Belgian with residence in Coatepec, Veracruz, Mexico, works mostly via Internet.
He counts with the necessary equipment (computer, printer and scanner).
For Europe, he offers overnight services (Using the time difference with Mexico)
Name: Rene Vanhaecke Vanpelt... Address: 16 de septiembre Coatepec,
Veracruz.Z.P. 91500 Country: Mexico. (Belgian residency in Mexico)...
Birth date: .25/03/1944...
Telephone number: 52/28/165631...
Fax number: 03/6113698 (Internet link Fax/telephone in Antwerp)...
e-mail address:
[email protected]...
Degree/diploma: .A1 Graduate Electriciteit HTSL Londenstraat Antwerp...
Languages (mother tongue and others):
Mother tongue: Dutch / Spanish.
Spanish: (25 years in Latin America) (fluent)
English: (3 years in English speaking countries) (fluent)
French: (4 years in Zaire and France) (fluent)
Translation of those languages to Spanish and flemish.
All translations are verified by translators with degrees from the University of Veracruz
and from the Center of Languages of Xalapa, Veracruz.........................
Geert Vanhaecke English
Heidi Vanhaecke Spanish
Wendi Blanco Spanish
Vroni vanhaecke Flemisch/dutch
Experiences as translator: 2 years as technical writer for Alcatel Antwerp.
4 months E/S translations of consumer product labels.
3 months I/S translations of technical rural Telecom documents for Alascom INC. Alaska.
Areas: Telecom/International commerce and Technical documents in general. ...
References: Alcatel
Alascom inc.
Federal Express
Eximver. s.a. de c.v.
General skills: Computer and peripheries.
HTML/ Espl1/Chill/ 8080/Pascal/pl1 System 12 Alcatel System 2000 Alcatel
Internet/ URL s /Indexation of web sites /Statistics web sites /
Tariffs for translations: Standard line of 60 characters: 0.45 euro Min. cost: equal to 20 lines.
Work scheme: 9 Hours/day.
Family business , we work all via internet from out Mexico, USA and Belgium.