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Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Indonesian: Critical Realism General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English ARTHUR ONCKEN LOVEJOY (1873— ) was professor of phi
losophy at Johns Hopkins until his retirement in 1938. He has been the most vigorous exponent of Critical Realism in recent philosophy. In addition, he has had considerable influence on American literary studies through his work on the history of ideas.
The content of our actual experience does not consist . . . of entities which, upon any plausible theory of the constitution of the physical world, can be supposed to be members of that world. It consists of particulars which (1) arise through the functioning of percipient organisms, (2) are present only within the fields of private awareness of such organisms, (3) are destitute of certain of the essential properties and relations . . . of the "physical" . . . , and (4) possess properties which physical things lack. They are, in short, essentially of the nature of "ideas," as Descartes and Locke (for the most part) used that term. And it is through these entities that any knowledge which we may attain of the concrete characters of the physical world, and of any other realities extraneous to our several private fields of awareness, must be mediated; so that we are brought back to Locke's conclusion, despite the heroic efforts of so many philosophers of our age to escape from it: "it is evident that the mind knows not things imme- Pr¬diately, but by the intervention of the ideas it has of them." If the word "nature" is used—though I think it is unhappily so used—to mean ex¬clusively the world as it is, or may conceivably be, apart from all experi¬ence, i. e., apart from the processes of conscious perception and thought and phantasy and feeling, then between "nature" and experience there is a radical discontinuity; for the occurrence of those processes adds to the sum of reality not only particular existents, but kinds of existents, which "nature"—if so defined—though it engenders them, cannot plausibly be supposed to contain.
Translation - Indonesian Arthur Oncken Lovejoy (1987 - ) adalah professor filosofi di Johns Hopkins hingga beliau pensiun tahun 1938. Beliau merupakan pengajar realisme kritis yang hebat dalam bidang filosofi belakangan ini. Disamping itu, beliau memiliki pengaruh yang besar dalam studi literasi Amerika melalui karyanya mengenai sejarah dari ide.
Isi dari pengalaman aktual tidak terdiri dari entitas yang mana pada setiap teori yang masuk akal dari konstitusi dari dunia fisik, seharusnya dapat menjadi bagian dari dunia. Hal ini terdiri dari fakta-fakta (1) muncul melalui fungsi penerimaan organisme, (2) hanya hadir dalam kesadaran pribadi organisme, (3) tanpa sifat penting dan hubungan fisik tertentu, dan (4) memiliki sifat-sifat fisik yang kurang. Singkatnya fakta-fakta tersebut, merupakan dasar dari ide, sebagaimana Descartes dan Locke menggunakan istilah tersebut. Melalui entitas, setiap pengetahuan yang dicapai melalui karakter yang konkrit dalam dunia fisik dan realita yang tidak berhubungan dengan kesadaran pribadi, harus dimediasi, sehingga kembali kepada kesimpulan Locke “Pikiran tidak mengetahui hal-hal secara langsung, tetapi oleh intervensi dari ide-ide yang dipikirkan”. Apabila dunia “nature” yang digunakan berarti eksklusif atau secara akal terlepas dari pengalaman, seperti terlepas dari proses persepsi sadar, fantasi, dan perasaan, maka antara “nature” dan pengalaman memiliki diskontinuitas yang radikal, untuk terjadinya proses menambah jumlah realitas yang tidak mungkin terisi.
Translation education
Master's degree - Unisba
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Apr 2020.
I have the experience to translate when I was in university as I need to translate some articles, make some journals, and have group tasks to read articles or books in English and need to make some summaries in both English and Indonesian.
Keywords: translate, translator, English, Indonesian, Psychologist, Human resource, training