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6 projects entered 2 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 13 hours Completed: Oct 2006 Languages: German to English
5 pages translation of business/marketing letter and Excel files
The letter was a demand for an offer written to another company. It included a detailed description of what the proposal was to look like and what it was all about. The client wanted a specific workflow tool developed, the language was business/technical. About 20 Excel files included details, screenshots about the project already mentioned in the letter.
Translation Volume: 1176 words Completed: Jul 2006 Languages: German to English
Three page translation of statute of an association
Environment & Ecology
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3394 words Completed: Mar 2006 Languages: English to German
Various texts from the website "Netzwerk Ost-West"
Various texts that needed translation from German to English or vice versa for a website from "Netzwerk Ost-West", a network founded by three women (Yoga teachers) to connect women from Eastern and Western Europe. The texts concerned reports on seminars, general texts about aims etc.
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Psychology, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
positive Unlisted : accurate and fast and reliable. Will continue with project.
Translation Volume: 5 pages Completed: Jul 2004 Languages: German to English
Executive Summary of a report on musk deer
The executive summary is part of a long report written and compiled by WWF Germany about the endangered musk deer.
Environment & Ecology
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3 pages Completed: Apr 2003 Languages: German to English
Fact sheet on whale watching as an alternative to hunting
This fact sheet about whale watching as an alternative to make "use" of whales (instead of hunting whales) was composed by myself in German while working with WWF Germany (World Wide Fund for Nature) and was later requested by WWF UK to be translated into English.
Translation Volume: 11577 words Duration: Jul 2006 to Aug 2006 Languages: English to German
Four lots received at intervals. City guides of various countries.
Tourism & Travel
positive : Translation was good
Sample translations submitted: 2
German to English: Ziele des Netzwerks Ost-West e.V.
Source text - German Schwerpunkte von Netzwerk Ost-West e.V.:
Förderung von Frauen beim Einsatz ihrer professionellen und menschlichen Kompetenzen für soziale und humanitäre Ziele in ihren Heimatländern.
Den Vereinten Nationen zufolge ist der Status von Frauen einer der wichtigsten Indikatoren für Entwicklung und Demokratie eines Landes. Freiheit und Fortschritt jeder Frau beginnen in ihr selbst. Wir wollen helfen, Strukturen zu bilden, die es Frauen erlauben, ihr Potenzial und ihre Erfahrungen, die aus ihren multiplen Rollen und Erfahrungen in Familie, Beruf und Gesellschaft erwachsen, effektiver und effizienter einzusetzen.
Netzwerk Ost-West e.V. setzt sich zur Aufgabe in Workshops und Seminaren, die Kräfte der Frauen zu wecken, Selbstvertrauen aufzubauen, Führungskompetenz, Managementfähigkeit und gewaltlose Konfliktbewältigung zu trainieren ebenso wie praxisnahe Techniken zur Umsetzung in konkreten Projekten zu vermitteln. Zudem werden Frauen ermutigt, aus ihren eigenen Erfahrungen kooperativ nach Unabhängigkeit zu streben und aus der Unabhängigkeit heraus mit Selbstbewusstsein zu gemeinsamen Zielen beizutragen.
Translation - English Main emphases of Netzwerk Ost - West e.V.:
The promotion of women in their use of professional and human competences for social and humanitarian aims in their home countries.
According to the United Nations the status of women is one of the most important indicators for the development and democracy of a country. Freedom and progress of each woman begins in herself. We want to help build structures which enable women to use their potential and experiences that have grown out of their multiple roles and experiences in family, profession and society, more effectively and efficiently.
Netzwerk Ost - West e.V. has set its goal to awaken the powers of women in workshops and seminars, to build up self-confidence, competence of leadership, to train management ability and violence free coping with conflicts as well as to pass on practical techniques for the implementation of concrete projects. Furthermore, women are being encouraged to strive for independence co-operatively out of their own experiences, and to contribute to common aims out of this independence with self-confidence.
English to German: Cambridge city guide Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English On the whole, CAMBRIDGE is a much quieter and more secluded place than Oxford, though for the visitor what really sets it apart from its scholarly rival is "the Backs" ? the green swathe of land that straddles the languid River Cam, providing exquisite views over the backs of the old colleges. At the front, the handsome facades of these same colleges dominate the layout of the town centre, lining up along the main streets. Most of the older colleges date back to the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries and are designed to a similar plan with the main gate leading through to a series of "courts", typically a carefully manicured slab of lawn surrounded on all four sides by college residences or offices. Many of the buildings are extraordinarily beautiful, but the most famous is King's College, whose magnificent King's College Chapel is one of the great statements of late Gothic architecture.
Translation - German Alles in Allem ist CAMBRIDGE ein viel ruhigerer und abgeschiedener Ort als es Oxford ist, obwohl es "the Backs" für den Besucher sind, die es von seinem wissenschaftlichen Konkurrenten hervorheben, der grüne Landstrich, der den trägen Fluss Cam überspannt und ausgezeichnete Ausblicke auf die Rückseite der alten Colleges bietet. Auf der Vorderseite beherrschen die hübschen Fassaden dieser Colleges die Gestaltung des Ortszentrums, die sich entlang den Hauptstrassen aufreihen. Die meisten älteren Colleges gehen auf das späte dreizehnte und frühe vierzehnte Jahrhundert zurück und sind nach einem ähnlichen Plan entworfen, wobei das Haupttor zu einer Reihe von "courts" (Innenhöfen) führt, typischerweise ein sorgfältig gepflegtes Stück Rasen, das von allen vier Seiten von Universitätswohnungen und Büros der Colleges umringt ist. Viele der Gebäude sind auffallend schön, aber das bekannteste ist das King's College, dessen prächtige King's College Chapel (Kapelle) eines der großartigsten Zeugnisse der späten gotischen Architektur ist.
Translation education
Other - Chamber of Commerce, Frankfurt
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Jun 2006.
German to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations))
Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV available upon request
Having studied biology in Germany and England (Imperial College London; Institute of Zoology London/ZSL) I worked as a biologist in Germany and London for a year. I am bilingual in German/English, and acquired a Certificate in December 2005: Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English with the highest mark (A). Among others I translated for World Wide Fund for Nature UK (WWF UK) and WWF Germany. I also worked for NGO's translating websites. Contact me here via email
Keywords: biology, nature, conservation, english, german, Yoga, websites, threatened, species, WWF. See more.biology,nature,conservation,english,german,Yoga,websites,threatened,species,WWF,IUCN,Red List,CPE,bilingual,British,general, tourism, business letter. See less.