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Spanish to English: Erasmus KA13 document General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Spanish
Translation - English file:///C:/Users/finla/OneDrive/Desktop/Universidad%20de%20Alcala/CONVOCATORIA%20DE%20BECAS%20ERASMUS%20KA131%20DE%20MOVILIDAD%20DE%20ESTUDANTES%20PARA%20ESTUDIOS%20HESMS%20.pdf
The Erasmus+ KA131 travel study programme offers students at the University of Alcalá the opportunity to study at another institution in another European country (at higher education level) and receive, on completion of their stay, academic recognition of the courses which they have taken while abroad. Within the framework of the signed agreement between the universities which participate in this Programme, the students will cover the fees at the receiving institution (in this case, the University of Alcalá), but will not have to cover the fees for enrolment, exams, using the laboratories or libraries etc) at the receiving institution. The objectives of the Erasmus+ travel programme for studying are the following:
• To provide students with the opportunity to benefit educatively, linguistically, and culturally from their learning experience in other European countries.
• To encourage cooperation between institutions and enrich the educative environment of the receiving institutions.
• To contribute to the creation of a community of young adults and future professionals with good qualifications and international experience.
The Erasmus+ KA131 grants can be used for universities and higher teaching institutions in 27 EU countries, and other countries associated with the Erasmums+ Programme, and other countries not associated with the Programme, as set out in the 2023 Erasmus+ KA131 announcement published by the Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación or SEPIE (the Spanish service for the internationalisation of education).
The destinations and available places for student travel will be published along with this grant opportunity announcement on the University of Alcalá website. Along with these, there will be a publication of the list with Erasmus codes for the receiving institutions.
In accordance with the regulations of the 2023 Erasmus+ KA131 announcement, travels for long-stay (as they are referred to in this announcement), will have a minimum duration of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months.
The nature of the Erasmus+ programme travel grants is fundamentally academic; its objective is, as mentioned previously, to facilitate student travel to other European countries followed by recognition of their studies while abroad. Also, students will be able to receive monthly economic assistance with European funds, with the purpose of compensating for the increase in costs that are generated in the period of travel abroad, but without covering the total costs of their stay. However, until the allocation of budget is published by the university of Alcalá on part of the Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación or SEPIE (the Spanish service for the internationalisation of education), the precise number of grants available to be financed, and the number of months which will be covered by said finance will remain undisclosed. In case the allocated funds at the University of Alcalá are insufficient to cover every person who has applied to study abroad, the allocation criteria will be applied according to that established criteria in section 9 (Evaluation Criteria) of the current grant announcement.
The economic assistance packages established by the Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación or SEPIE (the Spanish service for the internationalisation of education) for the 2023-24 year of study are classified, depending on the standard of living in the country to which the receiving institution pertains.
Monthly quantity of assistance
Standard assistance Students with fewer opportunities
Group 1
Countries in the Programme with high costs of living Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstien, Luxemburg, Norway, Switzerland
Other countries not associated with the Programme from region 14: Faroe Islands, U.K., Sweden 310 € 560 €
Group 2
Countries in the Programme with medium costs of living Germany, Cyprus, Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal
Other countries not associated with the Programme from region 13: Andorra, Vatican City, Monaco, San Marino. 260 € 510 €
Group 3
Countries in the Programme with low costs of living.
Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey. 210 € 460 €
Other countries not associated with the Programme from regions 1 to 12 (see annex with the list of countries) 700 € 950 €
Secure Verification Code
Signed by Julio Cañero Serrano- Vice-chancellor of International Relations Signed 03/02/2023 10:37:03
Observations Page 2/18
Verification uri
Rules This report is an authentic electronic copy valid and effective administrative ORIGINAL (art. 27 Law 39/2015)
The assistance for students with fewer opportunities cost will be covered (which includes a quantity of 250€ a month on top of the standard assistance) to the students to which the following situations are relevant:
a) Beneficiaries of any of the following in the course immediately prior to travel: i) a general study grant from the Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (minstry for education and profesional training) to carry out university studies, ii) students who have received a grant from the Departamento de Educación de País Vasco (the Basque country department of education), iii) students who have received a grant for student scholarship for non-university levels conferred by the Departamento de Educación de País Vasco (the Basque country department of education).
b) Refugee or someone with subsidiarily right to protection or who has submitted an international protection application in Spain.
c) Someone who is recognised and legally qualified as disabled at a level of 33% or above. These participants will have the right to receive a contribution based on justified costs in cases established by SEIPIE.
d) Any other situation which could be included in the context of the SEPIE strategy of inclusion (awaiting approval).
Once the grant has been issued, these situations must be accredited by the students and by the Vice-chancellor of International Relations.
An additional 50€ will be given if the journey is carried out entirely by train, bus, or shared car. This must first be approved, and up to 4 additional days of assistance may be provided.
Students will only be able to travel for the semester or for one annum for the academic course relevant to this grant opportunity. Students will not be able to travel to two different destinations in one semester under this grant.
For travelling to the U.K., we recommend that students who are travelling for one semester adhere to the travel requirements for stays for longer than 6 months. This is recommended for the purpose of reducing the cost for visas, insurance etc. which the students must pay for themselves.
Stay extensions for the Erasmus+ KA131 grants can be carried out if the student meets the requirements for it. However, these extensions will not be financed, unless there are sufficient funds received from the EU to cover them.
For annual travels, a maximum of 7 months will be financed. This is because of the distribution of funds between beneficiaries of the grant. If it is possible to increase the funds based on decisions made by those responsible for the Programme, and if these finance increases are authorised, this will cover the period of royalties for travel of the student beneficiary of the Erasmums+ KA131 grant.
This grant is compatible with other Erasmus+ programmes. Those who can apply for this grant include those who have benefitted from or who have had already applied for a future Erasmus+ scholarship grant, but both grants cannot be benefitted from simultaneously. A student can participate in different travel periods (stays in different places) under one Erasmus+ programme up to a total of 12 months in one academic period.
Erasmus+ travel programmes are compatible with other national and /or international assistance packages, including packages which offer compensation for the costs incurred during the student’s travel stay or whatever other costs the student incurs.
Santander bank offers additional assistance to students selected for travel within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme during the academic year of 2023-24. To apply for this assistance package, the student must register with the Platform of Santander bank any time starting from the date of publication of this grant opportunity (14th of March 2023). This must be done via the following sight:
After this, the student must apply for the grant via the following;
Becas Santander Erasmus 2023/2024 (
Group No. of grants Cost Relevant to
A 2 1,000 euros Students with disability certificate showing degree of disability rate of 33% of above, (provide record). Special attention will be given to those who benefit from a general assistance package for studies MEFP 2022-23.
B 25 500 euros Students with better academic records. Special attention will be given to those who benefit from the general assistance package for studies MEFP 2022-23.
On top of these assistance packages, the University of Alcalá will be able to take from their budget, carrying the responsibility of the agreement with Santander bank, economic assistance packages for international travel grants, as long as there is budget available, and the conditions of the agreement are met for this year.
• Students who can apply for this grant include citizens of any f the 27 EU member countries or any other countries associated with the Erasmus+ Programme (North Macedonia, Iceland, Serbia, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey, or citizens o other countries which allow for valid residence in Spain during the period of this travel (for this, students must prove that they have studied for at least a year at the University of Alcalá).
• Being enrolled in an official Univertsity Undergraduate degree, Masters, or Doctorate programme at the University of Aclalá
• When applying for the grant, students must have at least 60 credits from their degree at the University of Alcalá. For master’s students for whom this accreditation is not possible during the course of their studies, they will be measured for the credits they obtained during their Undergraduate degree. To travel, students must have passed the whole first year of their degree. Each faculty/school/centre at the University of Alcalá may have their own specific conditions respective to these general criteria.
• Students must show (with accreditation) sufficient knowledge of the language in which they will undertake their studies and satisfy the linguistic requirements that Universities may have established. Also, students must ensure that the chosen receiving institution has an academic offer for students at the University of Alcalá.
• Students must have basic medical coverage, and must demonstrate this by providing a European Health Card, or if they do not have this, private medical insurance. It is also recommended that students have insurance with coverage for civil liability and accidents cover.
• Students with a joint degree must submit their Erasmus+ grant application for one of the two studies that form their joint degree and cannot submit applications for both.
- Application form for Erasmus+ which must be completed online and submitted through Register.
The Eramus+ electronic application form must be completed, available on the following website:
http://Formulario de Solicitud Beca Erasmus+ KA131 Estudios (curso 2023-24)
Once this has been completed and sent online, the receipt which will arrive in the email account of the institution ( and will be submitted through the Registro General de la Universidad de Alcalá or by any other means which reflects the law 39/2015 of Regimen Jurídico y Procedimiento Administrativo Común (legal administrative procedure), including la Sede Electronica, sent to the Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales (international relations service), Becas ERASMUS+ KA131- ESTUDOS (Erasmus+ KA131 study grants).
Instructions for submitting documents in Register-UAH
IMPORTANT: applications which have been sent solely online through the application section will not be admitted. They must also be submitted through register (see subsection 7 of this grant opportunity announcement). It is essential that the corresponding copy of the application form for a place with Erasmus+ be submitted. And physical register of the UAH or online register must be carried out, according to what is mentioned in subsection 6 of this grant announcement.
6.1 Application form for Erasmus+ place and a copy of justification for registering.
6.2 Copy of DNI or NIE. This will not be necessary when applying online.
6.3 EUROPASS Curriculum Vitae which will highlight any merits not recognised on academic record. This will include accreditations from diplomas, courses, or professional experience.
6.4 Copy of official language certificate which accredits level of language knowledge of the language of study corresponding to the receiving institution (including APTIS tests for English, carried out by the UAH). Students who do not possess a certificate for level of French or German will carry out language tests which will be organised by the University of Alcalá, and the result of the test must be included in the application form.
6.5 Cover letter. This letter will be written by the student, who will explain their justification for applying to the Erasmus+ grant.
6.6 Photocopy of proof of enrolment at UAH. This document can be obtained free through My Portal on the UAH website.
6.7 Academic record with list of subjects which student is enrolled in, and qualifications obtained. This document can be obtained free through My Portal on the UAH website.
IMPORTANT: only the application form for Erasmus+ places must be submitted through registration. The rest of the documentation will be submitted via e-mail to the Office of International Relations (ORI) of the degree in which the student is enrolled (see oficinas subsection 7 or via the following link: Directorio de Oficinas de Relaciones Internacionales.
The timeframe for submitting register applications starts the day after the publication of this grant opportunity and ends on Friday the 13th of January 2023.
Documentation specified in point 2 of subsection 6 (step 2), including the justification for applying (which will have already submitted through Register), must be sent a maximum of 5-business days after the submission through register. This must be done via email to the Office of International Relations relevant to the course in which the student is enrolled, indicated in the table below. The subject of this email should be written as: ‘Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales- Documentación Becas Erasmus+ KA131 ESTUDIOS’. (Service of International Relations- Documentation for Erasmus+ KA131 study grants).
Here is a list from the Offices of International Relations with the respective studies:
The evaluative commission will be formed by members designated by the coordinators of international programmes of the different faculties/schools/centres and areas of study.
the following evaluative criteria are established for student selection:
a. General criteria
The selection will be carried out on part of the Commission which has been created for this purpose by the Academic Coordinator of international programmes of each course. Candidate selection will consider the following criteria in order of preference and will objectively assess each section. The maximum total points score is 30:
Criteria for assessment (30 points)
A Academic record Up to 10 points Corresponding to the average weighted grade (2 decimals) on the academic record: 0 to 10 points
B Knowledge of the language in which the teaching will be carried out in the country of the receiving institution with official accreditation of the student’s language level. (If student applies to a receiving institution in a country with multiple languages, the language in which the student has the highest accreditation will be considered) Up to 5 points B1- 2 points
B2- 3 points
C1- 4 points
C2- 5 points
C Knowledge of another minority language (different to that assessed in section B and which is not their native tongue) based on the qualification they provide. Up to 3 points A1-A2: 1 point
B1-B2: 2 points
C1-C2: 3 points
D Evaluation of curriculum Vitae Up to 0.5 points Up to 0.5 points can be given for the evaluation of the CV.
E Evaluation of cover letter Up to 0.5 points Up to 0.5 points can be given for the cover letter evaluation.
F Not having previously received another Erasmus+ study grant
which corresponds to the in same period. 0.5 points 0.5 points will be given for applications which meet this criterion.
G Priority for students who are in the penultimate year of course in which they are enrolled. 0.5 points 0.5 points will be given to students who are in the penultimate year of the course in which they are enrolled.
H Specific conditions for the selection of each faculty/school/centre 10 points Up to a maximum of 10 points will be given to students in each faculty/school/centre
b. Specific criteria
Given the specific conditions of each faculty/school/centre, regarding subsection H of the above table, coordinators will carry out student assessment of the specific requirements by considering things such as the student’s academic progress related to their course, personal interviews etc.
The list of selected students will be published in accordance with the 9th of June 2017 data protection rules which establishes that these lists will be published, preferably on the Intranet of the university.
However, if the bulletin boards cannot be found on the login section of the relevant faculty/school/centre or access to these bulletin boards is restricted because of published document control measures, the publication of the list will be found on physical bulletin boards at the corresponding faculty/school/centre.
The definitive assigning of a student’s place is conditioned by the final acceptation on part of the receiving institution.
To accept an assigned place, students will sign the document entitled ‘Declaración de Aceptación de la Beca’ (declaration of acceptance of the grant), which is available in the Solicitudes y Impresos (application forms) section of the UAH website. Students will hand this into the Office of International Relations relevant to the course in which they are enrolled, a maximum of 5-businnes days after the publication of the provisional Decision of the allocation of places.
If, on the other hand, a student decides to resign their assigned place, they must sign the document entitled ‘Carta de Renuncia’ (letter of resignation), which is available in the Solicitudes y Impresos (application forms) section of the UAH website. Students will hand this into the Office of International Relations relevant to the course in which they are enrolled, a maximum of 5-businnes days after the publication of the provisional Decision of the allocation of places, so that their resignation can open up a place which can be awarded to applicants who are on the substitute candidates list.
The processes undertaken after the admission of students into a travel programme is explained in the ‘Guia del Estudante en Progrmas de Movilidad Internacional’ (student guide for international travel programmes). A publication of this can be found on the UAH website or on the Erasmus APP application.
Once the student has accepted the grant, we recommend that, for the purpose of carrying out administrative processes for this Eramsus+ grant, the student keep an electronic signature. To obtain this, the student can speak with the Centro de Información (information centre) at the University of Alcalá, which facilitates the obtainment of electronic signatures for members of the university. Information about his procedure is available through the following hyperlink:
Application form submission From the day after the publication of this grant offer until the 13th of January 2023.
PUBLICATION OF THE PROVISIONAL LIST OF ADMITTED AND EXCLUDED CANDIDATES The provisional lists will be published between the 30th of January and 3rd of February 2023 in each centre.
AMMENDED PLACES 5-business days starting from the day after the publication of the provisional lists of admitted and excluded candidates by each centre.
The amendment of documents will be carried out by Registro (register) according to what is mentioned in section 7 of the current grant opportunity announcement.
CONFIRMATION OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF PLACE 5-business days starting from the day after the publication of the provisional list of allocation of places.
The University of Alcalá is not responsible for any changes that the receiving institution may make to their conditions after this application process. The University of Alcalá is not responsible for any specific conditions that student admissions at the receiving institution may impose.
Students who, during the stay covered by the grant, commit a serious offence, could be sanctioned and their grant, annulled. The student will then be obliged to reimburse the amount of their grant.
Students who have been expelled from the Erasmus+ programme previously for having committed serious offences, will not be able to participate in this selection process, nor receive any international travel grant in the same university period of study (Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate) managed by the Vice-chancellor of International Relations.
The judges at the Contencioso-Administrativo (centre for appealing administrative decisions in Madrid) may intervene starting from 1 day after the application process opens. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the present application process may be contested with legal authority, on behalf of the vice-chancellor of international relations within a month. In this case, the Contencioso-Administrativo (centre for appealing administrative decisions) cannot intervene until the case has been expressly resolved or until there has been alleged dismissal from the appeal reversal centre.
Alcalá de Henares, date of electronic signature
Julio Cañero Serrano
Personal data gathered here will be treated by the University of Alcalá for the following purposes: administrative, economic, and academic management of the application process, as well as allocation and offering the grant based on article 5 of the Ley Orgánica 15/1999, the established principles of this law, and based on the law 8/2001 de la Comunidad de Madrid. By taking part in this application process, the student expresses his/her awareness that his/her data can be passed on to the indicated institutions and highlighted areas of study for the aforementioned purposes. In any case, data will not be passed on except if this is legally required. The body responsible for this data treatment is the Secretaría General de la Universidad (University general secretary office), for whoever may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and objection through writing (Colegio de San Ildefonso, Plaza de San Diego, s/n, 288091 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid) or by email ([email protected])
Spanish to English: STUDY VISA General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Spanish
Translation - English file:///C:/Users/finla/OneDrive/Desktop/Universidad%20de%20Alcala/STUDY%20VISA.pdf
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Glasgow
Years of experience: 2. Registered at Aug 2023.
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Who am I?
Hello, my name is Finlay, and I am a hardworking and
passionate linguist with an interest in reading history and Spanish novels. Since
I was a child, I have been travelling to Spain multiple times a year which has instilled in me a desire to immerse myself in the language and culture.
I have dedicated my life to studying the people,
history, and idiom of Spanish-speaking countries, which led to a particular
interest in linguistics and made me want to become a translator.
Throughout my time as a master’s student, not only did I
study and write essays on translation theory, developing a profound knowledge
of the nuances, problems, and solutions involved in translating complex texts,
but I also submitted weekly translations of a wide variety of text types (tourism,
scientific, literary, journalistic), which were followed up by feedback
sessions, helping me acquire skills such as consistency, precision, and scrupulousness.
What makes me an expert in my specialisms?
- BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American studies: studying
history and culture through films, books, news articles, and novels in Spanish
and English.
- Two-year university study of social sciences (psychology,
sociology, philosophy).
- Masters: developing knowledge of translation theory, as
well as translation practice and assessments.
- Translator at TED: producing Spanish and English subtitles.
- Translator at the vice-rectorate of international relations
at the University of Alcalá: translating applications, instructions, procedures,
as well as proofreading and editing the Erasmus policy statement.
Why choose me?
I have the academic and practical experience required to make a great translator. With an advanced ability to meticulously read, proofread, and
edit documents, if you choose me, I will produce work of the highest standard.
I am available when you need: I work from 10:00 until 17:00, and am open to working weekends (same rate for each day of the week).
If you are interested in what I offer, do not hesitate to contact