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English to Italian: Silo Fluidizer General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English XYZ offer a family of silo fluidizers that promote the discharge of dry products from storage silos, dust collectors, weigh bins and IBC’s. XYZ fluidizers enable a uniform flow of most dry bulk materials through aeration and hopper wall vibration that helps prevent bridging, rat holing and compacting.
1. Cut off the lower left corner of the paper template and cut out the shaded area in the middle of the door opening on the template drawing.
2. Tape it to the hopper and trace the opening with the larger portion up.
3. Remove the template and cut the hole in the hopper with a plasma arc (or sabre saw). The reinforcement channel on the exterior of the door will locate the door – do not make the opening too big.
4. Deburr the edges.
5. Fit the stainless steel yoke which extends on each side of the Access Door over te threaded steel bolt projecting from the back of the door. The yoke is held in place by a tee-handle.
Translation - Italian XYZ offre una linea di tamponi di fluidificazione per sili che facilitano lo scarico del materiale secco da sili, camere a polvere, contenitori di pesatura e contenitori intermedi di materiali sfusi (IBC). I tamponi di fluidificazione XYZ consentono alla maggior parte dei materiali sfusi di scorrere in modo uniforme in quanto esercitano contemporaneamente un’azione di aerazione e vibrazione che si trasmette alle pareti della tramoggia, prevenendo la formazione di ponti e il compattamento del materiale.
1. Tagliare dalla dima di carta l’angolo inferiore sinistro e l’area ombreggiata che rappresenta l’apertura dello sportello.
2. Attaccare la dima alla tramoggia e tracciare una linea sulla superficie seguendo il contorno, con la parte più grande verso l’alto.
3. Togliere la dima e praticare l’apertura nella tramoggia con una torcia ad arco plasma (o una sega alternativa). Il canale di rinforzo sulla parte esterna dello sportello posizionerà lo sportello stesso – non fare l’apertura troppo grande.
4. Levigare i bordi.
5. Inserire la barra in acciaio inossidabile che si estende su ciascun lato dello sportello di accesso, sulla vite filettata in acciaio che sporge dalla parte posteriore dello sportello stesso. La barra viene tenuta in posizione da una maniglia a T.
English to Italian: Microcontrollers for embedded applications General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - English The TC2030-MCP is for use in development environments and is also ideal for production programming. The spring-loaded contact pins are held firmly in place by four plastic legs each of which clips securely into its own locating hole. Tag-Connect TC2030-MCP is ideal where the user needs to maintain a connection to the PCB for an extended period such as when during testing or development work.
The GANG2000 programmer is a multitap device that can quickly and efficiently program multiple independent target boards that use the Texas Instruments C2000™ 32-bit Microcontrollers from a Windows® PC over a high-speed USB 2.0 port.
NXP's ARM Cortex-M3 based microcontrollers for embedded applications
LPC1850/30 are ARM Cortex-M3 based microcontrollers for embedded applications. The ARM Cortex-M3 is a next generation core that offers system enhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a high level of support block integration.
The LPC1850/30 operate at CPU frequencies of up to 150 MHz. The ARM Cortex-M3 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline and uses Harvard architecture with separate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals. The ARM Cortex-M3 CPU also includes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculative branching.
• Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) input
• System tick timer
• 200 kB SRAM for code and data use
• 32 kB ROM containing boot code and on-chip software drivers
• Crystal oscillator with an operating range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz
• 12 MHz internal RC oscillator trimmed to 1 % accuracy
• Ultra-low power RTC crystal oscillator
• Clock output
Translation - Italian Il TC2030-MCP è concepito per l’uso in ambienti di sviluppo ed è ideale anche nelle fasi di programmazione per la produzione. I pin di contatto precaricati a molla vengono bloccati in posizione da quattro supporti di plastica, ciascuno dei quali si inserisce saldamente nel corrispondente foro di posizionamento. Tag-Connect TC2030-MCP è ideale quando l’utente deve mantenere una connessione con la scheda di circuiti per un lungo periodo, ad esempio durante test o attività di sviluppo.
GANG2000 è un dispositivo di programmazione multiconnettore in grado di programmare con velocità ed efficienza più schede indipendenti che utilizzino i microcontrollori a 32 bit Texas Instruments C2000™ da un PC con Windows® PC tramite una porta USB 2.0 ad alta velocità.
Microcontrollori basati sul processore NXP ARM Cortex-M3 per applicazioni embedded
Gli LPC1850/30 sono microcontrollori basati sul processore ARM Cortex-M3 per applicazioni embedded. L’ARM Cortex-M3 è un core della generazione successiva che offre perfezionamenti del sistema come basso consumo di potenza, funzionalità di debug potenziate e un alto livello di integrazione dei moduli di supporto.
Gli LPC1850/30 funzionano a frequenze della CPU che possono raggiungere 150 MHz. La CPU dell’ARM Cortex-M3 incorpora una pipeline a tre stadi e utilizza l’architettura Harvard con bus dei dati e delle istruzioni locali separati nonché un terzo bus per le periferiche; inoltre include un’unità di prefetch interna che supporta l’esecuzione speculativa con predizione delle diramazioni.
• Ingresso NMI (Non-maskable Interrupt)
• Tick timer del sistema
• SRAM da 200 kB per l’uso dei dati e del codice
• ROM da 32 kB ROM contenente il codice boot e driver software su chip
• Oscillatore al quarzo funzionante a frequenze nell’intervallo da 1 a 25 MHz
• Oscillatore RC interno a frequenza di 12 MHz regolata con precisione dell’1%
• Oscillatore al quarzo RTC a bassissima potenza
• Uscita di clock
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Nov 1999.
I have 25+ years of experience as freelancer translating high-tech, industrial, and technical marketing documents for direct clients and translation companies.
I was born and raised in Italy. I have engineering degrees and have worked as R&D engineer in both Italy and US. In my career I have translated ads, brochures, catalogs, hardware/software documentation, company newsletters, product guides (installation/operation manuals), press releases, slide presentations, video scripts, web sites, and white papers.
I work in many technical fields, including automotive, computer hardware/software, engines, gear drives, heavy machinery and vehicles, high-tech medical instruments, hydraulic systems, machine/power tools, motors, networking, optical instruments, packaging, pumps, measurement/monitoring electronic instruments, test equipment, turbines, and uninterruptible power supplies.
Client testimonials “… your strong technical background is invaluable. Even with a technical background, technology is constantly changing and you are a translator who insists on understanding before translating. (Unfortunately not all translators are so conscientious.)”
…As one of our clients who recently reviewed a translation that you completed said, “We learned from our Italian sales company that your Italian translator does his job very well.”~Cathy Hubbard, General Manager, SH3 Inc.“My clients in Italy have often commented on Roberto’s excellent understanding of technical terminology and the high quality of his translations.”~Franks Semmens, President, Translation Services International“We have had many favorable comments from clients and advisors as to the quality of Roberto’s work.”~Kevin M. Lenzen, Technical Publications Account Manager, JLS Language Corporation“Our client sent the files to their reps in Italy for review and they were very pleased with your translation.”~Karen G. Landis, Director of Operations, Languages Unlimited Inc.“Mr. Crivello is an astute technical translator. His ability to dissect the source text, in order to visualize the product, is amazing. He is accurate, on-time, and our choice for technical Italian translations.”~Bonnie Hawes, Production Coordinator, Accurapid Translation Services, Inc.“Dear Roberto,
We received copies of the catalog you translated… The client was very happy with the results and used the catalog at a big international electronics show.”~John Jacobs, Publishing Technologies Inc.“Dear Roberto, my client said that he was informed from his contacts in Italy, that your Italian translations are the best they have seen.”~Rogelio Cipriano, President, Atlantic International Translators“Hi Roberto,
I just wanted to drop you a note thanking you for the excellent Italian
translation work you have done for our company. The last project we did was extremely difficult due to the very technical nature of the text. We were very impressed with how comfortable you were with the text. You showed an excellent ability to “cut” through the “engineer speak” of the manual.
The client’s European office gave your translation an excellent rating.”~Peter Argondizzo, President, Argo Translation, Inc.Don’t take chances for your next translation project. Tap the full range of capabilities that will assure you of the best possible results: native-fluency, solid technical background in both English and Italian, utmost attention to accuracy and consistency of terminology, and solid writing skills.
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