I am an expert in translating film scripts,
documentaries,cartoon movies, I have a long
experience in scientific,medical,wildlife
and nature...etc. translations.
I can translate from english into arabic
and from arabic into english.
I have a translation Bureau called
" |Atlas for Internet and Translation" .
I hold a BA in English Literature since 1982.
We have a very good experience translating
children's books,cooking books,and all issues
that relate to women.
,stories and novels.
Atlas center for translation & Intermet/ATI
Located in the west of Amman/JORDAN
Examples of works that had been translated and shown on SATTELTIE STATIONS ALLOVER THE ARAB WORLD:
Little Woment Cartoon
Earth reveal Documentary Series
Eye Witness Documentary Series
The Mafia Documentary Series
Universe without Borders Scientific . Documentary Series
Western Traditions Historical Documentary
The Art of Archaeology Documentary
Mechanical Universe and Beyond Scientific
Taking the Lead Economy Series
The Futures Science
Herpes and The Impairment of Hearing Medical
The Bridges Documentay
Benny Hill Comedy Series
Stop Watch Documentary
Wonders of the Wilderness Documentary-Nature
these just to name a few......
Have recently finished translating Microsoft Office 2000 Manual for a Saudi well knwon publishing house which consists of 1455 page.
Web sites Translations
Affordable reasonable prices |