Hello! My name is Leonardo, I'm a young adult born and raised in Brazil. My experience with the english language is as old as myself basically, since my mother has been an english teacher since before I was born. Since then, I have become very intimate with the english language, and can say most of the contents I consume on the internet are in english. I have a passion for Music, videogames, literature and the study of philosophy and law. When I was 17 years old I applied to a job at an english school, where we had to teach students english from basically zero without using a single word of our native language, so I am experienced in finding the best words to use in most given circumstances. I am a very talkative person with a passion for communication, and am currently learning new ways to apply my knowledge of the english language to my financial benefit, and even though I'm new to the field of professional translation, I'm sure to add value to any projects with my experience with the language. Hope we can work together! |