Bosnian to English: CV for a computer technician and IT technology specialist General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers (general) | |
Source text - Bosnian Aktivan rad sa softver razvojnim timom s ciljem razumijevanja softvera i utvrđivanja zahtjeva dokumentacije. Utvrđivanje potreba krajnjih korisnika te davanje feedback-a razvojnom timu s ciljem unaprijeđivanja softvera i njegove lakše upotrebe. Slanje
sedmičnih changelog izvještaja trenutnim klijentima o najnovijim mogućnostima softvera. Pisanje online članaka, uputstava, i procedura na način koji je razumljiv krajnjim korisnicima. Svakodnevan rad kao Help Desk podrška krajnjim korisnicima koristeći ZenDesk ticketing sistem. Pravljenje video tutoriala s ciljem pružanja pomoći i podrške korisnicima. Pisanje softver dokumentacije koja je razumljiva korisnicima sa i bez tehničkog znanja. Održavanje prezentacija o softveru krajnjim korisnicima i potencijalnim
kupcima na Bosanskom i Engleskom jeziku. Stalno analiziranje trenutne softver dokumentacije i korisničkih uputstava te unaprjeđivanje istih. | Translation - English I actively worked in a software developing team with the purpose of understanding software and determining demands of the documentation. I determined the needs of end users and gave the developing team feedback in order to improve software and
make it easier to use. I sent weekly changelog reports to current clients about the latest software possibilities. I wrote online articles, manuals and procedures, comprehensible for end users. I provided a Help Desk support to end users every day, using ZenDesk ticketing system. Making video tutorials in order to help and give support to users was also my responsibility. I wrote software documentation
comprehensible even to users without technical knowledge. My presentations about the software for end users and potential buyers, in Bosnian and in English, were successful. I constantly analyzed and improved the current software documentation and user manuals. |
Bosnian to English: Multidisciplinary approach to treatment of obesity General field: Medical | |
Source text - Bosnian Na početku projekta prosječna tjelesna masa ispitanika i ispitanica bila je 152.74 kg. Nakon dva mjeseca prosječna tjelesna masa je smanjena za 13.42 kg i iznosila je 139.32 kg (p | Translation - English In the beginning of the project the average body mass of the examined men and women was 152.74 kg. After two months the average body mass was reduced by 13.42 kg and was 139.32 kg (p |