Leon zhang
10 years' localization experiences
Specialized in IT, Marketing, Automation,Education,Engineering...
Address Changsha,Hunan Province,China , Changsha City, China
Email [email protected]
Skype live:.cid.f6b6e8d52b96a31c
Mobile Phone +86 134 8757 3307
Native Language: Chinese
Second Language English, Italian, Korean
*2007 – 2011 Central South University
Bachelor of Korean and English Literature dual degree
• Oct. 2011 – Nov. 2014 Full-time translator, editor and proofreader at EC Innovations
• Nov. 2014 – Present Full-time freelance translator
* Working as a regular translator & reviewer for Logitech, Siemens Healthcare, Elekta, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waters, Siemens Automation, Rockwell Automation, Altair, 3D Systems.
• CCJK Technologies (ChangSha) December 2020 – Present
Responsibilities involve various translation and editing work in Mechanical,Engineering, Medical Equipment, IT, Telecommunications, Manuals, and many other fields.
Major projects: Samsung, PayPal, tradimo website (tradimo.com), Miele, GIA, SealedAir, FONA Dental
Translation Experience
•US Patent Application, 2,000,000 words
•BSI documents, construction, building, steel, etc, 2M words
•ANSI documents, building, automobile, etc., 1M words
•ISO documents, chemicals, pharmaceutics, power engineering, etc, 2M words
• Document Translation
• App, Game, Software UI and Website Localization
• Editing
• Proofreading
• Post-editing
• Project Management