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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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English to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word / 7 - 10 EUR per hour French to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word Bulgarian to English - Rates: 0.03 - 0.05 EUR per word
Source text - English The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in occupational functioning or in usual social activities or relationships with others, or to necessitate hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others, or there are psychotic features.
Translation - Bulgarian Поведенческото разстройство е достатъчно остро, за да предизвика видимо нарушение на изпълнението на служебни задължения или на нормални социални дейности или взаимоотношения с други хора, или да наложи хоспитализация, за да се предотврати самонараняване или нараняване на други хора, или има психотични характеристики.
English to Bulgarian: Symptoms
Source text - English After the loss of a loved one, the symptoms persist for longer than 2 months or are characterized by marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, suicidal
ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation.
Translation - Bulgarian След загубата на близък човек, симптомите се запазват за повече от 2 месеца или се характеризират с подчертано нарушение на функционалността, болестно обсебване за безполезност, суицидни идеи, психотични симптоми, или психомоторно забавяне.
English to Bulgarian: Sample
Source text - English Medicines can treat and cure many health problems. However, they must be taken properly to ensure that they are safe and effective. Many medicines have powerful ingredients that interact with the human body in different ways, and diet and lifestyle can sometimes have a significant impact on a drug’s ability to work in the body. Certain foods, beverages, alcohol, caffeine, and even cigarettes can interact with medicines. This may make them less effective or may cause dangerous side effects or other problems. When you take medicine, be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to obtain the maximum benefit with the least risk. Changes in a medicine’s effect due to an interaction with food, alcohol or caffeine can be significant; however, there are many individual factors that influence the potential for such variations, like dose, age, weight, sex, and overall health.
Translation - Bulgarian Лекарствата могат да третират и лекуват множество здравословни проблеми, но те трябва да се вземат правилно, за да се гарантира тяхната безопасност и ефикасност.
Много лекарства имат силни съставки, които взаимодействат с човешкото тяло по различни начини, а понякога диета и начинът на живот могат да повлияят значително на способността на лекарството да подейства в тялото. Определени храни, напитки, алкохол, кофеин и дори цигари могат да взаимодействат с лекарствата. Това може да намали ефикасността им или да предизвика опасни странични ефекти или други проблеми. Когато вземате лекарство, уверете се, че следвате инструкциите на вашия лекар внимателно, за да извлечете максимална полза с минимален риск. Промените в ефикасността на едно лекарство поради взаимодействие с храна, алкохол или кофеин могат да бъдат значителни, но съществуват множество фактори, които влияят на възможността за такива вариации, като дозировка, възраст, тегло, пол и цялостно здравословно състояние.
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Apr 2002.
Rossen Roussev
English - Bulgarian
French - Bulgarian
My specialty fields are the following:
Cinema (Subtitling)
EU policies and press releases
Medicine (Psyhiatry, Pharmaceuticals)
Computer Sofware
My basic rate is EUR 0.035/source word
The rates are negotiable and flexible, depending on the subject, the complexity, and the volume of the material. All reasonable offers are usually accepted.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (1 entry)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Bulgarian
Specialty fields
Law: Contract(s)
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Other fields
Keywords: DVD subtitles, Medicine, Psychiatry
banking English-Bulgarian English-Bulgarian English-Bulgarian Bulgarian-British English Bulgarian-British English Bulgarian-British Bulgarian British English language British English localisation British English British Bulgarian jargon Bulgarian language Bulgarian localisation Bulgarian localization Bulgarian slang Bulgarian translation Bulgarian Bulgarian-British English Bulgarian-English business 2 business business to business business-2-business business-to-business consulting production event goods fast-moving film subtitling film sub-titling film sub titling films movies moving pictures motion pictures instruction manuals journalism language (British English) language (Bulgarian) language (English) language
leadership legal documents legislation legislative instruments attunement (Bulgarian) cultural attunement (English) cultural (Bulgarian) localization (English) localization (UK English) management management and leadership managerial manuals (instruction) manuals manuals (instruction) instruction manuals media motion picture subtitling movie subtitling moving picture subtitling periodical publishing political asylum PR periodical production pre print preprint pre-print press conferences press releases press-conferences press-releases print production promotional point-of-sale point of sale btl below-the-line below the line above-the-line atl above the line POS public relations recruitment advertising recruitment screenplay statutory instruments sub editing sub titles sub titling subbing subediting sub-editing subtitles sub-titles subtitling sub-titling text editing