contracts, depositions, affidavits, letters rogatory, tape video transcriptions, police reports, etc. Military and associated technology: survival, tactics, aviation, nautical, telecommunications, ammunition, explosives, etc. Medical: pharmaceuticals, biomedical research, veterinary medicine, surgery, first aid, etc. Linguistics: dialects. Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting English <> Japanese Business negotiation, emergency room, speeches, press conferences, etc.
Translation: 0.07 USD word. Double for rush, handwritten, etc.
Interpreting: 30 USD per hour, travel, lodging. Minimum fee 60 USD. Check, money order or wire. Samples: Contact us for a sample.
Volunteer activity:
INS cases, overseas adoptions, Salt Lake Olympics and Paralympics. Publications (written in Japanese and English):
Long Term Survival. PX. 05/2000. (Japanese)
Wall to Wall Counseling. PX. 01/2001. (Japanese)
JGSDF 96 MPMS in CALFEX 00. Combat. 01/2001. (Japanese)
Analysis in Depth of the LAV. Combat. 08/2000. (Japanese)
LAV II Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Combat. 09/2000. (Japanese)
Lookout, Divers! J-Wing. 1999. (Japanese)
Book review of Japan at War: an Oral History. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 05/ 1995.
Book review of Rich Nation: Strong Army: National Security and the
Technological Transformation of Japan. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 05/1995.
Translation of Morphological Changes of the Ovary and Hormonal Changes through the Ovarian Cycle of the Common Marmoset. By Dr. Ryuzo Torii. Primates 01/ 1996. |