokom celog leta.
Jako se trudeći da ostane smiren pred svima, približio se vratima kada su već bili iznad oblaka.
Ne razmišljaj, kukavice! Samo skoči! Šta je najgore što može da se desi? Mnogo je gore nastaviti živeti ovako nego da se padobran ne otvori, mislio je. Skočio je i padao prema zemlji brzinom od 193km/h.
Osećao se smiren dok je padao. Zastašujuće misli mu nisu padale na pamet, kako bi neko pretpostavio. Samo mir.
Kada je dotaknuo tlo i ustao, oči su mu se ispunile suzama.
On nikada neće biti pravi muškarac.
Taj brod je odavno otplovio.