Chinese: Statistical methods | |
Source text - Chinese Statistical methods:
After the primary endpoint analysis CSR was completed, additional protocol deviations were reported. These affected the per-protocol populations used to perform the per-protocol analyses of the primary and key-secondary endpoints. As such, updated supportive analyses were conducted and reported in this CSR. The study was powered based on the primary and key secondary analyses. All efficacy analyses presented in this Final CSR are considered as supportive, and no formal statistical testing was performed.
Analysis of secondary or exploratory endpoints was descriptive and included summary statistics (e.g. as means, standard deviations, medians, 95% CIs, etc).
The following analysis populations were defined:
Full analysis set (FAS): comprises all enrolled patients who receive at least one dose of LCI699. FAS is used in efficacy analysis for study period other than randomized withdrawal period including key secondary endpoint.
Safety set (SAS): comprises all enrolled patients who received at least one dose of LCI699 and had at least one valid post-baseline safety assessment. Please note: the statement that a patient had no adverse events (on the Adverse Event CRF) constitutes a safety assessment.
| Translation - Chinese 统计学方法: