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Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Italian: LoopUp translation
Source text - English Prompt # - File Name
US English
To turn off the music, press one
Hello and welcome to the meeting
Please enter your passcode followed by the pound or hash key & I will connect you
Please try again
That passcode isn’t recognized.
Please try again
That passcode isn’t recognised
To enter another code, press star.
At the tone, say your name and then press the pound or hash key
The Host hasn’t started this Meeting yet.
Please stay on the line
Thank you for using the service.
That Meeting has already ended
You’re the only person in this Meeting.
Please stay on the line
One moment, please
This call has exceeded its maximum number of connections
Welcome to the Meeting.
Press one to join
Invitation declined.
To return to the conference, press star.
Sorry, that’s not a recognized option.
Returning to the Meeting
I’m not sure if you recorded your name.
To keep this recording, press one.
To try again, press two.
Sorry, I still didn’t hear you say a name.
You can’t join the meeting until you record your name.
To try again, press 1
Sorry, I didn’t hear you say a name
To access this Meeting, please contact LoopUp Support
The Host is recording this Meeting
The Host has locked this Meeting
Line muted
At the Host's request, this line cannot be un-muted
Press pound-pound-one or hash-hash-one to speak
At the Host's request, this Meeting has now ended
To join, press 1.
To decline, press 2.
To decrease your volume, press 2.
At the Host's request, this Meeting has now ended
To mute or unmute all participants, press 1.
To end or lock this conference, press 4.
Enter the billing code, then press the pound or hash key
The billing code is a number used to track your project.
Using your telephone keypad enter up to 20 digits, the press the pound or hash key
When you have finished entering the billing code, press hash or pound .
To cancel your entry, press star.
To change the billing code for this call, press 7
Translation - Italian Prompt # - File Name
US English
To turn off the music, press one
Hello and welcome to the meeting
Please enter your passcode followed by the pound or hash key & I will connect you
Please try again
That passcode isn’t recognized.
Please try again
That passcode isn’t recognised
To enter another code, press star.
At the tone, say your name and then press the pound or hash key
The Host hasn’t started this Meeting yet.
Please stay on the line
Thank you for using the service.
That Meeting has already ended
You’re the only person in this Meeting.
Please stay on the line
One moment, please
This call has exceeded its maximum number of connections
Welcome to the Meeting.
Press one to join
Invitation declined.
To return to the conference, press star.
Sorry, that’s not a recognized option.
Returning to the Meeting
I’m not sure if you recorded your name.
To keep this recording, press one.
To try again, press two.
Sorry, I still didn’t hear you say a name.
You can’t join the meeting until you record your name.
To try again, press 1
Sorry, I didn’t hear you say a name
To access this Meeting, please contact LoopUp Support
The Host is recording this Meeting
The Host has locked this Meeting
Line muted
At the Host's request, this line cannot be un-muted
Press pound-pound-one or hash-hash-one to speak
At the Host's request, this Meeting has now ended
To join, press 1.
To decline, press 2.
To decrease your volume, press 2.
At the Host's request, this Meeting has now ended
To mute or unmute all participants, press 1.
To end or lock this conference, press 4.
Enter the billing code, then press the pound or hash key
The billing code is a number used to track your project.
Using your telephone keypad enter up to 20 digits, the press the pound or hash key
When you have finished entering the billing code, press hash or pound .
To cancel your entry, press star.
To change the billing code for this call, press 7
English to Italian: INEOS video subtitles
Source text - English So the engineering is done,
the factory is ready,
and thousands have been reserved.
Time to meet the man behind the Grenadier.
So, what can I tell you
about Jim Ratcliffe?
Well, he's one of Britain's most
successful ever industrial entrepreneurs.
He's made billions
from seizing opportunities
and doing things differently.
Luckily for us,
he's also a very keen off-road enthusiast.
For the last five years,
he's been daring to disrupt
the 4X4 market on a global scale,
and as ever,
he hasn't been afraid
to put big money where his mouth is.
Building the Grenadier has been a
fascinating engineering adventure for us,
but how has it been for him?
So if you go back
to the beginning of it then,
what did you see that made you go,
"There is
an opportunity here now"?
I spend time in off-road vehicles
and there aren't many choices any more.
There's a lot of the world
need to drive vehicles off road.
You look at all the
car companies in the world,
they're all making luxury SUVs,
they're all making 4X4s.
They're not cars
that you can take off-road.
So there was a big sort of hole
in the marketplace really, I thought.
There's a legendary meeting
in the Grenadier pub
when you had that conversation,
it kind of feels to me
that that is going to end up
in the same file in the 4X4 archives
as the drawing a Land Rover
in the sand--
In Anglesey, yes, on the beach.
75 years from now,
people will be talking about that meeting.
Going from that
to deciding to invest a billion dollars
in creating a whole new
car company to do this,
that seems like a massive leap.
No, it's just a belief thing.
If you set your mind
to do something, you can do it.
We've sort of embarked upon
a number of challenges in life,
Translation - Italian Quindi la progettazione è fatta,
la struttura è pronta,
e migliaia sono state prenotate.
È ora di svelare il volto che si cela dietro Grenadier.
Quindi, cosa posso dirvi
su Jim Ratcliffe?
Be', è uno degli imprenditori industriali britannici di maggior
successo di sempre.
Ha fatto i miliardi
cogliendo opportunità
e facendo le cose diversamente.
Fortunatamente per noi,
è anche un grande appassionato di fuori strada.
Negli ultimi cinque anni,
ha osato sconvolgere
il mercato dei 4X4 su scala globale e,
come sempre,
non ha avuto paura
di fare sul serio.
Realizzare il Grenadier è stata un'
affascinante esperienza ingegneristica per noi,
ma come è stato per lui?
Quindi se ritorniamo indietro
a quando tutto è iniziato,
cosa ti ha permesso di dire,
un'opportunità qui, ora"?
Passo del tempo sui fuoristrada
e non ci sono più tante alternative.
Ci sono moltissime persone nel mondo
che hanno bisogno di un fuoristrada.
Se vedi tutte le
case automobilistiche nel mondo,
stanno tutte producendo SUV lussuosi
e 4X4.
Ma non sono macchine
che possono andare fuoristrada.
Quindi c'era una sorta di grande lacuna
nel mercato, ho pensato.
C'è un incontro leggendario
nel Grenadier pub
quando hai avuto quella conversazione,
mi sembra quasi
che quello finirà
nello stesso documento negli archivi dei 4X4,
come il disegno di una Land Rover
sulla sabbia
ad Anglesey, sì, proprio sulla sabbia.
Tra 75 anni,
le persone parleranno di quell'incontro.
Partire da lì
fino a decidere di investire un miliardo di dollari
per la creazione di un'intera
casa automobilistica per fare questo,
è un passo da gigante.
No, è solo questione di fiducia.
Se ti metti in testa
di fare una cosa, puoi farcela.
Diciamo che abbiamo superato
una serie di ostacoli nella vita,
Translation education
Master's degree - International University of Rome
Years of experience: 7. Registered at Mar 2022.