English to Chinese: Tasmanian temperate rainforests | |
Source text - English Rainforest communities in Australia are classified as closed forests in which the canopy comprises 70–100% cover.[3] It can be divided into tropical, subtropical, monsoon and temperate rainforest. Tasmanian rainforest is classified and as cool temperate rainforest, it represents the most floristically complex and best developed form of this forest type in Australia.[4] In Tasmania, they can be found in the West, Savage River National Park, South West, North East and in patches on the East Coast.[3] On the mainland of Australia, cool temperate rainforest have a wide variety of woodland trees, but Tasmania only has a limited number of woodland and vascular plants such as mosses, liverworts, lichen and fungi.[5] Because of this, the definition of Tasmanian cool temperate rainforest was redefined in the 1980s to allow for communities that did not meet the canopy requirements and clearly separate cool temperate rainforest from mixed forest; The current definition states that cool temperate rainforests are those with trees usually greater than 8 m (26 ft) in height and capable of regenerating in the absence of large scale catastrophic events, such as fire.[3] These forests are climax vegetation and are dominated by angiosperms such as Nothofagus cunninghamii (myrtle beech), Atherosperma moschatum (sassafras), and Eucryphia lucida (leatherwood) as well as gymnosperms such as Athrotaxis selaginoides (King Billy Pine), Lagarostrobos franklinii (huon or macquarie pine) and Phyllocladus aspleniifolius (celery-top pine).[6] The limited number of woody species is thought to be due to repeated glaciation.[7][8] | Translation - Chinese 澳大利亚的雨林群落被归类为郁闭林,其中树冠覆盖率为 70 - 100 %。[3] 澳大利亚的雨林可分为热带、亚热带、季风和温带雨林。塔斯马尼亚雨林被归类为冷温带雨林,它的植物种类最繁杂,生长最健康,代表着整个澳大利亚的温带雨林生态。 [4] 在塔斯马尼亚,可以在西部、萨维奇河国家公园、西南部、东北部和东海岸的一些区域找到它们。 [3] 虽然澳大利亚大陆上的冷温带雨林生长的林木种类繁多,但塔斯马尼亚岛上的冷温带雨林里仅生长着种类有限的树木和维管植物,如苔藓、地钱、地衣和真菌。 [5] 正因如此,塔斯马尼亚冷温带雨林在 20世纪80年代被重新定义,新定义涵盖了那些不符合密冠条件的森林,并将冷温带雨林与混交林明确分开; 目前的定义指出,冷温带雨林是那些树木通常大于 8 米( 26 英尺)的高度,并在没有诸如山火等大规模灾害的情况下具备再生能力的森林。 [3] 这些森林属于顶极植被,以被子植物为主,如Nothofagus cunninghamii(桃金娘)、Atherosperma moschatum(黄樟)和Eucryphia lucida(革木)以及裸子植物,如Athrotaxis selaginoides(比利王松), Lagarostrobos franklinii (香松或麦考瑞松)和Phyllocladus aspleniifolius(芹菜顶松)。 [6]而雨林里的木质植物却种类有限,人们认为那是反复的冰川作用的结果。 [7][8] |