Working languages:
English to Arabic
Arabic to English
Arabic (monolingual)

Muhammad Nagah
Top rated translator on Upwork & Fiver

Zagazig City, Ash Sharqiyah, Egypt
Local time: 10:52 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Arabic Native in Arabic
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Website localization, Desktop publishing, Editing/proofreading, Transcription, Copywriting, Software localization, Project management
Specializes in:
Medical: Pharmaceuticals

Payment methods accepted PayPal, payoneer
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Experience Years of experience: 9. Registered at Oct 2023. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software N/A
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients


This is Muhammad Nagah - A native Arab while being fluent in
English. In my experience of more than 9+ years I am proud to now hold a prominent position as one of the highest-rated Arabic freelancers on Fiverr. While getting
the Top-Rated tag on Upwork with 100% job success rate on both with more than 1k+ reviews that finally landed me to open my own company The Arabic Studio

Upwork profile

Fiverr profile

TheArabicStudio website (Company)

 _ مرحبًا! ☺♥ أنا محمد نجاح، مدرس
مساعد بكلية الطب البشري، وكاتب ومترجم من الشرق الأوسط (مصر)، بخرة تزيد عن 9+

Throughout my career as a freelancer, English ↔ Arabic
translator, I have successfully completed 1500+ Arabic translation projects for
500+ clients, translated over a million words to and from Arabic, written
around 300 articles on various topics in both languages, recorded 50.000+ words
in Arabic voiceover, I’m also a teaching assistant at Zagazig School of

_ خلال
فترة عملي في مجال الترجمة، أتممت أكثر من 1500 طلبية بنجاح، تعاونت فيها مع ما
يزيد عن 500 عميل، وحصلت على تقييم 5 نجوم في 99 بالمئة من الطلبيات. عبر مسيرتي
في العمل الحر على فايفر، ترجمت ما يفوق المليون كلمة بين اللغتين، وكتبت أكثر من
300 مقال بكليهما، وسجلت أكثر من 10.000 آلاف كلمة بالعربية، إلى أن صِرت واحدًا
من أعلى المستقلين العرب تقييمًا في المنصة

Regardless of the nature or niche of your project, as long
as it is related to English or Arabic translation, writing, or voiceover, rest
assured I can handle it professionally and accurately for you. 

Don't hesitate to drop me a message :)

Muhammad Nagah | محمد نجح
Top-Rated | TheArabicStudio
Keywords: Arabic translation, Medical writing, Arabic to English translation, Arabic proofreading, Arabic voice over, English to Arabic translation, Arabic writing, Arabic typing, Translation, Proofreading. See more.Arabic translation, Medical writing, Arabic to English translation, Arabic proofreading, Arabic voice over, English to Arabic translation, Arabic writing, Arabic typing, Translation, Proofreading, Subtitles & captions, Articles writing. See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 19, 2023

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