Since 2016, I have been translating and interpreting from secondary to University levels of education. Having majored in English and Kiswahili subjects in my A'level education, I was trained both theoretically and practically. For more than once, I visited the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) to learn how interpretation is done. With the B.A in Mass Communication, I am experienced in public speech delivery and writing for both local and international audiences. The skills I have as far as communication is concerned have helped me to break linguistic and communication barriers by translating several texts in but not limited to fields like religious, sports, legal, medical, business, Literature, IT, health, marketing and advertising to mention just a few. Submitting my assigned works before deadline, confidentiality, accuracy and professionalism are just some of the reasons why you can work with me.
Contact me: WhatsApp: +255(0)742164329 E-mail: [email protected] LinkedIn: |