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Sample translations submitted: 1
French to English: Tubosider General field: Other
Source text - French Dans le cadre des travaux d’aménagement de la zone Pont de l’Ane / Monthieu à SAINT ETIENNE, le système de gestion des eaux pluviales TUBOSTORM fabriqué par TUBOSIDER France a été retenu comme bassin tampon d’orage.
As part of the fitting-out-work of the Ane / Monthieu Bridge area in SAINT ETIENNE, the TUBOSTORM stormwater management system manufactured by TUBOSIDER France was selected as a stormwater buffer.
Ce bassin enterré et totalement visitable, est composé de buses SPIREL en acier galvanisé Ø2900 mm assemblées en plusieurs lignes posées en parallèle.
This buried and totally inspectable basin consisting of SPIREL galvanized steel Ø2900 mm SPIREL nozzles mounted in several lines laid parallel to each other.
Le volume de stockage de 3700 m3 (soit 550 ml de buses) est destiné à tamponner les eaux pluviales avant leur rejet à débit limité. Le nouveau pôle commercial Steel de la zone sera ainsi protégé en cas d’évènement pluvieux de forte intensité.
The storage volume of 3700 m3 (550 ml of nozzles) is intended to buffer stormwater before discharge at restricted flow rate. The new commercial center in the area named Steel will be protected in case of a heavy raining.
Les bureaux d’études et d’ingénierie de TUBOSIDER France et de TPCF (COLAS RAA) ont travaillé en étroite collaboration sur ce projet afin de prendre en considération la géologie du site et déterminer toutes les préconisations nécessaires pour les terrassements et remblaiement de ce bassin aux dimensions impressionnantes, posé en 2 parties et sur 2 niveaux (dont un en remblais).
The consultancy and design offices of TUBOSIDER France and TPCF (COLAS RAA) have worked closely together on this project to take into account the geology of the site and determine all the recommendations necessary for the earthworks and embankment of this basin impressive dimensions, laid in 2 parts and on 2 levels (including one embankment).
TUBOSIDER France a également été présent dans le suivi de la pose du réservoir parfaitement réalisée par TPCF.
La cadence des livraisons assurées par TUBOSIDER France et la rapidité de montage du système
TUBOSTORM ont permis une mise en œuvre globale rapide du réservoir. Retrouvez la vidéo de ce chantier sur la chaîne Youtube de TUBOSIDER !
Translation - English As part of the development work of the Pont de l’Ane / Monthieu area in SAINT ETIENNE, the TUBOSTORM stormwater management system manufactured by TUBOSIDER France was kept as stormwater buffer. This buried and totally accessible tank consisting of galvanized steel SPIREL pipes in diameter of 2900 mm mounted in several lines laid parallel to each other. The storage volume of 3700 m3 (550 ml of pipes) is intended to buffer stormwater before discharge at restricted flow rate. The new commercial center in the area named Steel will be protected in case of a heavy raining.
The engineering consulting firm of TUBOSIDER France and of TPCF (COLAS RAA) have been working very closely on this project to take into account the geology of the site and determine all the recommendations necessary for the earthworks and embankment of this basin with impressive dimensions, laid in 2 parts and on 2 levels (including one embankment). TUBOSIDER France was also present in the follow-up of the installation of the tank perfectly achieved by TPCF.
The delivery rates provided by TUBOSIDER France and the speed of assembly of the system
TUBOSTORM have allowed a fast overall installation of the storage tank.
Find the video of this construction site on TUBOSIDER's Youtube channel!